Breaking Free: A Night of Truth in Copenhagen
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Breaking Free: A Night of Truth in Copenhagen
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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Breaking Free: A Night of Truth in Copenhagen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Da: Det var en smuk aften...
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Story Transcript:
Da: Det var en smuk aften sent på sommeren i København.
En: It was a beautiful evening late in summer in Copenhagen.
Da: Solen gik langsomt ned over byen, og lyset skinnede varmt gennem vinduerne ind i det hyggelige spisestue.
En: The sun was slowly setting over the city, and the light shone warmly through the windows into the cozy dining room.
Da: Men i hjertet af denne romantiske skumring var det en anden slags varme, der fyldte rummet, en brændende spænding.
En: But at the heart of this romantic twilight, another kind of warmth filled the room—a burning tension.
Da: Mikkel sad ved bordets ene ende.
En: Mikkel sat at one end of the table.
Da: Han følte sig som en strandet sømand, fanget mellem bølgerne af forventninger, hans familie havde lagt på ham.
En: He felt like a stranded sailor, caught between the waves of expectations his family had placed upon him.
Da: På den anden ende af bordet sad Astrid.
En: At the other end of the table sat Astrid.
Da: Hendes blik gled over familiemedlemmerne, mens en hemmelighed brændte i hendes bryst.
En: Her gaze swept over the family members while a secret burned in her chest.
Da: Deres forældre sad i midten, glade for at have samlet hele familien.
En: Their parents sat in the middle, happy to have gathered the whole family.
Da: Deres snak var let og fyldt med de sædvanlige påmindelser om "familiens fremtid" og "forventninger."
En: Their conversation was light and filled with the usual reminders about "the family's future" and "expectations."
Da: Mikkel havde hørt det alt for mange gange før.
En: Mikkel had heard it all too many times before.
Da: Han skulle overtage familievirksomheden.
En: He was supposed to take over the family business.
Da: Det var hans pligt.
En: It was his duty.
Da: Men det var slet ikke det, han ønskede.
En: But it was not what he wanted at all.
Da: "Astrid, hvordan går det med dine studier?" spurgte deres mor, og Astrid svarede hurtigt, forsøgende at skjule et nagende ubehag bag et smil.
En: "Astrid, how are your studies going?" their mother asked, and Astrid replied quickly, trying to hide a nagging discomfort behind a smile.
Da: Da hovedretten blev serveret, steg spændingen i takt med duften af den traditionelle danske steg.
En: As the main course was served, the tension rose in step with the aroma of the traditional Danish roast.
Da: Samtalen blev fyldt med antydninger og usagte ord.
En: The conversation became filled with hints and unspoken words.
Da: Pludselig bankede Mikkels hjerte hurtigere, og uden at tage sig tid til at overveje konsekvenserne, rejste han sig fra sin stol.
En: Suddenly, Mikkel's heart beat faster, and without taking time to consider the consequences, he rose from his chair.
Da: "Jeg vil ikke tage over virksomheden," sagde han med fasthed, som han ikke vidste, han havde. "Jeg vil skabe min egen vej."
En: "I don't want to take over the business," he said with a firmness he didn’t know he possessed. "I want to forge my own path."
Da: Der blev stille i rummet.
En: There was silence in the room.
Da: Hans forældre så på ham med chok og forvirring.
En: His parents looked at him with shock and confusion.
Da: Netop som stilheden var ved at drukne alt, brød Astrid ud med sin egen hemmelighed.
En: Just as the silence was about to drown everything out, Astrid burst out with her own secret.
Da: "Og jeg..." hendes stemme rystede lidt, men hun fortsatte, "jeg lavede en fejl sidste sommer. Jeg sagde noget, der ikke var sandt. Jeg er ked af det."
En: "And I..." her voice trembled a little, but she continued, "I made a mistake last summer. I said something that wasn’t true. I’m sorry."
Da: Deres ord hang tungt i luften, som røg fra et tændt lys.
En: Their words hung heavily in the air, like smoke from a lit candle.
Da: Men i stedet for vrede eller skældsord, fandt der sted en mærkelig ro.
En: But instead of anger or scolding, there was a strange calm.
Da: Forældre stirrede forbavsede, men deres søskende, som sad rundt om dem, blev pludselig en ny kilde til støtte.
En: Their parents stared in astonishment, but their siblings, who sat around them, suddenly became a new source of support.
Da: "Mikkel, vi respekterer dit valg," sagde deres far endelig med en stemme, der ikke var uden modstand, men også med anerkendelse.
En: "Mikkel, we respect your choice," their father finally said with a voice not without resistance, but also with acknowledgment.
Da: Og til Astrid sagde Annika, deres ældre søster, "Vi ved alle, hvordan pres kan gøre dumme ting ved os. Det er okay.”
En: And to Astrid, Annika, their older sister, said, "We all know how pressure can make us do stupid things. It's okay."
Da: Disse enkle ord bragte en stor lettelse for både Mikkel og Astrid.
En: These simple words brought great relief to both Mikkel and Astrid.
Da: Mikkel følte en tyngde forlade hans skuldre, og Astrid inde i sig en varme, der erstattede skyldfølelsen.
En: Mikkel felt a weight lift from his shoulders, and Astrid felt a warmth inside her that replaced the feeling of guilt.
Da: Middagen endte med en ny slags stilhed, en stilhed fyldt med forståelse og mulighed for forandring.
En: The dinner ended with a new kind of silence—a silence filled with understanding and the possibility for change.
Da: Mikkel vidste, at der kun var en gnist af forandring endnu, men det var alt, han nogensinde havde ønsket.
En: Mikkel knew that there was only a spark of change yet, but it was all he had ever wanted.
Da: Astrid fandt trøst i det faktum, at selv når maskerne faldt, kunne familieforhold være stærkere end før.
En: Astrid found comfort in the fact that even when masks fell, family bonds could be stronger than before.
Da: Det var stadig dysfunktionelt, men det var deres, og Mikkel og Astrid vidste nu, at de kunne møde fremtiden med hinanden ved deres side.
En: It was still dysfunctional, but it was theirs, and Mikkel and Astrid now knew they could face the future with each other by their side.
Vocabulary Words:
- twilight: skumring
- cozy: hyggelige
- burning: brændende
- stranded: strandet
- sailor: sømand
- gaze: blik
- nagging: nagende
- discomfort: ubehag
- aroma: duften
- firmness: fasthed
- confusion: forvirring
- trembled: rystede
- tensions: spænding
- consequences: konsekvenserne
- astonishment: forbavsede
- relief: lettelse
- siblings: søskende
- acknowledgment: anerkendelse
- forged: skabe
- support: støtte
- spark: gnist
- comfort: trøst
- guilt: skyldfølelse
- silence: stilhed
- dysfunctional: dysfunktionelt
- shoulders: skuldre
- mistake: fejl
- pressure: pres
- choice: valg
- traditional: traditionelle
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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