Adventures on La Rambla: Jordi's Drenched Day Out!

19 de abr. de 2023 · 13m 10s
Adventures on La Rambla: Jordi's Drenched Day Out!

01 · Main Story


02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Adventures on La Rambla: Jordi's Drenched Day Out! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Jordi estava molt emocionat per...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Adventures on La Rambla: Jordi's Drenched Day Out!
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Jordi estava molt emocionat per anar a passejar per La Rambla.
En: Jordi was very excited to go for a walk on La Rambla.

Ca: Seria una tarda de sol i estava desitjant comprar alguna cosa a algun dels venedors ambulants per refrescar-se.
En: It would be a sunny afternoon and I was looking forward to buying something from one of the street vendors to cool off.

Ca: Va veure un home que venia pistoles d'aigua i va decidir comprar-ne una.
En: He saw a man selling water guns and decided to buy one.

Ca: En comprar la pistola, Jordi estava tan entusiasmat que no es va adonar que estava l'embús daurat a la punta i, sense voler, va apretar el gallet massa fort.
En: When Jordi bought the gun, he was so excited that he didn't notice the gold jam on the tip and inadvertently pulled the trigger too hard.

Ca: L'aigua va sortir esquitxant a totes bandes, i va anar a parar directament a la seva cara.
En: The water came out splashing in all directions, and landed directly in his face.

Ca: Va intentar aturar-la però ja estava massa tard.
En: He tried to stop her but it was too late.

Ca: Va acabar remullat fins al capdavall.
En: It ended up soaked through.

Ca: Tota la gent va riure i va aplaudir.
En: Everyone laughed and clapped.

Ca: Definitivament no era el que Jordi havia planejat.
En: It was definitely not what Jordi had planned.

Ca: Va aixecar-se estripat i cobert de marques de gotes d'aigua.
En: He got up, gutted and covered in water drop marks.

Ca: Quan es va mirar al mirall d'un dels aparadors, va esmentar que el seu vestit preferit i els seus pantalons estaven tots molls.
En: When she looked in the mirror in one of the windows, she mentioned that her favorite dress and pants were all wet.

Ca: Era un desastre.
En: It was a disaster.

Ca: Jordi va decidir caminar una mica per la Rambla per intentar posar-se al sol i assecar-se una mica.
En: Jordi decided to walk a little along the Rambla to try to get some sun and dry off a little.

Ca: Passava pel costat d'una font i va veure un grup de xiquets cuidant els seus patins.
En: He was passing by a fountain and saw a group of children taking care of their skates.

Ca: Va veure que uns quants dels nens tenien boles de gelat que els hi feia suar la mà.
En: He saw that a few of the kids had scoops of ice cream that made their hands sweat.

Ca: Jordi es va apropar i els va preguntar si li deixaven tocar una boleta de gelat per intentar assecar una mica la roba.
En: Jordi approached and asked them if they would let him touch an ice cream cone to try to dry the clothes a little.

Ca: Els nens van riure quan van veure com s'assecava.
En: The children laughed as they watched it dry.

Ca: Va decidir prendre alguna cosa per refrescar-se i se li acudí comprar un batut.
En: He decided to have something to cool off and thought of buying a milkshake.

Ca: Va entrar en una cerveseria de la Rambla i va demanar a l'amable carnissera si li podia fer un batut de xocolata.
En: He entered a brewery on La Rambla and asked the friendly butcher if he could make him a chocolate milkshake.

Ca: Quan el batut va estar a punt, Jordi el va prendre i se'l va beure de cop.
En: When the milkshake was ready, Jordi took it and drank it all at once.

Ca: La xocolata li va caure una mica en la camisa però, per sort, no li va fer una mica més de mal.
En: The chocolate fell a little on his shirt but, luckily, it didn't hurt him a bit more.

Ca: Quan va decidir tornar a casa, Jordi es va adonar que havia passat una bona estona després de tot.
En: When he decided to go home, Jordi realized that he had had a good time after all.

Ca: No estava molestat pel que havia passat, sinó que el que més li preocupava era si podria tornar a passar un altre dia a la Rambla.
En: He wasn't bothered by what had happened, but what worried him most was whether he could spend another day on the Rambla again.

Ca: Va somriure, sabent que sí.
En: He smiled, knowing he did.

Ca: Va tornar a casa satisfet, amb la roba encara molla i amb la pitjor ressaca de xocolata que mai havia tingut.
En: He returned home satisfied, his clothes still wet and with the worst chocolate hangover he'd ever had.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • walk: passejar
  • La Rambla: La Rambla
  • sunny afternoon: tarda de sol
  • street vendors: venedors ambulants
  • water guns: pistoles d'aigua
  • gold jam: embús daurat
  • trigger: gallet
  • splashing: esquitxant
  • soaked through: remullat fins al capdavall
  • laughed: va riure
  • clapped: va aplaudir
  • mirror: mirall
  • dress: vestit
  • pants: pantalons
  • fountain: font
  • skates: patins
  • ice cream cone: bola de gelat
  • dry off: assecar-se
  • cool off: refrescar-se
  • milkshake: batut
  • brewery: cerveseria
  • chocolate: xocolata
  • go home: tornar a casa
  • worried: preocupat
  • spend: passar
  • smiled: va somriure
  • satisfied: satisfet
  • hangover: ressaca.
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