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Truth Seeker Podcast

  • Ayahuasca Has a Dark Side, But The Darkness Can Be Beautiful AND Scary

    16 ABR. 2024 · This podcast is from one of our Sunday sessions at ➡ https://www.seer.school TruthSeekah shares a personal account of an Ayahuasca experience, exploring the complex interplay between Christian beliefs and the encounters with both divine and demonic presences facilitated by this powerful plant medicine. Listen as we discuss the transformative and challenging aspects of Ayahuasca ceremonies, including the integration of profound spiritual insights and the confrontation with personal demons. This honest reflection aims to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of Ayahuasca's impact from a Christian perspective, emphasizing the spiritual and emotional journey involved. https://www.truthseekah.com/the-dark-side-of-ayahuasca 🌠 Join Our Online Seer School of Mystics! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZXQVFZU1N3dGtjNkEyckFUWkpXRWpwa0YyZ3xBQ3Jtc0trcV9OSl9LWGtPS0piNEtzSkdHX3VFU3JfcEpNN3VlbUhuSW15dURkb3NPU1RaeG9HWEhqUGcwa3NmRE5CVkw2S1RsQ3I1OGwzd3VrRzlEQ1BnV2d0Vlhnc19MYVRnRTBaQU93ZXFHS1dpUzJDcmstTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Seer.school%2F&v=XdRgyC6RGpc ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE15cDhWV2FJcmNrOUJZLTZhMXcwTEx6TkZEd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVEdiZTFOcGhPNjAySW5jTFVMZjF0Y0E0Tk1sY2dzcmxZYVFsMlluT05JM0hYenRLM3I5a292bTdLaGNhaUZ4UTBvYlJ2MXpaSDEyaXpIR21PazhBUXN0aHJ2WjhwWkJIUHE3cmtoNFVHN0tBeW5KQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fjoin%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhYbFNOdG1EQ1J5aTI3Mm1haDBQUTF6MUh5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS2RJa08xc090MzJnZUJuVEJUVm05U3gySW5NbTVQWHdfMWlZeVd4MW5QV1hVeTBGb19oUDZwNjJqbFpXc3BwalhuVExoQzF3UXdERjYzRmNZY1VpbnFHYi1id1l4TVBuTkJFbGRoOWM0YWNJWEdjSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F31g9ydR&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 🌟Follow: Facebook ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmMzZjBWTlI2aUdtVlcxQS1ieXdQcjdBTXY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMURnS0p0ck1hNDZJR3dMay1GSUkyZlRWNE9OVHJYUVUzalA2LVRkNVlMLTJyVVRlYm5ScHpualBXQk83SjB0Tjk5ZHc3THgxMzZkTWZkYWMzUVFfOUUxeENOU29hbjR5WWtiTG9sQ1kxaERYeEFfYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Instagram ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUFNRXlDU1EtU1MwcHRLaWlSejBaY3JUbGNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trWnVESHM3TzBCTHcxdkZaX1g1U19PU3AzWDFMc3VEdTVtaDJKQk9HeXMtXzhZdE5YNG05bHhRWDB5RDBFaGJoMzRQdEM4bkVpaHNJalhENC1NdWJkVFRjcGVkeC1VQ3gwdlVZWHpKNjJVWTVYb255aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Twitter ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZRaHhGWDdSUWtCTFFpSTFsQjBCX0UwMnBNQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUnFXYlVuZGk4alIyWVZiQmxWODJjR2d6RXRjdFYxM0FXb0loMGVaQnZCNlI5N2NacnoxYmtTdDEyelREZlVrUXlsUHozWVdYVHBwc0c0NFozN3hmcVlqdk16R2JvZEt1U2YxZmtzajJqcTg2d3p4SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Topics: SpiritualJourney, AyahuascaExperience, HealingProcess, PersonalGrowth, CommunitySupport, SpiritualRetreats, PlantMedicine, ScienceAndSpirituality, PrayerPower, ForgivenessHealing https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ayahuascaceremony https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/psychadelics https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/christian
    2h 19m 6s
  • You Can Receive Profound Healing in Many Ways, Including Ayahuasca

    1 ABR. 2024 · A Christian's unexpected journey with Ayahuasca unveils transformative insights into spirituality, healing, and the profound impact of community support. TruthSeekah and his wife Arien share personal stories of grief, breakthroughs at spiritual retreats, and the harmonious blend of ancient Christianity and spirituality in the quest for deeper understanding, healing and personal growth. http://www.truthseekah.com/truthseekahs-wife-arien 🌠 Join Our Online Seer School of Mystics! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZXQVFZU1N3dGtjNkEyckFUWkpXRWpwa0YyZ3xBQ3Jtc0trcV9OSl9LWGtPS0piNEtzSkdHX3VFU3JfcEpNN3VlbUhuSW15dURkb3NPU1RaeG9HWEhqUGcwa3NmRE5CVkw2S1RsQ3I1OGwzd3VrRzlEQ1BnV2d0Vlhnc19MYVRnRTBaQU93ZXFHS1dpUzJDcmstTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Seer.school%2F&v=XdRgyC6RGpc ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE15cDhWV2FJcmNrOUJZLTZhMXcwTEx6TkZEd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVEdiZTFOcGhPNjAySW5jTFVMZjF0Y0E0Tk1sY2dzcmxZYVFsMlluT05JM0hYenRLM3I5a292bTdLaGNhaUZ4UTBvYlJ2MXpaSDEyaXpIR21PazhBUXN0aHJ2WjhwWkJIUHE3cmtoNFVHN0tBeW5KQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fjoin%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhYbFNOdG1EQ1J5aTI3Mm1haDBQUTF6MUh5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS2RJa08xc090MzJnZUJuVEJUVm05U3gySW5NbTVQWHdfMWlZeVd4MW5QV1hVeTBGb19oUDZwNjJqbFpXc3BwalhuVExoQzF3UXdERjYzRmNZY1VpbnFHYi1id1l4TVBuTkJFbGRoOWM0YWNJWEdjSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F31g9ydR&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 🌟Follow: Facebook ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmMzZjBWTlI2aUdtVlcxQS1ieXdQcjdBTXY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMURnS0p0ck1hNDZJR3dMay1GSUkyZlRWNE9OVHJYUVUzalA2LVRkNVlMLTJyVVRlYm5ScHpualBXQk83SjB0Tjk5ZHc3THgxMzZkTWZkYWMzUVFfOUUxeENOU29hbjR5WWtiTG9sQ1kxaERYeEFfYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Instagram ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUFNRXlDU1EtU1MwcHRLaWlSejBaY3JUbGNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trWnVESHM3TzBCTHcxdkZaX1g1U19PU3AzWDFMc3VEdTVtaDJKQk9HeXMtXzhZdE5YNG05bHhRWDB5RDBFaGJoMzRQdEM4bkVpaHNJalhENC1NdWJkVFRjcGVkeC1VQ3gwdlVZWHpKNjJVWTVYb255aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Twitter ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZRaHhGWDdSUWtCTFFpSTFsQjBCX0UwMnBNQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUnFXYlVuZGk4alIyWVZiQmxWODJjR2d6RXRjdFYxM0FXb0loMGVaQnZCNlI5N2NacnoxYmtTdDEyelREZlVrUXlsUHozWVdYVHBwc0c0NFozN3hmcVlqdk16R2JvZEt1U2YxZmtzajJqcTg2d3p4SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Topics: SpiritualJourney, AyahuascaExperience, HealingProcess, PersonalGrowth, CommunitySupport, SpiritualRetreats, PlantMedicine, ScienceAndSpirituality, PrayerPower, ForgivenessHealing https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ayahuascaceremony https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/psychadelics https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/christian
    1h 18m 25s
  • Embracing the Truth Within Viviane Chauvet's Hybrid Heritage

    15 MAR. 2024 · Viviane Chauvet discusses her identity as a hybrid being, specifically an Arcturian hybrid, with a physical appearance engineered to look human while retaining extraterrestrial qualities. Chauvet emphasizes the historical significance of her physical presence on Earth, chosen due to her extraterrestrial origins and the ability to rise from deep fragmentation and polarization. Her work involves intense healing sessions that transcend conventional methods, focusing on profound soul transformations rather than superficial treatments, contributing to a broader shift in consciousness and receptivity among humans. https://www.truthseekah.com/viviane-chauvet 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR #arcturian #hybrid #ufos #aliens
    1h 7m 40s
  • Nature's Cure through the Synergy of Ayahuasca and Psilocybin

    13 MAR. 2024 · Embark on a transformative journey as this episode delves into the profound realm of healing and self-discovery. Discover the keys to unlocking the depths of the subconscious mind and facilitating profound healing. The sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca, revered for its potent healing properties, combined with Psilocybin and breathwork, penetrates the layers of the psyche, liberating individuals from limiting beliefs and suppressed trauma. Through the utilization of sacred plant medicines, individuals are guided towards releasing deep-seated traumas, leading to profound spiritual and mental rejuvenation. Moreover, the holistic approach extends to physical detoxification, cleansing the body of toxins through organic fruits and fasting, thereby restoring its innate capacity for self-healing. Listeners are invited to join in this illuminating exploration of the path to self-realization, where the timeless truth is revealed: You are the ultimate healer. https://www.truthseekah.com/maegical 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR #neardeathexperience #ayahuasca #healing
    1h 13m 13s
  • Jaw-Dropping Predictions: Aliens, Astrology, and Our Future!

    8 MAR. 2024 · Joni Patry is a prominent Vedic Astrologer, founder of the Galactic Center and The University of Vedic Astrology, with a significant following on her YouTube channel. She specializes in Vedic Sidereal astrology, focusing on the stars' movement and their relation to the 27 nakshatras (lunar mansions), which enhances prediction accuracy. Patry has received prestigious awards in her field. Her contributions also include founding an online school for Vedic astrology certification and designing a spiritual jewelry line​​. In this episode of the TruthSeekah Podcast, they discuss astrology, predicting the future for the 2024 year, and what it will be like when the aliens come to Earth. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE9ROEZRcWRLRnZQSmRDNDVuQUM0UmtCODRvd3xBQ3Jtc0ttUkhoQ1c2Q0hiWEJVRVhfTjBhWjNmcnBuRXZSMU9EWlpRYW1oWGNrLWg1c0dNellGMlkxSVlTY3VmX21pakdOZHNneUJOUDAtVTEwaXRiQzgyN0VfUVlSMzJsUFhoSGNTd0tUcEU1LWFFb1NGTUtnOA&q=Https%3A%2F%2Fwww.truthseekah.com%2Fjoni-patry&v=22a2oityEEA 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR #neardeathexperience #ufos #aliens
    45m 34s
  • Tom Matte Has "Upsight Vision"! The Ability To See Aliens and Future Events

    6 MAR. 2024 · Tom Matte has a unique ability that he has learned to embrace. He calls this ability “Upsight Vision” and he recently used it to remote view his consciousness aboard an alien UFO spacecraft. His stories are inspiring and enlightening and in this episode, we explore this profound gift and how other might use it to further their own life and consciousness. Meet Tom Matte, the man whose near-death experience unlocked a powerful new way of seeing he calls Upsight. And it has been clinically proven to be an actual event.After 10 years of facing skepticism and rejection, Tom’s tenacity paid off. He connected with renowned parapsychologist Dean Radin and the scientists at IONS, and together they embarked on a journey to understand Upsight through the lens of science. The culmination of their efforts is a groundbreaking peer-reviewed paper, the first scientific exploration of this extraordinary phenomenon. More Info At www.TruthSeekah.com/Tom-Matte 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR #neardeathexperience #ufos #aliens
    1h 52m 3s
  • From Saucers to Spheres: The A-Z of UFO Forms - Chris Evers

    19 FEB. 2024 · In Hull, East Yorkshire, Chris Evers turned his own UFO sighting into a quest for the unknown. As the editor of 'OUTER LIMITS MAGAZINE' and organizer of UFO conferences, he's no stranger to the unexplained. But on December 1st, he took a giant leap with his first book, 'THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME: FROM ELSEWHERE.' This book is more than just pages; it's Chris's journey into the mysteries of the cosmos, inspired by what he saw in the sky above Hull. What can we learn about the universe and our place within it? What if UFO's aren't all nuts and bolts? https://www.truthseekah.com/chris-evers 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    1h 51m 58s
  • Communicating with Angels via Nature and Bird Allies

    9 FEB. 2024 · Corin Grillo, alongside TruthSeekah and Arien, delves into the realm of spiritual experiences with celestial beings. Corin's first encounter involved a prayer for a wounded bird, which miraculously transformed into three vibrant birds that soared into the sky. Do you ever experience a yearning for a spiritual connection? By extending your senses towards the angelic, you'll start noticing their presence everywhere. They manifest in the natural world and through others around you. Attuning to their whispers can provide direction on life's journey. Embracing your highest self is to embody your authentic self. Explore all this and more as we have an intriguing chat with our dear friend Corin Grillo. https://www.TruthSeekah.com/Corin-Grillo-Birds 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    1h 34m 21s
  • This Shape Can Be Used To Channel Energy! - Lisa Richards

    4 FEB. 2024 · Are you seeking a deeper connection to your inner self and the timeless wisdom of ancient civilizations, while also yearning to feel connected with loved ones who have passed on through the energy that binds us all? Lisa Richards illuminates this path, offering transformative insights into frequencies, meditation, and pyramid energy through her work and podcast, Alter Ether, guiding individuals to awaken their true potential and bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual, drawing us closer to those we've lost yet remain connected to through the unseen energy of the universe. In this episode of the TruthSeekah Podcast, we dive deep into the realms of frequency influence, meditation mastery, and the mystical powers of pyramid energy with the remarkable Lisa Richards. Find Out More About Lisa's Work At www.TruthSeekah.com/Lisa-Richards https://www.Seer.School
    1h 34m 37s
  • Psychedelics And Plant Medicine Intergration | Daniel Shankin

    16 ENE. 2024 · TruthSeekah and Daniel had a wide-ranging conversation about spirituality, psychedelics, and personal experiences. They discussed the definition of a shaman and the importance of new terminology to describe modern spiritual experiences. They also shared their experiences with plant medicines and the importance of treating these substances as sacred tools for healing and growth. The conversation covered a variety of spiritual practices, including cow cakow ceremonies and ayahuasca ceremonies. They also discussed the interplay between nature and human experience, the concept of the afterlife, and the importance of gratitude and appreciation. Daniel emphasized the importance of physical practices like yoga and Tai Chi for improving awareness of the body and releasing tension. They concluded the conversation by discussing Daniel's work in psychedelic integration and their shared experiences with psychedelic substances. More Info At https://www.TruthSeekah.com/Daniel-Shankin 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Seers! ➡️ https://Seer.School
    1h 33m 37s
Truth Seeker Podcast is a spiritual, metaphysical podcast that hosts interviews with people from all backgrounds about their experiences witht he supernatural.

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