
Finding Art in Unlikely Corners: A Museum Tale of Laughter

5 de oct. de 2024 · 16m 31s
Finding Art in Unlikely Corners: A Museum Tale of Laughter

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 47s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Art in Unlikely Corners: A Museum Tale of Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V Ljubljanskem muzeju...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Art in Unlikely Corners: A Museum Tale of Laughter
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V Ljubljanskem muzeju umetnosti je jesen.
En: In the Ljubljana Museum of Art, it is autumn.

Sl: Listi iz bližnjega parka Tivoli lebdijo skozi odprta vrata.
En: Leaves from the nearby Tivoli Park float through the open doors.

Sl: Prostor je poln klasične in sodobne umetnosti.
En: The space is filled with classical and contemporary art.

Sl: Tomaž, študent umetnosti, vstopi v muzej z upanjem na navdih.
En: Tomaž, an art student, enters the museum hoping for inspiration.

Sl: Njegova prijateljica Nika je ob njem, navdušena nad umetnostjo.
En: His friend Nika is beside him, excited about art.

Sl: Povabila ga je, da se pridruži ogledom kritičnih razstav.
En: She invited him to join the tours of critical exhibitions.

Sl: »Tomaž, poglej ta kip.
En: "Tomaž, look at this sculpture.

Sl: Kako veličastno, kajne?
En: How magnificent, isn't it?"

Sl: « Nika pokaže s prstom na moderno skulpturo.
En: Nika points with her finger at the modern sculpture.

Sl: Tomaž pokima, a njegovo srce bije hitro.
En: Tomaž nods, but his heart is beating fast.

Sl: Želi navdušiti Niko z znanjem o umetnosti.
En: He wants to impress Nika with his knowledge of art.

Sl: Medtem ko hodita po galeriji, misli na novo projektno nalogo.
En: As they walk through the gallery, he thinks about a new project assignment.

Sl: Vendar ni videti ničesar, kar bi ga resnično navdihnilo.
En: However, he doesn't see anything that truly inspires him.

Sl: Nato zagleda nekoga v kotu sobe.
En: Then he notices someone in the corner of the room.

Sl: Je visoka figura, oblečena v nenavadna oblačila, kričečih barv in s smešnim klobukom.
En: It's a tall figure, dressed in unusual clothes, with bright colors and a funny hat.

Sl: To mora biti del razstave, pomisli Tomaž.
En: This must be part of the exhibition, Tomaž thinks.

Sl: Priložnost!
En: An opportunity!

Sl: Lahko pokaže znanje!
En: He can show his knowledge!

Sl: »Nika, poglej to!
En: "Nika, look at this!

Sl: To je zanimiva sodobna instalacija.
En: This is an interesting contemporary installation.

Sl: Govori o nasprotjih barv in kaosu v moderni družbi,« samozavestno razloži Tomaž.
En: It speaks about the contrasts of colors and chaos in modern society," Tomaž explains confidently.

Sl: Nika ga posluša z zanimanjem, a opazi, da se figura premakne.
En: Nika listens with interest but notices that the figure moves.

Sl: »Tomaž, ta se premika.
En: "Tomaž, it's moving.

Sl: Ali si prepričan, da je to razstava?
En: Are you sure it's an exhibit?"

Sl: « V njeni glasu je prisoten kanček dvoma.
En: There's a hint of doubt in her voice.

Sl: Tomaž se ne zmeni zanjo.
En: Tomaž ignores her.

Sl: Z zanosom opiše, kako »kip« simbolizira prehod človeka skozi življenjske faze.
En: With enthusiasm, he describes how the "sculpture" symbolizes the transition of a person through life's stages.

Sl: Nenadoma se Mateja, muzejska obiskovalka in dejanska »instalacija«, zasmeje.
En: Suddenly, Mateja, a museum visitor and the actual "installation," laughs.

Sl: »Oprostita, ampak jaz nisem del razstave, res ne.
En: "Sorry, but I'm not part of the exhibition, really.

Sl: Včasih se le oblečem tako,« smeje se in naredi majhen lok.
En: Sometimes I just dress like this," she laughs and makes a small bow.

Sl: Tomaž zardeli v obraz.
En: Tomaž blushes.

Sl: Nika ne more zadržati smeha.
En: Nika can't hold back her laughter.

Sl: »Oh, Tomaž, to si pa res lepo predstavil,« ga podraži.
En: "Oh, Tomaž, you presented that really well," she teases him.

Sl: Mateja se jim pridruži v smehu.
En: Mateja joins them in laughter.

Sl: »Vse v redu!
En: "It's all good!

Sl: Tudi jaz se včasih počutim kot eksponat,« reče in pomiga s klobukom.
En: I sometimes also feel like an exhibit," she says and waves her hat.

Sl: Na koncu vsi skupaj sedijo na klopi pred muzejem.
En: In the end, they all sit together on a bench in front of the museum.

Sl: Listje pleše po pločniku.
En: Leaves dance on the pavement.

Sl: Tomaž, čeprav sprva sramovan, se zdaj počuti sproščenega.
En: Tomaž, although initially embarrassed, now feels relaxed.

Sl: Njegova nervoza se prelevi v navdušenje nad nepričakovanimi trenutki.
En: His nervousness transforms into excitement over unexpected moments.

Sl: "Vidiš, Tomaž," reče Nika, "v umetnosti je tudi humor.
En: "You see, Tomaž," says Nika, "there's humor in art too.

Sl: In tudi osebe so lahko umetnost.
En: And even people can be art."

Sl: "Tomaž končno razume.
En: Tomaž finally understands.

Sl: Umetnost je povsod, ne le na platnih.
En: Art is everywhere, not just on canvases.

Sl: Včasih se najbolje vidi skozi smešne situacije.
En: Sometimes it is best seen through funny situations.

Sl: Še enkrat pogleda Matejo, nato Niko, in ve, da je našel navdih drugje, kot je pričakoval.
En: He looks at Mateja, then Nika, and knows he has found inspiration in an unexpected place.

Vocabulary Words:
  • autumn: jesen
  • leaves: listi
  • float: lebdijo
  • contemporary: sodobne
  • gallery: galeriji
  • project: projektno
  • assignment: nalogo
  • figure: figura
  • unusual: nenavadna
  • clothes: oblačila
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • chaos: kaosu
  • confidence: samozavestno
  • doubt: dvoma
  • transition: prehod
  • stages: faze
  • visitor: obiskovalka
  • actual: dejanska
  • installation: instalacija
  • blushes: zardeli
  • embarrassed: sramovan
  • relaxed: sproščenega
  • nervousness: nervoza
  • transform: prelevi
  • unexpected: nepričakovanimi
  • humor: humor
  • art: umetnost
  • inspiration: navdih
  • exhibit: eksponat
  • canvas: platnih
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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