29 ENE. 2025 · Nancy Lombardo, has performed her unique comedy from coast to coast. TV credits include The Colin Quinn Show, SNL, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, PBS, Nickelodeon. 7 PM weekly on The Nancy Lombardo Show channel 56/83/34 NYC and worldwide on www.mnn.org. " https://www.amazon.com/dp/1513684272?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 A POCKETFUL OF CONFIDENCE and https://www.amazon.com/AH-MUSINGS-INNER-MUSE-LOOSE/dp/151369362XDave Haskins a master astrologer and life coach, has a passion for empowering others. He’s h who has also worked in the corporate world for years at big names like Kimberly-Clark, Coca-Cola, Siemens, and Berlitz. This fun, highly inspirational guy has always been intrigued with human psychology and spirituality to help make the world a better place. His search led him to study astrology years ago as a key to understanding life’s deeper questions. In the first few months of the pandemic, in the summer of 2020, Dave decided to take his skills as a corporate trainer and mastery of astrology public by offering to coach others using astrology as a framework. His practice, Universal Signals, has grown rapidly and helped hundreds unlock their human potential by understanding their unique blueprint as seen in their birth chart. “The Universe is always sending signals to guide us and it’s just up to us to listen and understand the signals .” Instagram: universal_signals_astrology https://www.instagram.com/universal_signals_astrology/ https://universal-signals.com/book-your-reading/