
Healing Through Art: A Summer in Ljubljana's Psychiatric Ward

12 de jul. de 2024 · 18m 30s
Healing Through Art: A Summer in Ljubljana's Psychiatric Ward

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 31s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Healing Through Art: A Summer in Ljubljana's Psychiatric Ward Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana, poletje. En: Ljubljana,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Healing Through Art: A Summer in Ljubljana's Psychiatric Ward
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Sl: Ljubljana, poletje.
En: Ljubljana, summer.

Sl: V psihiatričnem oddelku je Ana hodila po hodniku, nasmejana in pripravljena na nov dan.
En: In the psychiatric ward, Ana was walking down the hallway, smiling and ready for the new day.

Sl: "Matej, čas je za umetniško delavnico," je rekla, ko je stopila v bolniško sobo.
En: "Matej, it's time for the art workshop," she said as she entered the hospital room.

Sl: Matej je bil sedel na postelji, gledal skozi okno in zamišljeno strmel v daljavo.
En: Matej was sitting on the bed, staring thoughtfully out the window.

Sl: "Nisem prepričan, če bi se šel," je tiho rekel Matej.
En: "I'm not sure if I want to go," Matej said quietly.

Sl: Ana je pokleknila pred njega in ga prijela za roko.
En: Ana knelt in front of him and took his hand.

Sl: "Verjamem vate, Matej.
En: "I believe in you, Matej.

Sl: Imaš talent.
En: You have talent.

Sl: Tvoje slike so izjemne.
En: Your paintings are exceptional.

Sl: Moramo po nove potrebščine.
En: We need to get new supplies.

Sl: Greš z mano?
En: Will you come with me?"

Sl: "V tistem trenutku je v sobo vstopil Tine.
En: At that moment, Tine entered the room.

Sl: "Ali si prepričana, Ana?
En: "Are you sure, Ana?

Sl: Ta izlet je lahko stresen zanj.
En: This trip could be stressful for him."

Sl: " Parkrat skeptično je pogledal Mateja, nato pa Ano.
En: He glanced skeptically at Matej, then back at Ana.

Sl: "Je to res potrebno?
En: "Is this really necessary?"

Sl: ""Da, Tine," je Ana odločno odgovorila.
En: "Yes, Tine," Ana replied firmly.

Sl: "Treba je poskusiti nekaj novega.
En: "We need to try something new.

Sl: Mateju bo koristilo.
En: It will benefit Matej."

Sl: ""Prav," je zamomljal Tine, "pridem z vama, da bom pazil.
En: "Alright," Tine muttered, "I'll come with you to keep an eye on things."

Sl: "Šli so ven v soparen poletni dan.
En: They went out into the sweltering summer day.

Sl: Ljubljana je bila polna življenja, ljudje so hodili po ulici, avtomobili so brneli mimo.
En: Ljubljana was bustling with life; people walking the streets, cars buzzing by.

Sl: "Tukaj je naš cilj," je rekla Ana in pokazala na trgovino z umetniškimi potrebščinami.
En: "Here’s our destination," Ana said, pointing to the art supply store.

Sl: Barve so jih pozdravile s polic, platna so vabile, čopiči so bili videti kot orodje čarovnikov.
En: Colors greeted them from the shelves, canvases beckoned, and brushes looked like a wizard's tools.

Sl: Matej je bil sprva negotov.
En: Matej was initially hesitant.

Sl: Nato je segel po platno.
En: Then he reached for a canvas.

Sl: Počasi se mu je obraz zmehčal.
En: Slowly, his expression softened.

Sl: Ana in Tine sta mu sledila v vsak kotiček trgovine.
En: Ana and Tine followed him into every corner of the store.

Sl: Prodajalec, lokalni umetnik, jih je opazoval z zanimanjem.
En: The shopkeeper, a local artist, watched them with interest.

Sl: "Ti si umetnik, kajne?
En: "You're an artist, right?"

Sl: " je vprašal Mateja.
En: he asked Matej.

Sl: Matej je zastrmel.
En: Matej looked startled.

Sl: "Jaz?
En: "Me?

Sl: Morda.
En: Maybe."

Sl: "Prodajalec je pokimal.
En: The shopkeeper nodded.

Sl: "Vidim to v tvojih očeh.
En: "I can see it in your eyes.

Sl: Pokaži mi, kaj znaš.
En: Show me what you can do."

Sl: " Matej je okleval.
En: Matej hesitated.

Sl: Potem se je nasmehnil in segel po akrilnih barvah.
En: Then he smiled and reached for acrylic paints.

Sl: Pokaže eno svojih skic.
En: He showed one of his sketches.

Sl: Prodajalec je bil presenečen.
En: The shopkeeper was astonished.

Sl: "To je izjemno.
En: "This is remarkable.

Sl: Imaš talent.
En: You have talent."

Sl: "Matej je zadihal.
En: Matej gasped.

Sl: Iskrica veselja mu je zasijala v očeh.
En: A spark of joy lit up his eyes.

Sl: "Res?
En: "Really?"

Sl: "Ko so se vrnili v bolnišnico, je Matej imel več zanosa.
En: When they returned to the hospital, Matej was more enthusiastic.

Sl: Ana je hitro sestavila poročilo za upravo, predstavila Matejevo napredovanje.
En: Ana quickly compiled a report for the administration, highlighting Matej's progress.

Sl: Sprememba pri njem je bila očitna.
En: The change in him was evident.

Sl: Dnevi so minevali in administracija je končno odobrila sredstva.
En: Days passed, and the administration finally approved the funding.

Sl: "Tine, poglej," je rekla Ana navdušeno.
En: "Tine, look," Ana said excitedly.

Sl: Tine je prijel dokument, skomignil z rameni, toda v njegovih očeh je bilo nekaj toplega.
En: Tine grabbed the document, shrugged, but there was a warmth in his eyes.

Sl: "Nisem mislil, da bo to delovalo," je priznal.
En: "I didn't think this would work," he admitted.

Sl: "Ampak vidim, da je Matej srečnejši.
En: "But I see that Matej is happier."

Sl: "Ana je z nasmehom pokimala.
En: Ana nodded with a smile.

Sl: "Včasih moramo uporabiti srce, ne le glavo.
En: "Sometimes we have to use our hearts, not just our heads."

Sl: "V novih delavnicah je Matej slikal s strastjo.
En: In the new workshops, Matej painted with passion.

Sl: Njegove slike so bile polne življenja, barv.
En: His paintings were full of life and color.

Sl: Ana je našla notranji mir in ponos.
En: Ana found an inner peace and pride.

Sl: Tine je bil bolj odprt, manj skeptičen.
En: Tine was more open, less skeptical.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo nad Ljubljano.
En: The sun shone over Ljubljana.

Sl: V psihiatričnem oddelku pa je umetnost prinesla novo upanje.
En: In the psychiatric ward, art brought new hope.

Vocabulary Words:
  • psychiatric: psihiatričnem
  • ward: oddelku
  • hallway: hodniku
  • workshop: delavnico
  • hospital: bolniško
  • thoughtfully: zamišljeno
  • hesitant: negotov
  • skeptical: skeptično
  • sweltering: soparen
  • bustling: polna življenja
  • artist: umetnik
  • supplies: potrebščine
  • canvas: platno
  • brushes: čopiči
  • hesitated: okleval
  • astonished: presenečen
  • remarkable: izjemno
  • enthusiastic: zanos
  • report: poročilo
  • administration: uprava
  • approval: odobrila
  • funding: sredstva
  • admitted: priznal
  • progress: napredovanje
  • evident: očitna
  • inner peace: notranji mir
  • skeptical: skeptičen
  • passion: strast
  • warmth: toplina
  • hope: upanje
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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