Evangelizing the Real Presence – Miracles, Scripture, and Quantum Physics (February 18, 2023)

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In this ITEST Webinar, entitled Evangelizing the Real Presence – Miracles, Scripture, and Quantum Physics, Dr. David Keys and Raymond Gerard present on the Eucharist. Recognizing the importance of the...
mostra másRecognizing the importance of the Eucharist in today’s challenging culture, the USCCB has begun a 3-year initiative to promote faith in the Eucharist, culminating in a national Eucharistic Congress next year in Indianapolis. To help proponents evangelize the Real Presence, Dr. David Keys, a scientist turned theologian, and Raymond Gerard, a lawyer by trade, will discuss certain means toward that end. Dr. Keys will discuss various Scriptural reasons for belief, as well as certain Eucharistic miracles. Mr. Gerard will discuss various miracles focused on the reliability of witness testimony. There will also be a limited discussion on the theological and philosophical implications of quantum physics.
Belief in the Real Presence has declined significantly. Many have lost their trust in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Without trust in one’s sources of knowledge, there can be no belief. To restore belief, trust and catechesis are critical. However, many still will not believe. God knows man and knows this. As a result, God has provided multiple, extraordinary miracles to help man in his unbelief of the Real Presence. Dr. Keys will review the faith-based reasons for belief in the Real Presence, and he will discuss a few of the miraculous interventions God has given us to support the Church’s Eucharistic teaching.
While most people think of bleeding Hosts when Eucharistic miracles are mentioned, there are a number of other miracles for which reliable evidence may be found in the testimony of witnesses. By its nature, the reliability of such evidence is recognized in Scripture and our English-based legal system. The reliability for particular Eucharistic miracles can be found in the number of witnesses to such miracles or the reliability of the witnesses themselves. Four particular instances will be discussed in detail: 1) the French island of Reunion (1902), 2) Andre Frossard (1935), Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1943), and San Mauro la Bruca (1969). The logical and philosophical implications of a certain discovery in quantum physics will also be raised.
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