Episode 21 | Unequally Equal w/ Mike Selex

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Question of the week: Would you rather your girl cheat on you with your best friend ? or worst enemy ? The Great Minds bring a new guest : Mike...
mostra másWould you rather your girl cheat on you with your best friend ? or worst enemy ?
The Great Minds bring a new guest : Mike Selex with some … interesting takes !
Tune in to hear the guys’ takes on the Andrew Wiggins rumors
Rico & Stacks share their stories of being cheated on/ cheating with their friend’s girls
The guys also discuss mental health within relationships/ partnerships
Slept on Gems :
Burn Bridges - Aarin Ray , Cozz, Reason, Lute
Run out of Time - Yatchy
All to you - Russ ft Kiana Lede
Autor | Great Minds Drink Alike |
Organización | Rico Rhodes |
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