
Finding Connection: Overcoming Long-Distance Heartaches

8 de jul. de 2024 · 14m 44s
Finding Connection: Overcoming Long-Distance Heartaches

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 11s


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Finding Connection: Overcoming Long-Distance Heartaches Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Da: Supermarkedet summede af liv. En: The supermarket buzzed...

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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Finding Connection: Overcoming Long-Distance Heartaches
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Story Transcript:

Da: Supermarkedet summede af liv.
En: The supermarket buzzed with life.

Da: Folk skubbede vogne fyldt med friske sommerfrugter.
En: People pushed carts filled with fresh summer fruits.

Da: Duften af nybagt brød bølgede gennem luften.
En: The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

Da: Sollyset strømmede ind gennem de store vinduer.
En: Sunlight streamed in through the large windows.

Da: Sofie og Jens gik sammen ned ad en af gangene.
En: Sofie and Jens walked together down one of the aisles.

Da: Deres skænderi fra tidligere på dagen hang stadig i luften.
En: Their argument from earlier in the day still lingered in the air.

Da: Sofie var en organiseret kvinde.
En: Sofie was an organized woman.

Da: Hun elskede at planlægge og at holde styr på tingene.
En: She loved planning and keeping things in order.

Da: Men langdistanceforholdet med Jens spillede hende et puds.
En: But the long-distance relationship with Jens was playing tricks on her.

Da: Hendes hjerte var tungt, og hun følte sig ofte alene.
En: Her heart was heavy, and she often felt alone.

Da: Jens arbejdede meget langt væk.
En: Jens worked very far away.

Da: Han var optimistisk og afslappet.
En: He was optimistic and relaxed.

Da: Men når han var væk, følte Sofie sig glemt.
En: But when he was away, Sofie felt forgotten.

Da: Hun kiggede på Jens og vidste, at de måtte snakke nu.
En: She looked at Jens and knew they had to talk now.

Da: De kiggede på friske tomater og agurker, men Sofie kunne ikke vente længere.
En: They looked at fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, but Sofie couldn’t wait any longer.

Da: "Jens, jeg er nødt til at tale med dig," sagde hun pludseligt.
En: “Jens, I need to talk to you,” she said suddenly.

Da: Han stoppede og kiggede på hende.
En: He stopped and looked at her.

Da: "Hvad er der galt, Sofie?" spurgte han.
En: “What’s wrong, Sofie?” he asked.

Da: "Jeg føler mig ensom, Jens. Jeg savner dig hele tiden. Vi er nødt til at finde en måde at håndtere dette på," svarede hun.
En: “I feel lonely, Jens. I miss you all the time. We need to find a way to handle this,” she replied.

Da: Hendes stemme rystede lidt, men hun holdt tårerne tilbage.
En: Her voice trembled a little, but she held back the tears.

Da: Laila, den venlige butiksindehaver, kom forbi og så deres bekymrede ansigter.
En: Laila, the friendly shop owner, walked by and saw their worried faces.

Da: "Hej Sofie, hej Jens," sagde hun med sit største smil.
En: “Hi Sofie, hi Jens,” she said with her biggest smile.

Da: "Er alt okay?"
En: “Is everything okay?”

Da: Sofie så på Laila.
En: Sofie looked at Laila.

Da: "Jeg er bare frustreret, Laila. Langdistance er svært."
En: “I’m just frustrated, Laila. Long distance is hard.”

Da: Laila nikkede forstående.
En: Laila nodded understandingly.

Da: "Jeg har også prøvet det. Kommunikation er nøglen. Og små besøg, så ofte som muligt," sagde hun klogt.
En: “I’ve been through that too. Communication is key. And frequent visits, as often as possible,” she said wisely.

Da: Jens tog Sofies hånd.
En: Jens took Sofie’s hand.

Da: "Laila har ret. Lad os lave en plan," sagde han.
En: “Laila is right. Let's make a plan,” he said.

Da: De gik hen til kassen.
En: They went to the checkout.

Da: Mens de ventede, snakkede de om at lave faste tidspunkter for at tale sammen.
En: While they waited, they talked about setting regular times to talk to each other.

Da: De ville også planlægge at besøge hinanden oftere, selvom det krævede mere rejsetid og penge.
En: They would also plan to visit each other more often, even if it meant more travel time and money.

Da: Sofie mærkede en lethed i sit hjerte.
En: Sofie felt a lightness in her heart.

Da: For første gang i lang tid følte hun håb og beslutsomhed.
En: For the first time in a long while, she felt hope and determination.

Da: Selvom der ville være udfordringer, vidste hun, at de kunne klare dem sammen.
En: Although there would be challenges, she knew they could face them together.

Da: Da de gik ud af supermarkedet med deres indkøb, holdt de hinanden i hånden.
En: As they walked out of the supermarket with their groceries, they held each other’s hands.

Da: Solen skinnede stærkt, og selvom deres vej fremad ville have sine op- og nedture, følte Sofie sig mere forbundet med Jens end nogensinde før.
En: The sun shone brightly, and even though their path ahead would have its ups and downs, Sofie felt more connected to Jens than ever before.

Vocabulary Words:
  • buzzed: summede
  • aisle: gang
  • argument: skænderi
  • linger: hænge
  • organized: organiseret
  • planning: planlægge
  • long-distance: langdistance
  • relationship: forhold
  • optimistic: optimistisk
  • relaxed: afslappet
  • forgotten: glemt
  • trembled: rystede
  • frustrated: frustreret
  • frequent: små
  • shop owner: butiksindehaver
  • smile: smil
  • understandingly: forstående
  • wisely: klogt
  • checkout: kassen
  • determination: beslutsomhed
  • challenges: udfordringer
  • connected: forbundet
  • uncommon: sjælden
  • bread: brød
  • baked: bagt
  • handle: håndtere
  • owner: indehaver
  • visit: besøg
  • streamed: strømmede
  • sunshine: sollys
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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