Are Women Socialized to be "Crazy"? | Ft. Author and Dating Coach, Toni

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This week's episode is a bit longer than usual, but it is sure to make you laugh, experience introspection, and reassess your past or present dating habits. SINGLE LADIES, in...
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This week we "talk di tings" with our first guest, Author of the book “Controlling Your Crazy While Dating Your Non-Existent Boyfriend” and Dating Coach,Toni Douglas. We discuss why she chose to use the term "crazy"; her own "crazy" story, how to navigating dating with intention; the importance of self-awarness, Lori Harvey, and whether she plans to write a book for exploring men controlling their crazy...because a we sey equity and inclusion, ah nuh just us. Lol. You know the schwepps, grab some tea or a glass of wine, and #LetsTalkDiTings.
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Interested in purchasing Toni's book? Head over to,
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