Cushion or Cheese? Ana's Market Misadventure
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Cushion or Cheese? Ana's Market Misadventure
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Cushion or Cheese? Ana's Market Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Na sončen jutranji dan je Ljubljanica s...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Na sončen jutranji dan je Ljubljanica s svojim šumenjem pozdravila prebujajoče se mesto.
En: On a sunny morning, the Ljubljanica river greeted the awakening city with its murmuring.
Sl: Tržnica v Ljubljani je brbotala od življenja, sveže zelenjave, domačega sadja in vonjav, ki so privabljale mimoidoče.
En: The market in Ljubljana was bustling with life, fresh vegetables, homegrown fruits, and aromas that attracted passersby.
Sl: Ana, Luka in Matej so se sprehajali med stojnicami, smejali in kramljali.
En: Ana, Luka, and Matej strolled among the stalls, laughing and chatting.
Sl: Ana je bila vedno bolj utrujena od dolgega tedna in težkih nog.
En: Ana was growing increasingly tired after a long week and heavy legs.
Sl: Ko so prišli do stojnice z nizozemskim sirom, so njene oči zagledale velikanski kolut sira, ki je bil na dotik mehak in rahlo upogljiv.
En: When they reached the stall with Dutch cheese, her eyes spotted a giant wheel of cheese, soft to the touch and slightly flexible.
Sl: "O, poglejte to!" je zavpila Ana in s prstom pokazala na kolut.
En: "Oh, look at this!" exclaimed Ana, pointing at the wheel.
Sl: Luka in Matej, ki sta bila že precej naprej, sta se obrnila v smehu, ko sta uvidela, kaj namerava Ana narediti.
En: Luka and Matej, who were already further ahead, turned around in laughter when they saw what Ana was about to do.
Sl: Preden sta lahko karkoli rekla, se je Ana, misleč, da je to nenavadno mehko blazino, nežno usedla na kolut sira.
En: Before they could say anything, Ana, thinking it was an unusually soft cushion, gently sat on the wheel of cheese.
Sl: Zaslišal se je tih, a oster zvok lomljenja, in Anine oči so se razširile v presenečenju.
En: A faint but sharp sound of breaking was heard, and Ana's eyes widened in surprise.
Sl: Luka in Matej pa nista mogla zadržati smeha, ko sta videla Anin zaspani obraz, ki se je počasi preobražal v rdečico zadrege.
En: Luka and Matej couldn't help but laugh as they saw Ana's sleepy face slowly turning red with embarrassment.
Sl: "Ampak, mislila sem, da je to blazina!" je zmedeno protestirala Ana, ko je opazila začudene poglede mimoidočih in prestrašenega prodajalca.
En: "But I thought it was a cushion!" protested Ana bewilderedly, noticing the bewildered looks from passersby and the startled seller.
Sl: Vendar je bilo že prepozno; sira se ni dalo rešiti.
En: However, it was too late; the cheese couldn't be saved.
Sl: Gomila se je začela zbirati, smeh in šaljivi komentarji so polnili zrak.
En: A crowd began to gather, filled with laughter and playful comments.
Sl: Matej, po naravi velik šaljivec, se je pričel sprenevedati: "Ana, kdo pa spi na tržnici!"
En: Matej, being naturally mischievous, started to joke: "Ana, who sleeps at the market!"
Sl: A Luka, vedno dobrohoten in prijateljski, je reagiral hitro.
En: But Luka, always kind and friendly, quickly reacted.
Sl: Pogledal je prodajalca, se opravičil in plačal za kolut sira.
En: He looked at the seller, apologized, and paid for the wheel of cheese.
Sl: Prodajalcu je bilo vse skupaj pravzaprav smešno in je mahnil z roko, rekoč: "No, vsaj se boste spomnili, ko ste bili v Ljubljani!"
En: The seller found the whole thing rather amusing and waved it off, saying, "Well, at least you'll remember when you were in Ljubljana!"
Sl: Ana, še vedno v rahlem šoku, se je opravičila vsem okoli in skupaj so se smejali poti naprej.
En: Still slightly in shock, Ana apologized to everyone around, and they laughed together as they continued on their way.
Sl: Tisti dan je bil na tržnici še posebej pester, poln prijateljstva in dobre volje.
En: That day at the market was particularly eventful, full of friendship and good cheer.
Sl: Po poučnem dogodku so Ana, Luka in Matej obiskali prijetno kavarnico, kjer so nadaljevali z zabavo in smehom, ob spominu na Anino avanturo.
En: After the enlightening experience, Ana, Luka, and Matej visited a pleasant café, where they continued to have fun and laughter, reminiscing about Ana's adventure.
Sl: Siromak sirom ni bil zaman, saj je ob bogatem kosilu postal središče vseh šal.
En: The poor cheese wasn't in vain, as it became the center of all jokes during a rich lunch.
Sl: Na koncu so trije prijatelji odšli iz Ljubljane s še močnejšo vezjo in zgodbami, ki so jih lahko delili medseboj in z drugimi.
En: In the end, the three friends left Ljubljana with an even stronger bond and stories to share among themselves and with others.
Sl: In Ana? Prisegla je, da bo naslednjič dvakrat preverila, preden se bo v javnosti usedla na kakšno 'blazino'.
En: As for Ana? She swore to double-check next time before sitting on any 'cushions' in public.
Vocabulary Words:
- murmuring: šumenje
- bustling: brbotati
- passersby: mimoidoči
- flexible: upogljiv
- exclaimed: zavpila
- bewilderedly: zmedeno
- startled: prestrašen
- gather: zbrati
- jest: šal
- kind: dobrohoten
- remised: smešno
- bond: veza
- reminiscing: spomin
- vain: zaman
- cheer: dobra volja
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