32. Tongue twisters in Spanish 👅

22 de abr. de 2022 · 10m 6s
32. Tongue twisters in Spanish 👅

Tongue twisters are a great way to practice and improve your pronunciation and fluency in Spanish. That’s why in this episode, you will hear 5 “trabalenguas”, first slow and then...

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Tongue twisters are a great way to practice and improve your pronunciation and fluency in Spanish. That’s why in this episode, you will hear 5 “trabalenguas”, first slow and then at regular speed, so you can rehearse difficult sounds… and also have fun!

🌎 Coming to Latin America soon? Get our FREE ebook Spanish Adventures Companion. Your travel buddy for your next trip to a Spanish-speaking country.

The five tongue twisters of the episode are the following 👇

1️⃣ Tres tristes tigres trigo tragaron en un trigal
2️⃣ Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. ¿Con cuántas planchas plancha Pancha?
3️⃣ Los cojines de la reina, los cajones del sultán. ¡Qué cojines! ¡qué cajones! ¿En qué cajonera van?
4️⃣ Pepe Peña pica piña, pica piña Pepe Peña.
5️⃣ Un ratón reptó risueño hasta la rama de Rita la Rana.

💻 Visit our webiste for more tongue twisters en español.

❤️ And if you like our show, don’t forget to rate us on your listening app
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