
Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven

21 de jun. de 2024 · 12m 53s
Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 38s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 阳光明媚的一个早晨,小明和丽丽站在天坛外,微笑着望向蓝天。...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Building Bonds: A Day of Adventure at the Temple of Heaven
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 阳光明媚的一个早晨,小明和丽丽站在天坛外,微笑着望向蓝天。
En: It was a sunny morning.

Zh: 今天是公司组织的部门团队建设活动。
En: Xiao Ming and Lili stood outside the Temple of Heaven, smiling as they looked at the blue sky.

Zh: 大家要在这里度过一天。
En: Today was the company's department team-building event, and everyone would spend the day here.

Zh: 同事们陆续来到天坛,集合在一起。
En: Colleagues gradually arrived at the Temple of Heaven and gathered together.

Zh: 大伙儿兴奋地讨论着接下来的活动。
En: Everyone was excitedly discussing the upcoming activities.

Zh: 领队赵经理开始讲话,他说:“今天我们要进行一个趣味游戏,考验大家的合作能力。
En: Team leader Manager Zhao began to speak, saying, "Today we will play a fun game to test everyone's cooperation abilities."

Zh: ”活动开始了。
En: The activities began.

Zh: 第一个任务是分组找天坛里的七个景点。
En: The first task was to form teams to find seven landmarks within the Temple of Heaven.

Zh: 小明和丽丽被分在同一组。
En: Xiao Ming and Lili were in the same group.

Zh: 他们决定先去祈年殿,因为这是天坛最著名的景点。
En: They decided to go to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests first, as it is the most famous spot in the Temple of Heaven.

Zh: 他们快步走到祈年殿,拿出相机拍照。
En: They quickly walked to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and took out their camera to take pictures.

Zh: 然后,小明提议:“我们看看地图,找到下一个景点,斋宫。
En: Then, Xiao Ming suggested, "Let's look at the map and find the next landmark, the Imperial Vault of Heaven."

Zh: ”丽丽点头同意,他们继续前进。
En: Lili nodded in agreement, and they continued onward.

Zh: 路上,他们遇到其他同事。
En: On the way, they encountered other colleagues, and everyone cheered each other on.

Zh: 大家互相加油打气。
En: After walking a bit, they successfully found the Imperial Vault of Heaven and took pictures to commemorate the moment.

Zh: 走了一会儿,他们顺利找到了斋宫并拍照留念。
En: Next was the Circular Mound Altar.

Zh: 接下来是皇穹宇。
En: Xiao Ming and Lili jogged along, happily sharing their thoughts.

Zh: 小明和丽丽一路小跑,开心地分享自己的心得。
En: Lili said, "Team activities are really fun, and we get to know each other better."

Zh: 丽丽说:“团队活动真的很有趣,我们还可以认识彼此更多。
En: Three hours later, all the landmarks had been found.

Zh: ”三个小时后,所有景点都找到了。
En: Everyone gathered at the center of the Temple of Heaven, and Manager Zhao announced, "Congratulations, task completed!

Zh: 大家聚在天坛中心,赵经理宣布:“恭喜,任务完成!
En: Every team did an excellent job."

Zh: 每组都很出色。
En: Finally, Manager Zhao concluded, "Thank you for your efforts.

Zh: ”最后,赵经理总结道:“感谢大家的努力,今天我们不仅完成了任务,还增强了团队凝聚力。
En: Today we not only completed the task but also strengthened our team cohesion."

Zh: ”小明和丽丽互相微笑,心里觉得这一天非常值得。
En: Xiao Ming and Lili smiled at each other, feeling that the day had been truly worthwhile.

Zh: 活动结束后,小明和丽丽走出天坛,他们决定以后常常出来走走,放松心情。
En: After the event, Xiao Ming and Lili exited the Temple of Heaven, deciding to come out and relax more often in the future.

Zh: 天坛的美景与欢乐的笑声,成为他们记忆中的一部分。
En: The beautiful scenery of the Temple of Heaven and the joyous laughter became a part of their memories.

Zh: 故事在阳光下结束了,每个人的脸上都挂着愉快的笑容。
En: The story ended in the sunlight, with happy smiles on everyone's faces.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: 阳光明媚的
  • morning: 早晨
  • department: 部门
  • team-building: 团队建设
  • gradually: 陆续
  • gathered: 集合
  • activities: 活动
  • cooperation: 合作
  • abilities: 能力
  • landmarks: 景点
  • famous: 著名
  • suggested: 提议
  • encountered: 遇到
  • cheered: 加油打气
  • successfully: 顺利
  • commemorate: 拍照留念
  • Circular Mound Altar: 皇穹宇
  • jogged: 小跑
  • thoughts: 心得
  • strengthened: 增强
  • cohesion: 凝聚力
  • worthwhile: 值得
  • relax: 放松
  • beautiful scenery: 美景
  • joyous: 欢乐
  • memories: 记忆
  • concluded: 总结
  • efforts: 努力
  • strengthened: 增强
  • lasting: 挂着
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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