
A Labyrinth's Guidance: A Tivoli Tale of Finding One's Way

11 de may. de 2024 · 13m 11s
A Labyrinth's Guidance: A Tivoli Tale of Finding One's Way

01 · Main Story

9m 32s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Labyrinth's Guidance: A Tivoli Tale of Finding One's Way Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Da: En solrig dag...

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Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Labyrinth's Guidance: A Tivoli Tale of Finding One's Way
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Story Transcript:

Da: En solrig dag i København, fortabte Lars sig lykkeligt i Tivoli's labyrint af farverige attraktioner og summende folkemængder. Lars var en ung mand fra Jylland, der var på sin første solotur til hovedstaden.
En: On a sunny day in Copenhagen, Lars happily lost himself in Tivoli's labyrinth of colorful attractions and buzzing crowds. Lars was a young man from Jutland on his first solo trip to the capital.

Da: Men snart gik hans entusiasme over i bekymring. Han kunne ikke finde vej ud af parken igen. Attraktionernes lys og musikken blandede sig nu til en stor, rodet masse i hans hoved. Han blev mere og mere nervøs som solen begyndte at dale.
En: But soon his excitement turned into worry. He couldn't find his way out of the park. The lights of the attractions and the music now blended into a big, messy jumble in his mind. He grew more and more nervous as the sun began to set.

Da: Lige da han var ved at give op, så han en ung kvinde med blå øjne og et venligt smil. Det var Ida. Ida arbejdede i Tivoli og kendte hver en krog af det sted. Lars gik hen til hende, mumlede en række ord som var svære at forstå. Han var åbenlyst nervøs.
En: Just as he was about to give up, he saw a young woman with blue eyes and a friendly smile. It was Ida. Ida worked at Tivoli and knew every corner of the place. Lars approached her, mumbling a series of words that were hard to understand. He was obviously nervous.

Da: "id hjælp..ved ikke vej ud..." Stammede Lars. Ida forstod straks hans situation.
En: "Need help...don't know way out," stammered Lars. Ida immediately understood his situation.

Da: "Bare rolig, jeg vil vise dig vej ud," sagde Ida beroligende. Med et myndigt skridt begyndte hun at lede ham gennem parken.
En: "Don't worry, I'll show you the way out," Ida said reassuringly. With a confident step, she began to lead him through the park.

Da: Gennem mængden, foretog de sig vej gennem en række snoede stier og hemmelige gennemgange. Lars var taknemmelig for Ida. Hun var som en stjerne, der havde vist sig i hans mørkeste tid.
En: Navigating through the crowd, they made their way through a series of winding paths and secret passages. Lars was grateful for Ida. She was like a star that had appeared in his darkest time.

Da: "Næste gang, når du skal finde vej ud, så husk at tårnet altid er tæt ved udgangen! Det er din pejling," sagde Ida, mens hun pegede på det store tivoli tårn, der strakte sig højt op mod himmelen.
En: "Next time, when you need to find your way out, remember the tower is always close to the exit! It's your bearing," Ida said, pointing to the large Tivoli tower towering high into the sky.

Da: Endelig, efter hvad der virkede som en evighed, nåede de udgangen af Tivoli. Den kølige aftenbrise ramte straks Lars' ansigt og lettelsen kunne ses i hans øjne.
En: Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they reached the exit of Tivoli. The cool evening breeze immediately hit Lars' face, and relief could be seen in his eyes.

Da: "Du reddede min dag, Ida. Tusind tak!" sagde Lars lettet og sender Ida et taknemmeligt smil.
En: "You saved my day, Ida. Thank you so much!" Lars said relieved and sent Ida a grateful smile.

Da: "Glad for at jeg kunne hjælpe," svarede Ida, før hun vendte sig om for at vende tilbage til sit arbejde.
En: "Glad I could help," Ida replied before turning to go back to her work.

Da: Lars stod der et øjeblik og så hende gå. Selv om hans tur til Tivoli var forvirrende, var han glad. Han havde mødt Ida og havde lært vigtigheden af at finde vej i en labyrint. Med et sidste blik på Tivoli-tårnet, begyndte han sin tur hjem, med en lærerig erfaring i bagagen.
En: Lars stood there for a moment watching her leave. Even though his trip to Tivoli was confusing, he was happy. He had met Ida and had learned the importance of finding his way in a labyrinth. With one last look at the Tivoli tower, he began his journey home, carrying a valuable experience with him.

Da: Og sådan fik en forvirrende dag i Tivoli en tilfredsstillende afslutning med hjælp fra en venlig sjæl. Det er ikke altid så let at finde vej i livet, men hvis vi er villige til at bede om hjælp, vil der altid være nogen som Ida, der vil række hånden ud og vise vej.
En: And so, a confusing day in Tivoli had a satisfying ending with the help of a kind soul. It's not always easy to find our way in life, but if we are willing to ask for help, there will always be someone like Ida willing to reach out and show the way.

Vocabulary Words:
  • exit: udgang
  • attractions: attraktioner
  • navigate: navigere
  • labyrinth: labyrint
  • sunny: solrig
  • crowds: folkemængder
  • solo: solotur
  • tower: tårn
  • park: park
  • path: sti
  • trip: tur
  • way: vej
  • happy: lykkelig
  • lost: fortabte
  • lights: lys
  • music: musik
  • blend: blande
  • nervous: nervøs
  • help: hjælp
  • find: finde
  • show: vise
  • lead: lede
  • grateful: taknemmelig
  • importance: vigtighed
  • journey: tur
  • confusing: forvirrende
  • happy: glad
  • asking: bede
  • willing: villige
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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