Ep. 14 Learning to BeeFree of Gluten with Jennifer Wiese

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Finding healthy snacks that provide you with nutrients that you need and taste delicious can be extremely difficult, especially with the number of pre-packaged snacks on the market. That is...
mostra másJennifer Wiese, founder and CEO of BeeFree Gluten Free Bakery, never saw herself as an entrepreneur. However, after her eldest son was diagnosed with Autism back in 2008, she found herself on a new path. While searching for gluten free foods to help her son's overall wellbeing, she quickly found that gluten free and tasty did not often go together. So, she enlisted the help of her mother, and they got busy in the kitchen recreating favorite family recipes. Once they created a snack that all four of her boys would enjoy together, she knew she was on to something big! Now 13 years later, she's laser focused on bringing delicious snacks full of real ingredients to the world while creating jobs for adults with autism!
What’s discussed in this episode:
- Jennifer’s story and her inspiration for BeeFree
- How Jennifer grew her company from a farmer’s market stand to a national brand
- The impact that eating gluten-free had on her family’s health
- BeeFree’s mission to help employ people diagnosed with autism
- Why reading ingredient labels and knowing what you’re putting in your body is important
- How Jennifer sources ingredients for BeeFree products
- The meaning behind BeeFree Warrior Snack Mixes
- Instagram: @beefreeglutenfree
- Website: BeeFree Gluten-Free Bakery
- Facebook: BeeFree Gluten Free
- Instagram: @connectingthedots.podcast, @kathlyncarneywellness, @melissachammas
- TikTok: @connectingthedotspodcast, @kathlyncarneywellness, @the_lazy_yogi
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@connectingthedots.podcast
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Autor | Kathlyn Carney |
Organización | Kathlyn Carney |
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