
Headlocked in Transit: Juraj's Bus Ordeal

28 de nov. de 2023 · 13m 59s
Headlocked in Transit: Juraj's Bus Ordeal

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 19s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Headlocked in Transit: Juraj's Bus Ordeal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Ráno v Bratislave už slnko kúzelnými lúčmi...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Headlocked in Transit: Juraj's Bus Ordeal
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Ráno v Bratislave už slnko kúzelnými lúčmi zobúdzalo adriabytok mesta.
En: In the morning in Bratislava, the sun was waking up the ancient architecture of the city with its magical rays.

Sk: Na zastávke hromadnej dopravy stál Juraj, mladý chalan, ktorý sa dnes mal stretávať so svojimi priateľmi Marianom a Petrou na Hlavnom námestí.
En: Juraj, a young guy, was standing at the public transport stop, as today he was supposed to meet his friends, Marian and Petra, at the Main Square.

Sk: Peši by to bolo náročné, preto dúfal, že sa dostane na autobus, ktorý mal prísť každú chvíľu.
En: It would have been challenging to walk there, so he hoped to catch the bus, which was supposed to arrive any minute.

Sk: Vtom na zastávku prirútil plný autobus.
En: Suddenly, a crowded bus pulled up to the stop.

Sk: Juraj, vždycky optimista, si povedal, že sa nejako vtisne dnu.
En: Juraj, always an optimist, thought to himself that he would somehow manage to squeeze inside.

Sk: Otvorili sa dvere a prúd ľudí vystupoval a nastupoval.
En: The doors opened, and a stream of people was getting on and off the bus.

Sk: Juraj sa začal predierať dnu.
En: Juraj started making his way inside.

Sk: V momente, keď bol napoly v autobuse a napoly vonku, dvere sa náhle začali zatvárať.
En: Just when he was halfway inside the bus and halfway outside, the doors suddenly started to close.

Sk: Juraj sa odtlačil, aby sa dostal dnu rýchlejšie, ale namiesto toho sa mu hlava nešťastne zasekla medzi zatvárajúce sa dvere.
En: Juraj pushed to get inside faster, but instead, his head unfortunately got stuck between the closing doors.

Sk: "Oh, nie," zastonal a snažil sa vyslobodiť, ale dvere ho držali pevne.
En: "Oh no," he groaned, trying to free himself, but the doors held him firmly.

Sk: Ľudia okolo neho začali kričať na šoféra, aby zastavil a otvoril dvere.
En: People around him started shouting at the driver to stop and open the doors.

Sk: Šofér, chlapík v neprimerane úzkom tričku s názvom "Bratislava", sa čudoval nad tým rozruchom.
En: The driver, a guy in an excessively tight t-shirt with the word "Bratislava" on it, was puzzled by the commotion.

Sk: a keď zbadal Juraja, hneď s pochopením zmáčkol tlačidlo na otvorenie dverí.
En: When he spotted Juraj, he quickly pressed the button to open the doors.

Sk: Marian s Petrou, ktorí nastupovali práve za Jurajom, ho pevne chytili, jeden z každej strany a s naporučením mu pomohli vyslobodiť jeho hlavu z nesmierne neláskavých dverí.
En: Marian and Petra, who were getting on the bus just behind Juraj, firmly grabbed him from each side and with effort helped free his head from the extremely unkind doors.

Sk: Priatelia sa na chvíľu zdržali, aby sa uistili, že Juraj je v poriadku.
En: The friends paused for a moment to make sure Juraj was okay.

Sk: Juraj, ktorý mal ešte stále ohromený výraz, sa mierne červenal.
En: Juraj, who still had an astonished look on his face, blushed slightly.

Sk: "Asi budem musieť ísť nabudúce pešo," povedal s úsmevom.
En: "I guess I'll have to walk next time," he said with a smile.

Sk: Priatelia sa spoločne rozhodli, že radšej pošlú autobusu zbohom a dojdú si to peši.
En: The friends decided together to bid farewell to the bus and walk instead.

Sk: Počas ich výpravy cez mesto sa smiali na celom tom zábavnom nešťastí, až kým sa neocitli na Hlavnom námestí, kde trávili príjemné dopoludnie.
En: During their journey through the city, they laughed about the whole amusing misfortune, until they found themselves at the Main Square, where they spent a pleasant morning.

Sk: Juraj nikdy nezabudol na svoje dobrodružstvo s bratislavskými autodvermi, ale najmä si zapamätal, ako sú dôležití praví priatelia – tí, ktorí sú po tvojom boku nielen v dobrých, ale aj v zlých a, povedzme, trochu vtipných časoch.
En: Juraj never forgot his adventure with the Bratislava bus doors, but most of all, he remembered how important true friends are – those who stand by your side not only in good times, but also in bad and, let's say, slightly funny times.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: Ráno
  • Bratislava: Bratislave
  • waking up: zobúdzalo
  • ancient: adriabytok
  • architecture: architektúra
  • magical: kúzelnými
  • rays: lúčmi
  • young: mladý
  • guy: chalan
  • standing: stál
  • public transport: hromadnej dopravy
  • stop: zastávku
  • friends: priateľmi
  • Main Square: Hlavnom námestí
  • challenging: náročné
  • walk: peši
  • catch: dostať sa
  • bus: autobus
  • arrive: prísť
  • minute: každú chvíľu
  • crowded: plný
  • optimist: optimista
  • squeeze: vtisne
  • doors: dvere
  • stream: prúd
  • people: ľudí
  • getting on/off: vystupoval/nastupoval
  • making: začal
  • halfway: napoly
  • outside: vonku
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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