City Secrets: A Virtual Adventure in Škocjan Caves
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City Secrets: A Virtual Adventure in Škocjan Caves
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: City Secrets: A Virtual Adventure in Škocjan Caves Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V daljni kotlini Slovenije, se...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V daljni kotlini Slovenije, se je nahajala skrivnostna jama, znana kot Škocjanske jame.
En: In a distant valley of Slovenia, there was a mysterious cave known as the Škocjan Caves.
Sl: Luka, mladi raziskovalec, je bil pripravljen odkriti nekaj posebnega.
En: Luka, a young explorer, was ready to discover something special.
Sl: Nosil je očala za virtualno resničnost.
En: He wore virtual reality glasses.
Sl: Luka je slišal govorice o skrivnem mestu globoko pod zemljo.
En: Luka had heard rumors of a secret place deep underground.
Sl: S prijatelji iz srednje šole so odšli raziskovati.
En: He and his high school friends set out to explore.
Sl: Po dolgem sprehodu po temačnem predoru so prišli do velike votline.
En: After a long walk through a dark tunnel, they arrived at a vast cavern.
Sl: Upal si je pogledati naravnost v njeno srce.
En: He dared to look straight into its heart.
Sl: "Vidva, poglejta to!
En: "Guys, look at this!"
Sl: " Luka je nadaljeval in postavil očala na glavo.
En: Luka continued and put the glasses on his head.
Sl: Pred očmi se mu je pojavila čudovita podzemna mesto.
En: Before his eyes appeared a marvelous underground city.
Sl: To mesto je bilo čudovito in polno čudes.
En: This city was wonderful and full of wonders.
Sl: Visoke zgradbe, osvetljene s svetili iz kristalov, so se dvigale nad njega.
En: Tall buildings, illuminated by crystal lights, rose above him.
Sl: Videti je bilo, kot da dihajo sami od sebe.
En: It looked as though they were breathing on their own.
Sl: Luka je šel naprej in se znašel pred velikim trgom.
En: Luka went further and found himself in front of a large square.
Sl: Na tleh je bil zemljevid, ki je prikazoval vse poti.
En: On the ground was a map showing all the pathways.
Sl: "Neverjetno," je rekel Luka in stopil naprej, da bi si ogledal vse bližje.
En: "Incredible," said Luka and stepped forward to see everything up close.
Sl: Še naprej je hodil in znal zemljevidu slediti z virtualno resničnostjo.
En: He continued to walk and was able to follow the map with virtual reality.
Sl: Vsak korak, ki ga je naredil, mu je razkrival več.
En: Each step he took revealed more to him.
Sl: Srečal je stene s skrivnimi vrati in starodavne relikvije.
En: He encountered walls with hidden doors and ancient relics.
Sl: Bil je navdušen nad lepoto in zgodovino, ki se je skrivala za vsakim vogalom.
En: He was thrilled by the beauty and history that hid behind every corner.
Sl: Ko so prišli do središča mesta, so naleteli na velik bazen vode.
En: When they reached the center of the city, they came upon a large pool of water.
Sl: Nežno se je prelivala svetloba in ustvarjala mavrico v zraku.
En: Gentle light flowed and created a rainbow in the air.
Sl: Luka je našel svitek poleg bazena.
En: Luka found a scroll next to the pool.
Sl: Pisalo je, da mesto varuje starodavna skrivnost, ki jo lahko odkrije samo pravi raziskovalec.
En: It said that the city guarded an ancient secret that only a true explorer could uncover.
Sl: Podrobno je preučil zemljevid in sledil puščici do globine jame.
En: He examined the map in detail and followed an arrow to the depths of the cave.
Sl: Nenadoma se je zemlja začela tresti.
En: Suddenly, the ground began to shake.
Sl: Luka je pogumno stopil naprej in našel skrito sobo.
En: Luka bravely stepped forward and found a hidden room.
Sl: V sobi je bil zaklad.
En: In the room was a treasure.
Sl: Odprl ga je in našel starodavni dnevnik.
En: He opened it and found an ancient journal.
Sl: "Dnevnik je ključ," si je mislil Luka.
En: "The journal is the key," Luka thought to himself.
Sl: Dnevnik je opisoval zgodovino skrivnega mesta.
En: The journal described the history of the secret city.
Sl: Povedal je o skrivnostnih prebivalcih, ki so pred stoletji zapustili mesto in zakopali zaklade.
En: It told of mysterious inhabitants who had left the city centuries ago and buried treasures.
Sl: Luka je prebral dnevnik na glas, in mesto se je začelo spreminjati.
En: Luka read the journal aloud, and the city began to change.
Sl: Starodavne zgradbe so zažarele in vse, kar je bilo skrito, je prišlo na površje.
En: Ancient buildings glowed, and everything hidden emerged to the surface.
Sl: Z odličnimi očali za virtualno resničnost, je Luka posnel vsak trenutek in dokumentiral vse.
En: With his excellent virtual reality glasses, Luka recorded every moment and documented everything.
Sl: Ko so se končno vrnili na površje, so imeli zgodbo, ki jo bodo pripovedovali.
En: When they finally returned to the surface, they had a story to tell.
Sl: Luka je postal lokalni heroj.
En: Luka became a local hero.
Sl: Skupaj so odkrili novo zgodovino Slovenije.
En: Together, they had uncovered a new history of Slovenia.
Sl: Luka se je nasmehnil in dejal: "Vedno obstajajo skrivnosti, ki čakajo, da jih odkrijemo.
En: Luka smiled and said, "There are always secrets waiting to be discovered."
Sl: "In tako se je končala njegova neverjetna pustolovščina.
En: And so ended his incredible adventure.
Sl: Škocjanske jame so od takrat naprej dobile novo ime – mesto razkritih skrivnosti.
En: From that time on, the Škocjan Caves earned a new name – the City of Revealed Secrets.
Vocabulary Words:
- distant: daljni
- mysterious: skrivnostna
- explorer: raziskovalec
- rumors: govorice
- vast: velike
- cavern: votlina
- marvelous: čudovita
- illuminated: osvetljene
- breathing: dihajo
- square: trg
- imcredible: neverjetno
- hidden: skrivnimi
- relics: relikvije
- thrilled: navdušen
- gentle: nežno
- scroll: svitek
- bravely: pogumno
- treasure: zaklad
- journal: dnevnik
- inhabitants: prebivalci
- centuries: stoletji
- buried: zakopali
- documented: dokumentiral
- discover: odkrijemo
- adventure: pustolovščina
- guards: varuje
- revealed: razkritih
- whispers: šepeti
- underground: podzemno
- glowed: zažarele
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