Ep. 18 Clear Skin Solutions with Katie Stewart

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Healing is a messy journey and oftentimes, we’re told that a lot of the symptoms we face are normal. Just because they are common in society today, doesn’t mean they...
mostra másThis week, we chat with Katie Stewart, the Founder of The Clear Skin Solution, where they help women clear up their skin from the inside out. Katie and her team use a root cause approach and functional medicine testing with clients to repair the gut, detoxify the body and balance hormones through nutrient-dense foods, natural supplementation and lifestyle habits.
What’s discussed in this episode:
- Katie’s health journey that led her to become a nutritionist
- The impact that birth control can have on our body and skin
- The struggles that many people with acne & other skin conditions experience
- What her program, The Clear Skin Solution, looks like
- The benefits of doing a Hair Trace Mineral Analysis
- The importance of emotional healing along with physical healing
- Katie’s skincare recommendations
Social Media Links:
- Instagram: @katiestewartwellness
- Website: www.katiestewartwellness.com
- TikTok: @katiestewartwellness
- Facebook: Clear Skin for Life | Acne Support | Facebook
Our Social Media Links:
- Instagram: @connectingthedots.podcast, @kathlyncarneywellness, @melissachammas
- TikTok: @connectingthedotspodcast, @kathlyncarneywellness, @the_lazy_yogi
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@connectingthedots.podcast
- Resource Guide Coming Soon :)
Our Partners:
- Kathlyn Carney Wellness Services
- Organic Olivia Affiliate Link
- Why Not Natural Affiliate Link
- JOI (Just One Ingredient) - Delicious, Clean Label Plant Milk Bases use code KATHLYNCARNEYWELLNESS at checkout for 10% off
- ENERGYbits® | Spirulina and Chlorella Algae use code CTD at checkout for 20% off
- Live PACHA Affiliate Link use code CONNECTINGTHEDOTS at checkout for 20% off
*Before purchasing any supplements from our partners, please consult with your physician or nutritionist
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Autor | Kathlyn Carney |
Organización | Kathlyn Carney |
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