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I Thought You'd Like To Know This, Too

  • ITEST Webinar Abortion Pill Reversal - Truth or Fiction (June 8, 2024)

    8 JUN. 2024 · ABORTION PILL REVERSAL – TRUTH OR FICTION? https://faithscience.org/abortion-pill-reversal/ OUR PRESENTERS STEPHEN SAMMUT, PHD ABORTION-PILL REVERSAL: PRECLINICAL EVIDENCE Dr. Stephen Sammut received a B.Pharm from Monash University (Victoria, Australia) and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Malta (Malta, Europe). His research utilizes preclinical models to investigate psychopathological behavior. He has authored and co-authored papers in leading scientific journals, including his groundbreaking studies relating to abortion and abortion-pill reversal. His research efforts currently focus on investigating: 1) the neurological, biological and behavioral consequences of drug-induced abortion, 2) the abortion-pill-reversal, 3) the development of an animal model for relocating the embryo in ectopic pregnancy and 4) mental health and related behaviors in the university student population. ABSTRACT Abortion-pill reversal (APR) is the process where a woman, regretting her abortion shortly after taking mifepristone (RU486), is administered progesterone in an effort to stop and reverse the abortion process. APR is treated as medically/scientifically unsound and dangerous to women. However, what does the reality tell us? Does objective reality support the narrative fed to the public? This presentation will seek to address the objective scientific reality underlying APR, including recent findings from my laboratory. The presentation will also address briefly the previous preclinical findings pertaining to the negative consequences of abortion and aspects relating to the abuses and manipulation of objective scientific truth in the current mode of operation of the scientific and medical fields that are driving the attack on APR. STACY TRASANCOS, PHD FROM BLUE JEANS TO VACCINES: THE CONSCIENCE OF AN ABORTIFACIENT WORLD Stacy Trasancos has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Penn State University and worked as a senior research chemist for DuPont before converting to Catholicism. She left her career to stay home with her children. In those years, she earned a M.A. in dogmatic theology and published five books on the integration of science and theology. Dr. Trasancos teaches online science and theology courses for Seton Hall University, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, and Belmont Abbey College and is a Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute. She is, at last, pursuing a second M.A. in systematic philosophy. ABSTRACT An abortion is characterized by pro-choice advocates as a concern of personal autonomy, expressed most succinctly in Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992): “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” The abortion industry naturally exploits this narrative by politicizing in the name of human rights a procedure that denies those very rights. At the heart of these politics is an anti-personhood agenda that counts on the complicity of pro-life advocates. Such a shaky moral landscape became apparent during COVID when prominent Catholic leaders were promoting, under the principle of double-effect, immorally created vaccines as morally licit. This presentation will engage the moral dimension of an issue that pervades even those areas of our lives where we least expect it to surface.
    Escuchado 1h 53m 9s
  • ITEST Webinar How Does Social Media Affect Children (April 13, 2024)

    13 ABR. 2024 · In this webinar of the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology, Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM, and Dr. Kevin Powell, discuss the effects of social media on children. (April 13, 2024) Is the increasing number of hours that children are spending using smartphones having any effects on their brains and psychosocial well-being? Research is telling us that the answer to this question is a resounding yes! This presentation will address how excessive use of digital devices is impacting psychosocial maturation and is altering brain development in ways similar to the alterations noted in substance use disorders. Practical means of addressing these detrimental effects will also be highlighted. Technology changes communication and social lifestyles. This has been true since the invention of the printing press and the telephone. Technological progress will have both positive and negative effects on society. It is not enough to measure harms and act like outraged Luddites. Ethical societies measure and balance the positive impacts. It is not enough to weigh pros and cons. Communities should regulate technology so that positives are appropriately rewarded, negatives are mitigated, and just remediation is provided for economic externalities that generate profit for some while harming other people, society, and the environment. Laws are not enough. Moral formation needs to be updated and augmented to enable beneficial development and adoption of technology. Children, who have never known anything different, are the most strongly impacted by the harms, the least able to resist trends, and the most in need of the moral formation. https://faithscience.org/children-and-social-media/
    Escuchado 1h 58m 15s
  • ITEST Webinar Teaching Research Processes Webinar (February 24, 2024)

    25 FEB. 2024 · WILLIAM BADKE - ENGAGING FACULTY IN TEACHING RESEARCH PROCESSES William Badke grew up in Kelowna, BC, Canada. After completing a B.A. at the University of British Columbia in 1971 and a Master of Divinity (1975) and Master of Theology (1977) he taught at a college in Nigeria, West Africa for two years before returning to teach at Northwest Baptist Theological College in Vancouver, BC. In 1985 he earned a Master of Library Science degree at the University of British Columbia and currently serves as Associate Librarian for Associated Canadian Theological Schools and Information Literacy at Trinity Western University, in Langley, BC. He has published extensively in the area of information literacy as well as fiction and spirituality. His column on information literacy (Infolit Land) appears every two months in Online Searcher and, as of 2023, in Computers in Libraries. MR. BADKE’S ABSTRACT Today’s information landscape, whether popular or scholarly, has been radically transformed by the World Wide Web. This has provided significant benefits to human freedoms, education, and development. Yet our knowledge base overall is uneven in quality and possesses a significant power to mislead us. Yet academia has failed to understand that today’s education must include a strong program that will increase the ability of students to handle information and do research. This is not a remedial task but a detailed one that is akin to learning a new language. To achieve these student skills, faculty members in concert with librarians, must rethink the way they educate their students. This is an urgent matter in the theological setting where searching for and knowing the truth is paramount. STACY A. TRASANCOS, PH.D. - HOW TO RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE IN THE LIGHT OF FAITH Stacy Trasancos has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Penn State University and worked as a senior research chemist for DuPont before converting to Catholicism. She left her career to stay home with her children. In those years, she earned a M.A. in dogmatic theology and published five books on the integration of science and theology. Dr. Trasancos teaches online science and theology courses for Seton Hall University, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, and Belmont Abbey College and is a Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute. She is, at last, pursuing a second M.A. in systematic philosophy. DR. TRASANCOS’ ABSTRACT This brief presentation will show you how to navigate scientific literature that is published in global scientific journals by scientists in various fields so that you can determine for yourself the research methods and conclusions. Often in the faith and science dialogue, secondary sources in popular magazines or news outlets present a biased version of the scientific literature. A Catholic scholar can more accurately assess scientific claims by reading the scientific literature him- or herself. The reports are much easier to navigate once you understand their structure. If you can read Aristotle and Aquinas, you can read modern scientific papers.
    Escuchado 1h 57m 22s
  • ITEST Webinar "Bridging the Chasm: Quantum Mechanics and Christian Spirituality" (December 16, 2023)

    17 DIC. 2023 · In this ITEST Webinar "Bridging the Chasm: Quantum Mechanics and Christian Spirituality," Dr. Bob Kurland and Dr. Terrence Lagerlund (December 16, 2023) BRIDGING THE CHASM: HOW QUANTUM MECHANICS BRINGS TOGETHER THE PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL WORLDS BY TERRENCE D. LAGERLUND, MD, PHD Dr. Terrence Lagerlund has been a neurologist in the Division of Epilepsy at Mayo Clinic for 35 years, treating patients with epilepsy and interpreting their electroencephalograms. He also lectures to residents and fellows on electroencephalography including basic principles of electricity and neurophysiology. He has published papers and authored book chapters on electroencephalography and epilepsy, particularly regarding quantitative analysis of electroencephalograms. Prior to becoming a neurologist, he obtained a Ph.D. in physics and worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science (doing research at Brookhaven National Laboratory and CERN) and as a term physicist at Fermilab. ABSTRACT The God of Judeo-Christian tradition is the Lord of the universe, and scriptures affirm God’s sovereignty over the course of events. However, the discoveries by Newton and others that the universe is governed by rigid laws of cause and effect that are expressed as mathematical formulas engendered the belief that the universe is a complete, closed system of cause and effect (the principle of “causal closure”), and therefore that God cannot possibly influence or change what happens in the physical universe. In this worldview, God, even if he exists, is irrelevant to our lives, and our souls, even if they exist, are irrelevant to what we believe, say, or do. However, quantum mechanics may provide an opening for the spiritual world to influence the physical. Quantum mechanics (QM) describes physical systems by a state vector (SV), a collection of superimposed possible states. During the quantum to classical transition, possible states reduce to one actual state (SV collapse). QM predicts the probability of each possible outcome. SV collapse seems to be an uncaused process with a random result, breaking the deterministic chain of physical causes and effects. Wolfgang Smith hypothesized that God causes SV collapse and chooses the outcome. TOURING THE WONDERLAND OF QUANTUM MECHANICS BY ROBERT KURLAND, PHD Dr. Robert Kurland (a convert to Catholicism in 1995) is a retired physicist who has applied magnetic resonance to problems of biological interest in his research (web search: “Kurland-McGarvey Equation”). He began to learn about quantum mechanics at Caltech (BS, “with honor,” 1951) and Harvard (MS,1953; Ph.D.,1956) from courses taught by Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger. In teaching quantum mechanics to students at Carnegie-Mellon University and SUNY/AB he found that mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics was an obstacle to understanding. So, in his talk he will try to explain what quantum mechanics is about using a minimum of mathematics, as he did in his book https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/mysteries/. ABSTRACT The talk will give a brief, qualitative, pictorial explanation of quantum mechanics, from a historical perspective. I’ll illustrate two mysteries of quantum mechanics—superposition of states (the Schrödinger Cat paradox) and entanglement—by use of simple examples. Also, I’ll discuss some of the many interpretations of quantum theory, focusing on how they might be related to Catholic teaching.
    Escuchado 1h 55m 30s
  • ITEST Webinar "Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible" with Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, and Dr. Tom Sheahen (December 2, 2023)

    3 DIC. 2023 · ITEST Webinar entitled "Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible" with Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, and Dr. Tom Sheahen (December 2, 2023) Built into our very nature is a desire to know about the world around us. The big questions of human existence are inescapable: Who am I? Why am I here, and where am I going? Why is there evil in the world? What is the meaning of life?This yearning for truth ultimately leads us to our Creator. God knows the longings of the human heart, and he reveals himself to us through creation, through Scripture, and ultimately through the Incarnation. Because God the Son became man, we have a person to look to in our pursuit of truth: Jesus Christ himself, who is Truth. Christ helps us see that truth is not just the object of science and reason, but what animates the mysterious and loving power of faith.In https://osvcatholicbookstore.com/product/science-reason-and-faith-discovering-the-bible, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, explores in depth the Bible and the intersection of three realms that the secular world tells us are separate and incompatible. Fr. Spitzer draws the modern reader’s attention to the many seeming conflicts between science, reason, and Catholic teaching. By tackling these difficult questions, he shows that it is precisely through the integration of science, reason, and faith that we can truly discover ourselves, our world, and our God. Fr. Spitzer’s new book Science, Reason and Faith is subtitled Discovering the Bible because it displays the unity between science, the Biblical texts, and the presentation of the Christian faith contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For the scientific reader, it is a reassuring surprise to discover how the elements of faith and science fit together so well.Matters such as finding compatibility between modern physics and cosmology and the text of Genesis 1, or the significance of Old Testament miracles, are explained carefully in a way that a reader without expertise in Biblical scholarship or science can understand. New Testament questions range from the eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ miracles, through the full understanding of the real presence of the Eucharist, to the need for there to be an organized religion.Structured in question-and-answer form, multiple topics containing a scientific component are explored across both Old and New Testament. This format enables the reader to quickly locate a particular topic of interest; and thus, the book serves as a handbook or reference guidebook. Several hundred citations guide the reader pursuing greater depth.In my supplement to Fr. Spitzer’s presentation at this Webinar, I will develop some of these topics further, relating them to the principle of God’s omnipresence, which includes God’s supremacy over time, enunciated in my own book Everywhen: God, Symmetry and Time. Our independent approaches converge, which further shows the compatibility of faith and science. https://faithscience.org/science-reason-faith/
    Escuchado 1h 57m 26s
  • ITEST Webinar Education and Evangelization in the Age of AI: Promise and Perils (November 18, 2023)

    19 NOV. 2023 · In this episode of I Thought You'd Like to Know This, Too, the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology presents Greg Miller and Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, in a webinar entitled Education and Evangelization in the Age of AI: Promise and Perils (November 18, 2023) his session will be led by a former Catholic principal and theology teacher, Greg Miller. Dive deep into the intersections of faith and technology, understanding how Artificial Intelligence can be harnessed for the greater glory of God while being vigilant of its challenges. Discover the potential of AI in enhancing Catholic education and evangelization and engage in meaningful discussions of its risks to the people of God. In a mediated world filled with dystopic science fiction that problematizes a transformative technology like AI, our culture is embracing its promise, perhaps forgetting Marshall McLuhan’s salient point that our technologies first ape us, then shape us. Our Christian faith is already a counter-cultural phenomenon, so authentic and integral human and spiritual formation has never been more important than it is today for the restoration of our human identity created as it was in the image and likeness of God.
    Escuchado 1h 51m 45s
  • ITEST Webinar Principles of Change with Dr. Kristina Olsen, OCDS (November 4, 2023)

    5 NOV. 2023 · In this webinar, D. Kristina Olsen, OCDS, talks about Principles of Change: Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite Reform and Insights from Change Management (November 4, 2023) Dr. Olsen's book draws from organizational change management principles to examine Teresa of Avila’s 16th-century reform of the Carmelite Order. During the last twenty years of her life, Teresa addressed the problems she saw in the Carmelite monasteries of her day, including ineffective administration, overcrowding, and laxity in spiritual practices. By returning to the original purpose and written Rule of the Carmelite founders, Teresa launched a reform of the Carmelite Order using principles similar to those used in change management and information technology (IT) adoption today. This book examines her reform in light of change management theory and practice, in order to shed light on what made her reform successful and how we might apply her approach to the management of change in spiritual and secular organizations today. https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/principlesofchange/
    Escuchado 55m 25s
  • ITEST Webinar Surviving Abortion Inside and Out (October 21, 2023)

    21 OCT. 2023 · DR. PATRICK CASTLE LIFE Runners President & Founder REAL HEALTHCARE DEFENDS LIFE AT ALL STAGES ABSTRACT Did you know that Hippocratic Oath specifically forbids abortion and euthanasia? Did you know the American Medical Association in 1859 unanimously voted that life begins at conception and that abortion is criminal? Did you know that Google makes it more difficult for mothers to find pregnancy help centers online? Did you know that the FDA removed the warning that Plan B can cause an abortion? Did you know that the current administration is working to repeal conscience protections for healthcare workers? Did you know that running is optional for LIFE Runners? And much more! GEORGE DELGADO, M.D. President of Steno Institute ABORTION PILL REVERSAL: GIVING WOMEN A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE ABSTRACT Mifepristone chemical abortions account for about 60% of all abortions in the United States. Some women, after starting the chemical abortion process, change their minds and want to continue their pregnancies. Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) utilizes supplemental progesterone, the maintenance hormone of pregnancy, to out-compete the abortion drug. APR offers women a second chance at life. Women offered the option of reversing their chemical abortions are very grateful.Mainstream medical organizations, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU have fought vigorously to discredit APR and make it less available. The evidence in the medical literature is very reassuring that Abortion Pill Reversal is safe and effective. DR. CYNTHIA TOOLIN-WILSON Academic Dean – Pontifex University SURVIVING ABORTION AS THE VICTIM ABSTRACT The most important event of my life occurred when I was eleven years old. That was when I found out that Ma and Grandpa tried to kill me, with the knowledge and agreement of many family members, including Pa.On a hot summer evening in her kitchen, Ma told me after several hesitations, that in 1949 Grandpa bought a chemical at the drugstore that would make her lose me. She was annoyed that I didn’t understand what that meant. So, she told me that she didn’t want a baby and the medicine would make me go away. I asked her why the medicine didn’t work, and she explained that when she started bleeding, she was afraid she might die too, so she stopped drinking it. The fact that she was afraid of dying was the second most important event of my life.I never felt the same about her or the family members. I suspect that her cousin, who had married a Catholic man, and had used medicines for years to prevent a pregnancy, had told Ma what medicine to buy.Here I am 62 years later (that is, I am now 73 years old). I am the age my mother was when she passed. My husband Jimmy Toolin, a devout Catholic, died of cancer; my second husband Bill Wilson, who I managed to bring back to being a practicing Catholic, died of heart, liver, and kidney failure. Between them, if I count all the way to great grandchildren, I have 38 descendants.
    Escuchado 1h 59m 1s
  • ITEST Webinar Science at the Doorstep to God (September 23, 2023)

    24 SEP. 2023 · In this ITEST Webinar, "Science at the Doorstep to God," Fr. Robert Spitzer presents on his latest book, https://ignatius.com/science-at-the-doorstep-to-god-sdgp/, which is an especially important book at the present time because the realization that our universe had to be created by a super-intelligent Transcendent Being is emerging into the public domain. Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen, responding to Fr. Spitzer's presentation, says that Fr. Spitzer builds upon science to convincingly establish that God created the Universe, and mankind does have a soul, containing both intellect and free will. These are the points that well-informed Christians must be prepared to defend. The reader of Science at the Doorstep to God can be confident that there IS solid scientific evidence underpinning the theological statements we assert about mankind. We can promote a resurgence of faith, backed by reason and scientific evidence.Our religious leaders, both clergy and laity, need to be better informed about new scientific evidence and its implications. Several recent discoveries have strengthened the case for transcendent intelligence in the universe: - The unlikeliness problems of an infinite multiverse and eternal inflation, particularly in Stephen Hawking’s final article. - The narrowing of feasible naturalistic explanations of “fine-tuning for life” in our universe. Fr. Robert Spitzer will examine these new developments along with previous ones, showing that the most reasonable explanation is transcendent creative intelligence – akin to the God of Christian revelation.
    Escuchado 1h 58m 28s
  • ITEST Webinar A Crucial Choice of World Views for the Future with Fr. Joseph Bracken, SJ (September 2, 2023)

    3 SEP. 2023 · Classical metaphysics is grounded in a philosophy of Being (States of Being) with God as the Supreme Being or Pure Actuality. Potentiality is seen in descending states of being: first, the order of angels, human beings, higher-order and lower-order animal species, plants, insects, minerals, their molecular and atomic components, prime matter. Process- or systems-ordered metaphysics is grounded in Stages of Becoming: Infinite Potentiality/Energy Source, subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, minerals, cells, plants, animal species, human beings, an all-encompassing network of relations between participants that continues to evolve in new and different ways through all its parts or members but especially its primordial components. Everything else depends upon the right choice in terms of these opposing world views. ​ Transformative learning theory, which explains the reframing of one’s worldview in light of a transformative experience, may assist in articulating the dynamic relationship between the One and the Many. Fr. Bracken’s explanation of a reciprocal causal relation among constituent parts and the whole to which they belong provides an opportunity to explore a process-oriented metaphysics in the understanding of an event-based efficient causality. The creative interplay among the relational paradigms through which an individual organism moves over the course of its existence demonstrates the interdependence of all things regardless of their material causes, and this seems to give a quantum meaning to any kind of final causality of adaptive systems.
    Escuchado 1h 53m 4s
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