Portada del podcast

The Red Lasered Water Guy

  • Our toxic free deodorant with vitamins and minerals in your blood in 26 seconds

    23 MAY. 2024 · Yes, we just introduced a toxic free deodorant with vitamins and minerals that's your body can use immediately to help himself heal itself. ANYthing you put on your skin penetrates and is in your blood in approximately 26 seconds, that's the good news and the bad news because the body's not designed to stop the harmful and only let in the helpful, that's up for each of us to do for ourselves. Our health is our greatest asset, what if you were able to get a lot higher efficacy than going directly into the blood with your nutrition and replace many of the products you're already taking if you're taking supplements now, we have all the science to back it up so tune in and let me share with you how to start getting your health back, because amazingly enough and also helps to detoxify the body and relieve the body of some . The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    52m 8s
  • Human Blueprint Frequencies for detoxing & self-healing yourself now

    16 MAY. 2024 · All aging discomfort and disease are simply too many dysfunctional mitochondria in the person's cells. The two reasons people lose their health is number one and accumulation of toxins and their body that the body is unable to get rid of, tune in and found out why, and number two lack of actual nutrition that the body can assimilate and use for self healing. Join me Wednesday night and find out how to start changing both of those in the direction of wellness and self healing of yourself. The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    52m 18s
  • Get Paid to regain/stay healthy and Buy Your Life Back opportunity too!

    16 MAY. 2024 · You can have the best of both worlds, Use Frequency Medicine to get and stay healthier and Learn to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice.  Understand that JOB really stands for "Just Over Broke" and how to buy your life back AND enjoy more Freedom in your life. I have been an entrepreneur all my life and will fill you in on the options available to anyone who wants to Own their life enough to change their thinking, their mindset for success in all areas of their life!   join me and be prepared to take some notes and ask some questions! The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    52m 49s
  • How to get paid to get/stay healthy with pureVibranz Biz Opportunity

    3 MAY. 2024 · Enjoy the best of both worlds, Learn the options available to get and stay healthier and the option to earn a second source income leading to Residual income and Freedom of choice. Find out what JOB really stands for and how to buy your life back if you desire it. I have been an entrepreneur all my life and will fill you in on the options available to anyone who wants more in their life enough to change their thinking, their mindset for success in all areas of their life!   join me and be prepared to take some notes and ask some questions! The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    45m 3s
  • Three Lasers are better than one for Prevention & for staying healthy

    25 ABR. 2024 · Join me for an In depth look at the Red-InfraRed, Green & Violet Blue ReVitaLazers for maintaining Health, or regaining health, with "nature's medicine", the frequencies that resonate with your bio-field and your bodies!  The Red-InfraRed, Green & Violet Blue ReVitaLazers work at the speed of light and so does our body, SO you receive results in seconds and minutes! We can demonstrate it long distance too  The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    43m 1s
  • Accelerated self healing and cellular repair in the moment with the red infrared ReVitaLazer

    3 ABR. 2024 · Red infrared ReVitaLazer accelerates the performance of the mitochondria in seconds increasing the ATP, the life force energy in our cells therefore accelerating cellular repair in the moment., especially in the new injury. The Green ReVitaLazer and the Ultraviolet - Blue ReVitaLazer also trigger the mitochondria to hire performance and endurance. Every area of the body has a resonant Optimal Wellness frequency. PureVibranz has identified those frequencies and added them into all of our product line and when you wear or use any of our products you are proactively raising your bodies optimal balance frequencies and giving the body the information it needs to help you itself and then accelerated way The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    52m 20s
  • The Upgraded Red Infrared ReVitaLazer with added human blueprint frequencies using sacred geometry and 0.technology

    28 MAR. 2024 · The Red Infrared ReVitaLazer is unique in the self-healing industry because of the added human blueprint frequencies and the Spectrum that they cover from Red through Infrared that are specific for the human body, join me to find out about the latest addition from Science to Sage easing and what you can expect when using the Red Infrared ReVitaLazer The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.k4hd.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=lFMlmOmcCxacKOhYpodoYcZdhScqHucVV2IGpbktheE&e=) part of Talk 4 Radio (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4radio.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=kfnPLKoMa6NLXakP7s0ZtEbYtQqcNE9_9360pXti1dU&e=) on the Talk 4 Media Network (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4tv.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=4H9THsdhrfCUnImyLmsg9bXAYS8D1-Irb4A2g03pYgE&e=). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4media.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=qV4gZfRYgGoBD-zruDg55Rt9h5kRkmLXQNY8M8Ep29s&e=), Talk 4 Podcasting (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.talk4podcasting.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=BSDicqBQBDjDI9RkVyTcHQ&r=uWCfroI8yhBYdmfU3V980uXFax9-5HwF09v59Wv8CbM&m=HzstcCRybMFoIRSAlzUg5NYgQlsMQMSX31P6w6DcewDEhbGRijbmusHINGCO4wiJ&s=EuaHzIg9W5dFmp-W7Dp0D36nZEyszXpjGHERMUvoQ8M&e=), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    43m 8s
  • take the nail out to start self-healing

    14 FEB. 2024 · Remember the detox or die early show? Look at the nail as a toxin, If you step on a Nail, then it goes into your foot, will it heal if you do not take the nail out? If you drive over a nail and it goes into your tire, can you fix the tire without pulling the nails out? No, and it's the same with all the other toxins you're taking into your body on a daily basis that are the irritants in your body, that keep your body from being able to detox naturally and self-heal. The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT. The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Radio Show is broadcast on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (www.talk4media.com), Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    50m 43s
  • Detoxing regularly is anti-aging at its finest.

    6 DIC. 2023 · You are taking in toxins into your body everyday and this is aging you quicker and quicker and say accumulate. Detoxing everyday, getting the toxins out that are interfering with your immune system and causing your aging process to accelerate is the most proactive thing you can do to be healthy and live longer and happier. Learn how to detox daily and support your immune system and so much more keep your vibration high to where it does not become a host for disease or discomfort The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT. The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Radio Show is broadcast on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (www.talk4media.com), Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    53m 31s
  • Avoid the cold and flu season with the Revitalazer

    29 NOV. 2023 · Did you ever wonder why they call it a cold and flu season and what's really behind people getting colds and flues and worse symptoms during this time frame, tune in and we'll cover all of that. I'll also show what is causing your vibration to lower to where your body is becomes a host for these symptoms which are labeled cold and flues etc. it also leads to lower vibration that causes the other symptoms which are all the itises The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT. The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Radio Show is broadcast on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (www.talk4media.com), Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
    52m 29s

Learn how to raise your vibration for Self-Healing with the Red-InfraRed laser in 30 seconds! Your Frequency, Energy & Vibration are the bottom line to your Health. Self-Care for Self-Healing...

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Learn how to raise your vibration for Self-Healing with the Red-InfraRed laser in 30 seconds! Your Frequency, Energy & Vibration are the bottom line to your Health. Self-Care for Self-Healing will help you de-stress your body, upregulate your gene expression to build a healthier protein and build your immune system for Self-Healing.
Red-InfraRed Lasered water is wetter water, neutralizes toxins, has 30% more life force energy, & hydrates your body for better microcirculation and oxygenation.

The Red Lasered Water Guy is broadcast live Wednesdays at 6PM PT.

The Red Lasered Water Guy TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).

The Red Lasered Water Guy Radio Show is broadcast on K4HD Radio - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com).

The Red Lasered Water Guy Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (www.talk4media.com), Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
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