Embracing My Grit with Guest Host Angie Thompson

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Karen Smith's My Happy Ass Life podcast is joined by guest host Angie Thompson to discuss the concept of grit, inspired by Angela Duckworth's book of the same name. Thompson...
mostra más- Grit, not intelligence or talent, is a key predictor of success
- Passion drives perseverance and hard work
- The Bible emphasizes the importance of steadfastness and perseverance
- Reflect on your passions and interests to identify areas where you can develop grit
- Embrace hard work and perseverance as essential components of success
- Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
Don't miss out on the new episodes of My Happy Ass Life, released every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Follow the podcast wherever you get your shows, and check out Karen's blog at myhappyasslife.com. You can also catch her live on Facebook Monday through Friday around 7:45 AM Central Time.Be sure to follow My Happy Ass Life on social media:
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Autor | Karen Smith |
Organización | Karen Smith |
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