
From Mistake to Magic: The Unforgettable Warehouse Carnival

20 de ago. de 2024 · 17m 16s
From Mistake to Magic: The Unforgettable Warehouse Carnival

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: From Mistake to Magic: The Unforgettable Warehouse Carnival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Mireia i Pau caminaven per...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: From Mistake to Magic: The Unforgettable Warehouse Carnival
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Mireia i Pau caminaven per l'ample i polsegós magatzem abandonat, observant les ombres que ballaven a la llum del sol, que entrava tímidament pels finestrals trencats.
En: Mireia and Pau walked through the wide, dusty abandoned warehouse, observing the shadows dancing in the sunlight that timidly entered through the broken windows.

Ca: Mireia tenia un somriure a la cara mentre imaginava el gran pícnic de final d’estiu que estava a punt d’organitzar.
En: Mireia had a smile on her face as she imagined the big end-of-summer picnic she was about to organize.

Ca: Era la seva oportunitat per impressionar Pau i, potser, compartir el que sentia per ell.
En: It was her opportunity to impress Pau and maybe share what she felt for him.

Ca: Quan van arribar al centre del magatzem, es van aturar a contemplar l’espai.
En: When they reached the center of the warehouse, they stopped to contemplate the space.

Ca: La Mireia, amb la seva ment creativa, ja visualitzava les decoracions, les mantes de quadres, i les cistelles plenes de menjar per a gaudir junts amb els seus amics.
En: Mireia, with her creative mind, was already visualizing the decorations, the checkered blankets, and the baskets full of food to enjoy together with their friends.

Ca: Va afegir Pau amb entusiasme, "Serà el millor pícnic de la història!"
En: Pau added enthusiastically, "It will be the best picnic ever!"

Ca: Però la Mireia havia comès un error.
En: But Mireia had made a mistake.

Ca: Havia enviat les invitacions a l'adreça equivocada.
En: She had sent the invitations to the wrong address.

Ca: En comptes dels seus amics, les havien rebut un grup d'exploradors urbans locals.
En: Instead of her friends, a group of local urban explorers received them.

Ca: Desconcertada, va intentar mantenir la calma i no dir res a Pau.
En: Disconcerted, she tried to stay calm and not say anything to Pau.

Ca: Quan van arribar els exploradors, amb les seves càmeres i equip de camp, Pau va aixecar una cella, confós.
En: When the explorers arrived with their cameras and field gear, Pau raised an eyebrow, confused.

Ca: "Qui són?", va preguntar en veu baixa.
En: "Who are they?" he asked in a low voice.

Ca: La Mireia es va sentir avergonyida, però va decidir aprofitar l'oportunitat.
En: Mireia felt embarrassed but decided to seize the opportunity.

Ca: "Són... part de la sorpresa!", va respondre, intentant no trair la seva preocupació.
En: "They are... part of the surprise!" she replied, trying not to betray her concern.

Ca: Pau va riure, pensant que era part d'una espècie de nova temàtica per al pícnic.
En: Pau laughed, thinking it was part of some new theme for the picnic.

Ca: Els exploradors, encantats amb l'espai misteriós del magatzem, van començar a muntar les seves activitats, unint-se al que semblava un festival improvisat.
En: The explorers, delighted with the warehouse's mysterious space, began to set up their activities, joining what seemed like an improvised festival.

Ca: Un d'ells va treure una guitarra, un altre va inflar globus de colors i algú fins i tot va proposar fer una petita "fira" amb jocs.
En: One of them took out a guitar, another inflated colorful balloons, and someone even proposed holding a small "fair" with games.

Ca: Mireia, veient el caos, va decidir continuar endavant amb el pla.
En: Mireia, seeing the chaos, decided to go ahead with the plan.

Ca: Pau, ara més divertit que confús, va suggerir convertir-ho en un "Carnaval del Magatzem".
En: Pau, now more amused than confused, suggested turning it into a "Warehouse Carnival."

Ca: Tots dos es van posar mans a l'obra, decorant i construint una atmosfera màgica i improvisada.
En: Both of them got to work, decorating and creating a magical and improvised atmosphere.

Ca: Finalment, el que semblava un error horrorós es va convertir en una celebració única i memorable.
En: In the end, what seemed like a terrible mistake turned into a unique and memorable celebration.

Ca: Els colors dels globus contrastaven amb el gris del lloc, i el so de la música ressonava amb alegria.
En: The colors of the balloons contrasted with the gray of the place, and the sound of music resonated with joy.

Ca: Al vespre, quan el sol es ponia i els exploradors començaven a marxar, Pau i Mireia es van quedar sols entre el colorit desordre.
En: In the evening, as the sun set and the explorers began to leave, Pau and Mireia stayed alone amidst the colorful chaos.

Ca: Pau va mirar Mireia, amb gratitud als ulls.
En: Pau looked at Mireia with gratitude in his eyes.

Ca: "Va ser increïble," va dir ell.
En: "That was incredible," he said.

Ca: Mireia somrigué, sentint-se valenta per primer cop.
En: Mireia smiled, feeling brave for the first time.

Ca: "Sempre estic intentant impressionar-te," va admetre amb sinceritat.
En: "I'm always trying to impress you," she admitted sincerely.

Ca: Pau va agafar la mà de Mireia suaument.
En: Pau gently took Mireia's hand.

Ca: "Bé, ho has aconseguit", va murmurar, abans de confessar també els seus sentiments.
En: "Well, you did it," he murmured, before confessing his feelings as well.

Ca: Aquella nit, el magatzem abandonat es va tancar en silenci, però Mireia i Pau van marxar d’allà, sabent que l'estiu havia acabat amb una sorpresa encara més gran del que havien planejat.
En: That night, the abandoned warehouse settled into silence again, but Mireia and Pau left knowing that summer had ended with an even bigger surprise than they had planned.

Vocabulary Words:
  • the warehouse: el magatzem
  • the shadows: les ombres
  • to contemplate: contemplar
  • the mistake: l'error
  • to seize: aprofitar
  • the explorer: l'explorador
  • disconcerted: desconcertada
  • the balloon: el globus
  • the eyebrow: la cella
  • the theme: la temàtica
  • the festival: el festival
  • the chaos: el caos
  • to decorate: decorar
  • the atmosphere: l'atmosfera
  • memorable: memorable
  • the evening: el vespre
  • to inflate: inflar
  • the field gear: l'equip de camp
  • the gratitude: la gratitud
  • to confess: confessar
  • the silence: el silenci
  • the guitar: la guitarra
  • the address: l'adreça
  • the opportunity: l'oportunitat
  • to betray: trair
  • improvised: improvisada
  • the decorations: les decoracions
  • to march: marxar
  • the celebration: la celebració
  • to organize: organitzar
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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