
Autumn Apologies: Tomaž's Path to New Friendship

29 de sep. de 2024 · 15m 43s
Autumn Apologies: Tomaž's Path to New Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 45s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Apologies: Tomaž's Path to New Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V središču tihe soseske v Ljubljani...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Apologies: Tomaž's Path to New Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V središču tihe soseske v Ljubljani se je Tomaž sprehajal po preprogi pisanih jesenskih listov, ki so prekrivali tlakovano pot.
En: In the heart of a quiet neighborhood in Ljubljana, Tomaž walked on a carpet of colorful autumn leaves covering the paved path.

Sl: Listje je šuštelo pod njegovimi koraki, ko se je odpravljal k Ani, novi sosedi, ki jo je prejšnji teden po nesreči užalil.
En: The leaves rustled under his steps as he headed towards Ana, the new neighbor he had accidentally offended last week.

Sl: Tomaž je bil tih in premišljen moški.
En: Tomaž was a quiet and thoughtful man.

Sl: Neprijetno mu je bilo v družbi veliko ljudi, toda na zadnjem srečanju v soseski se je odločil malce pogovoriti.
En: He felt uncomfortable in large gatherings, but at the last neighborhood meeting, he decided to chat a bit.

Sl: Žal pa je njegov šala, ki je bila mišljena smešno, preslabo zvenela.
En: Unfortunately, his joke, meant to be humorous, fell flat.

Sl: Ana, s toplim nasmehom, je naslednji trenutek zatrla svojo srečo in se nekoliko umaknila.
En: Ana, with a warm smile, had subdued her happiness the next moment and slightly withdrew.

Sl: Tomaž je takoj vedel, da je storil napako.
En: Tomaž immediately realized he had made a mistake.

Sl: Danes je držal v roki domačo jabolčno pito.
En: Today, he held a homemade apple pie in his hand.

Sl: Njegov vrt je letos bogato obrodil, in to je bila idealna priložnost, da izrazi svoje kesanje.
En: His garden had yielded abundantly this year, and this was the perfect opportunity to express his regret.

Sl: V pitu je skril majhno pisemsko sporočilo, v katerem je priznal svojo nerodnost in zapisal iskreno opravičilo.
En: He hid a small note inside the pie, admitting his awkwardness and writing a sincere apology.

Sl: Na obisku Ane pa ga je mučila misel, da je ne bo našel doma ali pa, še huje, da ga bo zavrnila.
En: On his way to visit Ana, he worried that she might not be home, or worse, that she would turn him away.

Sl: Pred Anino hišo ga je prevzelo premlevanje trenutka.
En: Standing in front of Ana's house, he was gripped by the weight of the moment.

Sl: Postavil je pito na korak pred vrati.
En: He placed the pie on the step in front of the door.

Sl: Srce mu je razbijalo, ko je s tresočo roko potrkal na vrata.
En: His heart pounded as he knocked on the door with a trembling hand.

Sl: Zastajal je dih, ko se je leseni okvir počasi odprl in se je pojavila Anina topla podoba.
En: His breath caught as the wooden frame slowly opened, revealing Ana's warm figure.

Sl: „Živijo, Ana,” je začel oklevajoče.
En: "Hello, Ana," he began hesitantly.

Sl: „Prejšnji teden… nerodno mi je zaradi mojih besed.
En: "About last week... I'm embarrassed about my words.

Sl: Resnično mi je žal.
En: I'm truly sorry.

Sl: Tukaj sem ti prinesel pito iz domačih jabolk.
En: I've brought you a pie made from home-grown apples.

Sl: Upam, da se ti bo zdela okusna.”
En: I hope you find it tasty."

Sl: Ana ga je tiho gledala in potem izbruhnila v nasmeh.
En: Ana looked at him quietly and then broke into a smile.

Sl: „Hvala, Tomaž,” je rekla, z majhnim nasmehom.
En: "Thank you, Tomaž," she said, with a slight smile.

Sl: Sprejela je pito in še preden je Tomaž lahko kaj dodal, ga je povabila naprej: „Pridi, bova spila čaj.
En: She accepted the pie, and before Tomaž could say anything more, she invited him in: "Come, let’s have some tea.

Sl: Rada bi te bolje spoznala.”
En: I’d like to get to know you better."

Sl: Njen odziv je bil olajšanje za Tomaža, ki je občutil, kako ga prevevata hvaležnost in toplina.
En: Her response was a relief for Tomaž, who felt gratitude and warmth envelop him.

Sl: Nerodnost se je razblinila, ko sta skupaj sedela za mizico s skodelicama čaja.
En: The awkwardness dissipated as they sat together at the small table with cups of tea.

Sl: Razpravljala sta o vrtu, o soseski in življenju v Ljubljani.
En: They discussed the garden, the neighborhood, and life in Ljubljana.

Sl: S to preprosto izmenjavo besed in prijazno gesto je Tomaž našel novo prijateljico, Ana pa je ugotovila, da so prvi vtisi lahko varljivi.
En: Through this simple exchange of words and a kind gesture, Tomaž found a new friend, and Ana discovered that first impressions can be misleading.

Sl: Tomaž se je naučil pomembne lekcije: včasih je treba neprijetne situacije soočiti in spremljajoča iskrenost prinese najlepše novo prijateljstvo.
En: Tomaž learned an important lesson: sometimes, confronting uncomfortable situations with honesty leads to the most beautiful new friendships.

Sl: Tla v soseščini so ostala obložena z živobarvnim listjem, a v Tomaževem srcu je zažarela luč novega začetka.
En: The neighborhood ground remained covered with vibrant leaves, but in Tomaž’s heart, a light of new beginnings glowed brightly.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rustled: šuštelo
  • offended: užalil
  • subdued: zatrla
  • regret: kesanje
  • yielded: obrodil
  • abundantly: bogato
  • hesitantly: oklevajoče
  • awkwardness: nerodnost
  • trembling: tresočo
  • revealing: pojavila
  • embarrassed: nerodno
  • vibrant: živobarvnim
  • glowed: zažarela
  • gatherings: družbi
  • sincere: iskreno
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • mistake: napako
  • weight: premlevanje
  • relief: olajšanje
  • pounded: razbijalo
  • enveloped: prevevata
  • impressions: vtisi
  • misleading: varljivi
  • confronting: soočiti
  • uncomfortable: neprijetno
  • figured: vedel
  • exchange: izmenjavo
  • discovered: ugotovila
  • beginnings: začetka
  • gesture: gesto
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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