13 MAR. 2019 · How To Pick A Genre To Write In Let us know if I should share more content like this. Like, share or leave a comment below if you or someone you know can benefit from it, that way we’ll know if we should share more content of this type. Grab your free writer's toolkit by going to http://www.writerslife.org/toolkit Where to follow and listen to WritersLife.org: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/writerslifeorg/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/writerslife.org/ Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/writerslifeorg Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/writerslifeorg/ Google +: http://www.WritersLife.org/googleplus Website: http://www.WritersLife.org Products: http://www.WritersLife.org/shop Podcast: http://writerslife.org/podcast Join Our Team: http://writerslife.org/contribute/ Advertise your book and.or writing https://www.facebook.com/WritersLifeAdvertisingPlatform/?ref=br_rs Thank you for listening Please Share it. We LOVE to read comments so please leave a comment and subscribe to Our channel: https://www.youtube.com/writerslifeorg Grab your free writer's toolkit by going to http://www.writerslife.org/finish-your-book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello its Peter here came from a writer's life and today how to pick a genre to writing many writers don't consider the genre they are writing it until their book is written it's easy to believe that once you've finished writing your novel that it will become immediately obvious which category it falls into and when you are undertaking tasks such as submitting to editors or selecting the genres where your book should City Amazon that it will be easy to define your writing in such a way however only considering your genre after you have finished your story can lead to some problems there are perhaps some stories that are easier to define a classic romance thriller or horror story for example with many contemporary fiction books it can be a little more tricky and in fact you can find your story crosses the boundaries of many different genres a little bit of romance but mostly a thriller a ghost story with some comedy thrown in and so on the trouble with not being able to clearly define your genre is that you then cannot clearly define your audience one of the most important things you should be able to do and submitting your novel to publishers and agents or when marketing it yourself is to be able to define who your audience is to be able to prove that there is a market for your book out there that there are readers ready and waiting to devour it if you are vague about your genre agents of publishers will have a harder time being convinced they can sell your book where will it sit in a bookstore will readers be annoyed if they pitch it as a romance novel when actually perhaps it is more of a fantasy book it's the same when you come to choose where to place your book if self-publishing on sites such as Amazon if readers disagree with your choice then you could end up with negative reviews readers do not like to be mislead after all so how do you choose a genre to write it first of all right with an audience in mind you should always consider your reader when you write before you start why not try to identify who your target audience is sketch out an idea of what they like get to know them what motivates and inspires them what makes them tick what you understand your reader you'll have a better idea of the types of books they read and therefore the genre you should place your book into next read many genres and see what resonates writing in a genre you love to read will make your life so much easier if you love romance novels but try to write a hard-boiled detective story you might find yourself in trouble so read lots and lots of different books and then shape your story to fit which genre you like best and next go to a bookstore look at the books in each section where do you see yours going if you have already written your novel or have your story already mapped out in your head go to a book store to try and help clarify which genre it fits into look at books by other authors and see which ones have similar things to yours this is also a great way of getting inspiration for your book synopsis and cover to our next step is to create a marketing plan if you pick a genre that is really obscure you might find it difficult to know how to market your book saying that a niche genre could help you really focus on specific readers creating a marketing plan could help sway you one or another as you decide what is best for your book at the end of the day when it comes to picking of genre to write it sometimes it's simply a good idea to go with your gut instinct if you are talking between two you could even make a pros and cons list to help you choose whatever you do make sure you have a clear idea of a genre you are writing it ideally before you start to write if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up or why not leave a comment below we're always happy to hear from you and don't forget for more writing hints and tips please visit our website at writer's life.org where you can subscribe to our newsletter the best source for insider tips news and freebies.