A Brush With Confidence: Li Wei's Artistic Triumph

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A Brush With Confidence: Li Wei's Artistic Triumph
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: A Brush With Confidence: Li Wei's Artistic Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript: Zh: 秋天的山村宁静而美丽,红橙黄色的树叶在微风中飘落。 En: The autumn...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 秋天的山村宁静而美丽,红橙黄色的树叶在微风中飘落。
En: The autumn mountain village was peaceful and beautiful, with red, orange, and yellow leaves drifting down in the breeze.
Zh: 校园坐落在山谷边缘,周围是缓缓的丘陵和涓涓的小溪。
En: The school was situated at the edge of the valley, surrounded by gentle hills and babbling streams.
Zh: 李伟,十二岁的学生,站在教室窗户旁,凝望着这迷人景色。
En: Li Wei, a twelve-year-old student, stood by the classroom window, gazing at this enchanting scene.
Zh: 他手中握着画笔,脑海中却充满疑虑。
En: He held a paintbrush in his hand, but his mind was filled with doubt.
Zh: 他想赢得学校的年度绘画比赛,想得到老师张先生的肯定,以及朋友小梅的认可。
En: He wanted to win the school's annual painting competition, to gain the approval of his teacher, Mr. Zhang, and the recognition of his friend, Xiao Mei.
Zh: 然而,李伟对自己的画技没有信心,尤其是在看到其他同学的作品后。
En: However, Li Wei lacked confidence in his painting skills, especially after seeing the works of other students.
Zh: 他的父母更希望他把精力放在学业上,而不是在画布上浪费时间。
En: His parents preferred that he focus his energy on academics rather than "wasting time" on canvases.
Zh: 然而,李伟对画画有一种别样的热情,他下定决心要在这次比赛中脱颖而出。
En: Nevertheless, Li Wei had a unique passion for painting and was determined to stand out in this competition.
Zh: 放学后,李伟决定留下来继续创作。
En: After school, Li Wei decided to stay behind and continue creating.
Zh: 他坐在山村的草地上,眼前的秋色成了他画中的灵感。
En: He sat on the grass of the mountain village, with the autumn colors before him becoming the inspiration for his painting.
Zh: 他仔细观察着树叶的颜色,溪水的流动,以及阳光透过树枝的光影。
En: He carefully observed the colors of the leaves, the flow of the stream, and the interplay of light and shadows as sunlight filtered through the branches.
Zh: 他用心将这些自然元素融入自己的画中。
En: He wholeheartedly incorporated these natural elements into his artwork.
Zh: 李伟知道,他需要一个坚定的支持者。
En: Li Wei knew he needed a steadfast supporter.
Zh: 他找到了小梅,把自己的想法和担忧告诉了她。
En: He found Xiao Mei and shared his thoughts and concerns with her.
Zh: 小梅微笑着说:“你的画一定会很优秀,我相信你。”
En: Xiao Mei smiled and said, "Your painting will definitely be excellent, I believe in you."
Zh: 这番话让李伟感受到无比的温暖和鼓励。
En: These words filled Li Wei with immense warmth and encouragement.
Zh: 到了艺术展览那一天,学校的礼堂布置得格外漂亮,墙上挂满了各式各样的学生作品。
En: On the day of the art exhibition, the school's auditorium was exceptionally beautifully decorated, with various student works hanging on the walls.
Zh: 李伟的画被挂在了显眼的位置,他紧张地站在一旁,看着人们的反应。
En: Li Wei's painting was displayed in a prominent position, and he stood nervously on the side, observing people's reactions.
Zh: 忽然,张先生走到他跟前,对所有观众说:“大家请看这幅画,
En: Suddenly, Mr. Zhang approached him and said to the audience, "Everyone, please look at this painting.
Zh: 李伟用色彩和情感完美地捕捉了山村秋天的精髓。”
En: Li Wei has perfectly captured the essence of autumn in the mountain village with color and emotion."
Zh: 李伟的心瞬间激动不已。
En: Li Wei's heart surged with excitement.
Zh: 在掌声和欢呼声中,他的画赢得了比赛。
En: Amidst applause and cheers, his painting won the competition.
Zh: 见此情景,李伟的父母也被打动了,他们认识到艺术对李伟的重要性,承诺将支持他的绘画梦想。
En: Witnessing this scene, Li Wei's parents were moved as well, realizing the importance of art to him and promised to support his artistic dreams.
Zh: 从此,李伟不再怀疑自己的才能,他对艺术的热爱更加坚定。
En: From that point on, Li Wei no longer doubted his talent, and his love for art became even stronger.
Zh: 最重要的是,他与小梅的友情在这次经历后变得更加深厚。
En: Most importantly, his friendship with Xiao Mei deepened after this experience.
Zh: 在这宁静的山村中,李伟找到了自信与勇气,继续追寻他的艺术之路。
En: In this tranquil mountain village, Li Wei found confidence and courage, continuing to pursue his artistic journey.
Vocabulary Words:
- peaceful: 宁静
- breeze: 微风
- situated: 坐落
- valley: 山谷
- gentle: 缓缓
- babbling: 涓涓
- gazing: 凝望
- enchanting: 迷人
- approval: 肯定
- recognition: 认可
- confidence: 信心
- academics: 学业
- unique: 别样
- determined: 下定决心
- create: 创作
- grass: 草地
- inspıratıon: 灵感
- flow: 流动
- interplay: 光影
- steadfast: 坚定
- supporter: 支持者
- encouragement: 鼓励
- auditorium: 礼堂
- prominent: 显眼
- emotion: 情感
- essence: 精髓
- surged: 激动
- cheers: 欢呼声
- witnessing: 见此情景
- journey: 之路
Autor | FluentFiction.org |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Página web | www.fluentfiction.com |
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