
Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos

23 de jul. de 2024 · 16m 1s
Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na letisku v Bratislave bolo...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na letisku v Bratislave bolo rušno.
En: The airport in Bratislava was bustling.

Sk: Letnú atmosféru plnili slnečné lúče prenikajúce cez veľké okná a cestujúci sa ponáhľali všade naokolo.
En: The summer atmosphere was filled with sunlight streaming through large windows, and travelers were hurrying everywhere.

Sk: Marek a jeho dcéra Petra kráčali smerom k svojej bráne.
En: Marek and his daughter Petra were walking toward their gate.

Sk: Marek bol pokojný, zvyknutý na stres z obchodných ciest.
En: Marek was calm, used to the stress of business trips.

Sk: Petra bola vzrušená, prvýkrát cestovala s otcom.
En: Petra was excited; it was her first time traveling with her father.

Sk: Zuzana, zamestnankyňa letiska s lekárskym vzdelaním, sledovala okolí z terminálu.
En: Zuzana, an airport employee with medical training, was observing her surroundings from the terminal.

Sk: Cítila sa nedocenená, no stále bola pripravená pomôcť, ak by to bolo potrebné.
En: She felt underappreciated but was always ready to help if needed.

Sk: Jej oči sa náhle zastavili na Marekovi a Petre.
En: Her eyes suddenly stopped on Marek and Petra.

Sk: Všimla si niečo zvláštne - Petra sa začala škrabať na krku a tvár jej sčervenala.
En: She noticed something unusual—Petra began scratching her neck, and her face turned red.

Sk: "Petra, si v poriadku?
En: "Petra, are you okay?"

Sk: " spýtal sa Marek so znepokojením.
En: Marek asked with concern.

Sk: Petra ťažko dýchala.
En: Petra was struggling to breathe.

Sk: Marekovi stúpala panika.
En: Panic began to rise in Marek.

Sk: Nebol istý, čo robiť.
En: He wasn’t sure what to do.

Sk: V tej chvíli pribehol ku Zuzane.
En: At that moment, he ran over to Zuzana.

Sk: "Prepáčte, moja dcéra má záchvat, prosím, pomôžte nám," vyzval ju s nádejou v očiach.
En: "Excuse me, my daughter is having an attack; please help us," he called out to her, hope in his eyes.

Sk: Zuzana rýchlo prebrala kontrolu.
En: Zuzana quickly took control.

Sk: "Má vaša dcéra alergiu?
En: "Does your daughter have an allergy?"

Sk: " spýtala sa s profesionálnym tónom.
En: she asked in a professional tone.

Sk: "Áno, na orechy," odpovedal Marek, hneď pochopiac závažnosť situácie.
En: "Yes, to nuts," Marek replied, immediately understanding the seriousness of the situation.

Sk: Zuzana zavolala kolegov a okamžite zobrala z lekárskej tašky EpiPen.
En: Zuzana called over her colleagues and quickly took an EpiPen from her medical bag.

Sk: "Rýchlo, musíme jej to podať," povedala Marekovi.
En: "Quickly, we need to administer this," she told Marek.

Sk: Marek, vystrašený ale odhodlaný, pomohol Zuzane dať Petre adrenalínovú injekciu.
En: Marek, terrified but determined, helped Zuzana give Petra the adrenaline injection.

Sk: Petra začala postupne lepšie dýchať.
En: Petra gradually began to breathe more easily.

Sk: Situácia sa znova stabilizovala.
En: The situation stabilized once more.

Sk: "Marek, spravili ste dobre, že ste prišli ku mne," povzbudzovala Zuzana, zatiaľ čo zavolala letiskovú záchrannú službu pre ďalšie ošetrenie.
En: "Marek, you did the right thing by coming to me," Zuzana reassured him while calling the airport rescue service for further treatment.

Sk: Petra bola prevezená do nemocnice, kde sa plne zotavila.
En: Petra was taken to the hospital, where she fully recovered.

Sk: Marek a Petra nakoniec zmeškali svoj pôvodný let, ale boli preložený na ďalší s prioritným miestom.
En: Marek and Petra eventually missed their original flight but were transferred to the next one with priority seating.

Sk: Marek bol vďačný a v hlave premýšľal o tom, ako dôležité je spoľahnúť sa na ostatných v kríze.
En: Marek was grateful and pondered how important it is to rely on others in a crisis.

Sk: Zuzana sa zase cítila ocenená, konečne ju niekto uznal za jej schopnosti a rýchlu reakciu.
En: Zuzana, on the other hand, finally felt appreciated, recognized for her skills and quick response.

Sk: "Ďakujem, Zuzana," povedal úprimne Marek.
En: "Thank you, Zuzana," Marek said sincerely.

Sk: "Nič to, je to moja práca," odpovedala Zuzana s úsmevom.
En: "It's nothing, it's my job," Zuzana replied with a smile.

Sk: Ostali v kontaktoch a Marek sľúbil, že napíše pochvalné slová na jej prácu.
En: They remained in contact, and Marek promised to write commendations for her work.

Sk: Ako sa slnko klesalo k obzoru, letisko v Bratislave zostalo rovnako rušné, ale jeden príbeh o hrdinstve a spolupráci bol nezabudnuteľne zapísaný do pamäti všetkých zúčastnených.
En: As the sun dipped toward the horizon, the airport in Bratislava remained just as busy, but one story of heroism and cooperation was indelibly written into the memories of all involved.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: rušno
  • atmosphere: atmosféru
  • streaming: prenikajúce
  • calm: pokojný
  • excited: vzrušená
  • observing: sledovala
  • underappreciated: nedocenená
  • scratching: škrabať
  • concern: znepokojením
  • struggling: ťažko
  • breathe: dýchať
  • panic: panika
  • attack: záchvat
  • hope: nádejou
  • allergy: alergiu
  • seriousness: závažnosť
  • colleagues: kolegov
  • administer: podať
  • injection: injekciu
  • adrenaline: adrenalínovú
  • terrified: vystrašený
  • determined: odhodlaný
  • stabilized: stabilizovala
  • reassured: povzbudzovala
  • rescue service: záchrannú službu
  • recovered: zotavila
  • grateful: vďačný
  • rely: spoľahnúť
  • appreciated: ocenená
  • commendations: pochvalné
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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