#40 Working Better With The Menopause with Karen Skidmore

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Karen Skidmore is a business coach and author, teaching business owners about True Profit, combining being-ness and doing-ness so you can play a bigger game without burning out. She also...
mostra másShe also talks about the impact menopause can have on our work, so I was all ears on this one!
I loved chatting to Karen about how to respect and work with the ebb and flow of our cycles and our energy so that we can be productive without the crash and burn that be the result of pushing too hard.
Check out her work at www.karenskidmore.com and if you need help managing your menopause, do contact us at www.happyhormonesforlife.com/contact
Autor | Nicki Williams |
Organización | Nicki Williams |
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