Clumsy Luka's Hilarious Train Station Mishap!
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Clumsy Luka's Hilarious Train Station Mishap!
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Clumsy Luka's Hilarious Train Station Mishap! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je bil vedno malo neroden. En:...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Luka je bil vedno malo neroden.
En: Luka was always a bit clumsy.
Sl: Nekega jasnega in sončnega dne, se je s prijateljicama Anjo in Majo odločil za obisk železniške postaje v Ljubljani.
En: One clear and sunny day, he decided to visit the train station in Ljubljana with his friends Anja and Maja.
Sl: Želeli so si ogledati muzej vlakov.
En: They wanted to visit the train museum.
Sl: Ko so prispeli na postajo, so občudovali gnečo ljudi, ki so prihajali in odhajali.
En: When they arrived at the station, they admired the crowd of people coming and going.
Sl: Med množico je Luka opazil vrteča vrata.
En: Among the crowd, Luka noticed spinning doors.
Sl: Svobodno in brezskrbno, kot vedno, se je podal skozenj.
En: Freely and carefree, as always, he went through them.
Sl: Ampak, oh ne!
En: But, oh no!
Sl: Nenadoma se je zataknil.
En: Suddenly, he got stuck.
Sl: Njegova jakna se je ujela v vrata, ki niso nehala vrtenja.
En: His jacket got caught in the doors, which didn't stop spinning.
Sl: Luka se ni mogel premakniti.
En: Luka couldn't move.
Sl: Spopadel se je s paničnim občutkom, ko je zagledal prestrašen obraz svoje prijateljice Maje.
En: He struggled with a feeling of panic when he saw the frightened face of his friend Maja.
Sl: Anja, ki je bila vedno polna idej, je hitro začela razmišljati o rešitvi.
En: Anja, always full of ideas, quickly started thinking of a solution.
Sl: "Luka, ne premikaj se," je vpila Maja.
En: "Luka, don't move," shouted Maja.
Sl: Anja pa je stekla do varnostnika.
En: Anja ran to the security guard.
Sl: Medtem so mimoidoči začeli opažati Lukovo zadrego.
En: Meanwhile, passersby began to notice Luka's predicament.
Sl: Začeli so se smejati in celo fotografirati z svojimi telefoni, kar je Luka zelo osramotilo.
En: They started laughing and even taking pictures with their phones, which greatly embarrassed Luka.
Sl: Varnostnik je pritekel k vrtečim vratom in previdno izvlekel Luko, tako da se ni poškodoval.
En: The security guard ran to the spinning doors and carefully pulled Luka out, making sure he wasn't hurt.
Sl: Luka je bil rešen!
En: Luka was saved!
Sl: Anja in Maja sta mu pomagali počistiti zmečkano jakno in poskrbeli, da je bil v redu.
En: Anja and Maja helped him straighten out his crumpled jacket and made sure he was okay.
Sl: Po tej neprijetni izkušnji so se odpravili v muzej, kjer so uživali v ogledu starodavnih parnih lokomotiv in raziskovanju zgodovine slovenskih železnic.
En: After this unpleasant experience, they headed to the museum, where they enjoyed seeing ancient steam locomotives and exploring the history of Slovenian railways.
Sl: Luka se je nasmejal lastni nerodnosti in obljubil, da bo naslednjič bolj pazljiv.
En: Luka laughed at his own clumsiness and promised to be more careful next time.
Sl: Ob koncu dneva so sedeli na bližnji klopi, se naslajali z sladoledom in se pogovarjali o dogodivščinah tistega dne.
En: At the end of the day, they sat on a nearby bench, enjoying ice cream and discussing the day's adventures.
Sl: Anja je s smehom povzela: "Danes si bil ti naša največja avantura, Luka!
En: Anja jokingly summed it up, "Today, you were our biggest adventure, Luka!"
Sl: " Maja se je strinjala: "Res je, ampak kar se zgodi v Ljubljani, ostane v Ljubljani!
En: Maja agreed, "That's true, but what happens in Ljubljana, stays in Ljubljana!"
Sl: " Prišli so do zaključka, da je treba ceniti vsak trenutek prijateljstva, tudi ko se zgodijo manjše težave.
En: They concluded that it's important to cherish every moment of friendship, even when minor problems occur.
Sl: In tako se je dan, ki se je začel z nerodnostjo, končal s smehom in tesnejšim prijateljstvom.
En: And so, a day that began with clumsiness ended with laughter and stronger friendship.
Sl: Luka je iz te izkušnje odnesel dragocene lekcije, Anja in Maja pa sta spoznali, da z malo hitre domiselnosti in sočutja lahko rešita vsako situacijo.
En: Luka took away valuable lessons from this experience, and Anja and Maja realized that with a little quick thinking and compassion, they can solve any situation.
Vocabulary Words:
- clumsy: neroden
- clear: jasen
- sunny: sončen
- train station: železniška postaja
- visit: obisk
- train museum: muzej vlakov
- admire: občudovati
- crowd: gneča
- spinning doors: vrteča vrata
- freely: svobodno
- carefree: brezskrbno
- stuck: zataknil
- jacket: jakna
- caught: ujel
- spinning: vrtenje
- move: premakniti
- panic: pripaničen
- frightened: prestrašen
- solution: rešitev
- shout: vpiti
- security guard: varnostnik
- predicament: zadrega
- laugh: smeh
- pictures: slike
- phones: telefoni
- embarrassed: osramotilo
- carefully: previdno
- saved: rešen
- lessons: lekcije
- adventures: dogodivščine
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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