
Duck Chase: A Quacking Ljubljana Adventure!

22 de ene. de 2024 · 14m 7s
Duck Chase: A Quacking Ljubljana Adventure!

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Duck Chase: A Quacking Ljubljana Adventure! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V sončnem popoldnevu je Luka ob reki...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Duck Chase: A Quacking Ljubljana Adventure!
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V sončnem popoldnevu je Luka ob reki Ljubljanici s prijateljicama Ano in Majo hranil račke.
En: On a sunny afternoon, Luka was feeding ducks by the Ljubljanica River with his friends Ana and Maja.

Sl: Nebo nad Ljubljano je bilo jasno, Presernov trg pa poln ljudi, ki so uživali v sproščenem vzdušju.
En: The sky above Ljubljana was clear, and Preseren Square was bustling with people enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.

Sl: 🦆 "Poglejte to račko!
En: 🦆 "Look at this duck!"

Sl: " je vzkliknil Luka in pokazal na nenavadno pisano račko.
En: exclaimed Luka, pointing at an unusually colorful duck.

Sl: "Zdi se mi, da je pobegnila od nekje.
En: "It seems like it escaped from somewhere."

Sl: "Račka je bila res posebna, pisana kot perica pustnih mask, in očitno ni bila navajena na množico ljudi, ki so jo nenadoma obkrožili.
En: The duck was indeed special, colorful like a feather of a carnival mask, and clearly not accustomed to the crowd of people that suddenly surrounded it.

Sl: Ko je Luka stopil bliže, da bi jo pogledal, je račka prestrašeno zamahnila s perutmi in vzletela naravnost proti Presernovemu trgu.
En: When Luka approached to get a closer look, the duck flapped its wings in fear and took off straight towards Preseren Square.

Sl: "Za njo!
En: "After it!"

Sl: " je kričal Luka in stekel za račko, Ana in Maja pa za njim.
En: shouted Luka, running after the duck, with Ana and Maja following him.

Sl: Prebivalci in turisti so se presenečeni umikali možakarju, ki je bežal za pisanim pernatim bitjem.
En: The residents and tourists were surprised as they made way for the man running after the colorful feathered creature.

Sl: Račka je zavila med ulične kavarne, mize in stole, po zraku so leteli krožniki in skodelice kave.
En: The duck weaved through the street cafes, tables, and chairs, with plates and cups of coffee flying through the air.

Sl: Neki gospod je presenečeno izpustil rogljiček, otroci so se smejali, natakarji so kričali, a Luka ni odnehal.
En: A man dropped his croissant in surprise, children laughed, and waiters shouted, but Luka didn't give up.

Sl: Ana in Maja sta mu pomagali, skupaj so bili kot ekipa detektivov v lovu na uporniško račko.
En: Ana and Maja helped him, and together they were like a team of detectives in pursuit of the rebellious duck.

Sl: Prebili so se do čudovitega Tromostovja, kjer je račka pravkar pristajala na gladini reke.
En: They made their way to the beautiful Triple Bridge, where the duck had just landed on the surface of the river.

Sl: "Pa smo jo ujeli," je zadovoljno dahnil Luka, ko so stali ob kolesarski stezi in opazovali račko, ki se je zdaj mirno zibala na vodi.
En: "We caught it," Luka exclaimed with satisfaction as they stood by the cycle path, watching the duck now calmly floating on the water.

Sl: Ampak Luka ni hotel, da se zgodba tako konča.
En: But Luka didn't want the story to end there.

Sl: "Poglejte," je rekel in iz žepa potegnil svoj telefon.
En: "Look," he said, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

Sl: "Poklical bom ZOO ali kaj podobnega.
En: "I'll call the zoo or something similar.

Sl: Ta račka potrebuje varno zavetje, ne ulico.
En: This duck needs a safe haven, not the street."

Sl: "Ana in Maja sta se strinjali in skupaj so počakali na reševalce živali, ki so račko kmalu po tem prišli iskat.
En: Ana and Maja agreed, and together they waited for animal rescuers, who soon arrived to collect the duck.

Sl: Prebivalci Ljubljane so nadaljevali s svojim popoldnevom, pogovarjajoč se o fantu in rački, ki sta popestrila njihov dan.
En: The residents of Ljubljana continued with their afternoon, discussing the boy and the duck who had added excitement to their day.

Sl: Luka, Ana in Maja pa so se odpravili na sladoled, smeje ob spominu na njihovo divje popoldne.
En: Luka, Ana, and Maja, on the other hand, went for ice cream, laughing at the memory of their wild afternoon.

Sl: In tako se je v senci mogočnih ljubljanskih gradov končal dan, ko je ena majhna račka povezala tri prijatelje in naredila en nepozabno razburljiv dan v srcu Ljubljane.
En: And so, in the shadow of the mighty Ljubljana Castle, a day ended when a small duck brought together three friends and made for an unforgettable and thrilling day in the heart of Ljubljana.

Vocabulary Words:
  • afternoon: popoldne
  • feeding: hranjenje
  • ducks: račke
  • river: reka
  • friends: prijatelji
  • clear: jasno
  • bustling: poln
  • atmosphere: vzdušje
  • duck: račka
  • escaped: pobegnila
  • special: posebna
  • colorful: pisana
  • feather: pero
  • mask: maska
  • accustomed: navajena
  • surrounded: obkrožili
  • approached: stopil bliže
  • flapped: zamahnila
  • fear: strah
  • took off: vzletela
  • shouted: kričal
  • running: bežal
  • weaved: zavila
  • cafes: kavarne
  • tables: mize
  • chairs: stoli
  • plates: krožniki
  • cups: skodelice
  • coffee: kava
  • finally arrived: kmalu po tem prišli
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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