
Heritage in Every Step: A Cultural Day at Lake Bled

5 de jun. de 2024 · 15m 28s
Heritage in Every Step: A Cultural Day at Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Heritage in Every Step: A Cultural Day at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Pri jezeru Bled...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Heritage in Every Step: A Cultural Day at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Pri jezeru Bled je bil lep sončen dan.
En: By Lake Bled, it was a beautiful sunny day.

Sl: Miha, Eva in Tomaž so se pripravljali za kulturni dan v šoli.
En: Miha, Eva, and Tomaž were preparing for a cultural day at school.

Sl: Vsi trije so bili navdušeni in polni energije.
En: The three of them were excited and full of energy.

Sl: Miha je sedel na travi in razmišljal o ljudskem plesu.
En: Miha was sitting on the grass, thinking about the folk dance.

Sl: "Ali bomo pravilno izvedli ples?
En: "Will we perform the dance correctly?"

Sl: " je vprašal Evo.
En: he asked Eva.

Sl: Eva je prikimala.
En: Eva nodded.

Sl: "Vaja dela mojstra," je rekla samozavestno.
En: "Practice makes perfect," she said confidently.

Sl: Oba sta vstala in začela vaditi korake.
En: They both stood up and began practicing the steps.

Sl: Tomaž je bil pri Blejskem jezeru in nabiral zelišča.
En: Tomaž was at Lake Bled collecting herbs.

Sl: "Te zeli so pomembne za našo tradicionalno hrano," je povedal učiteljici, ko je prinesel šopek.
En: "These herbs are important for our traditional food," he told the teacher as he brought a bouquet.

Sl: Učiteljica je bila ponosna.
En: The teacher was proud.

Sl: "Prav tako bomo pokazali obiskovalcem legende iz našega kraja," je nadaljeval Tomaž.
En: "We will also show the visitors legends from our region," Tomaž continued.

Sl: Večer pred dogodkom so se vsi zbrali za končno vajo.
En: The evening before the event, everyone gathered for the final rehearsal.

Sl: V dvorani so viseli plakati slovenskih junakov in naravnih lepot.
En: Posters of Slovenian heroes and natural beauties hung in the hall.

Sl: Miha je napeto opazoval vsak korak.
En: Miha watched every step intently.

Sl: Eva je vmes popravljala dekleta in fante v barvitih nošah.
En: Eva was meanwhile correcting the boys and girls in colorful costumes.

Sl: Na kulturnem dnevu je bil vrvež.
En: On the day of the cultural event, there was a buzz.

Sl: Starši, učitelji in učenci so se zbirali.
En: Parents, teachers, and students gathered.

Sl: Ko je prišel čas za njihov nastop, je Tomaž začel s pripovedjo o zmajih in princesah pri Blejskem jezeru.
En: When it was time for their performance, Tomaž began with a story about dragons and princesses around Lake Bled.

Sl: Otroci so poslušali z odprtimi usti.
En: The children listened with open mouths.

Sl: Potem so na vrsto prišli Miha in Eva s svojo plesno skupino.
En: Then it was Miha and Eva’s turn with their dance group.

Sl: Oblečeni v tradicionalne noše so se zavrteli po odru.
En: Dressed in traditional costumes, they spun around the stage.

Sl: Vse oči so bile uprte v njih.
En: All eyes were on them.

Sl: Plesali so, kot da bi bili del prave ljudske pravljice.
En: They danced as if they were part of a true folk tale.

Sl: Za konec so vsi skupaj prinesli tradicionalno hrano.
En: To finish, everyone brought out traditional food.

Sl: Matične potičke, ajdovo kašo in štruklje.
En: Slovenian potica, buckwheat porridge, and štruklji.

Sl: Dišalo je po celi dvorani.
En: The fragrance filled the entire hall.

Sl: Gospodinje so bile ponosne na svoje otroke.
En: The homemakers were proud of their children.

Sl: Kulturni dan se je zdel kot pravi praznik.
En: The cultural day felt like a real celebration.

Sl: Učitelji so pohvalili Miho, Evo in Tomaža za njihov trud.
En: The teachers praised Miha, Eva, and Tomaž for their effort.

Sl: "Uspelo nam je!
En: "We did it!"

Sl: " je dejal Miha z nasmeškom.
En: said Miha with a smile.

Sl: "Slovenska dediščina bo živela naprej po zaslugi otrok kot smo mi.
En: "Slovenian heritage will live on thanks to children like us."

Sl: "Eva je prikimala.
En: Eva nodded.

Sl: "Naš trud se je obrestoval.
En: "Our hard work paid off.

Sl: Sedaj vsi vedo, kako bogata je naša kultura.
En: Now everyone knows how rich our culture is."

Sl: " Tomaž je dodal: "In vedno bodo poznali legende našega lepega Blejskega jezera.
En: Tomaž added, "And they will always know the legends of our beautiful Lake Bled."

Sl: "Tako so se vsi zadovoljni vrnili domov, polni novih znanj in lepih spominov.
En: Thus, everyone returned home satisfied, full of new knowledge and beautiful memories.

Sl: Kulturni dan je bil uspešno zaključen in v srcih otrok je bila goreča želja po ohranjanju slovenske tradicije.
En: The cultural day ended successfully, with a burning desire in the hearts of the children to preserve Slovenian tradition.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sončen
  • preparing: pripravljali
  • excited: navdušeni
  • energy: energije
  • thinking: razmišljal
  • perform: izvedli
  • correctly: pravilno
  • practice: vaja
  • confidently: samozavestno
  • steps: korake
  • collecting: nabiral
  • herbs: zelišča
  • bouquet: šopek
  • proud: ponosna
  • rehearsal: vajo
  • posters: plakati
  • heroes: junakov
  • intently: napeto
  • correcting: popravljala
  • costumes: nošah
  • gathered: zbirali
  • performance: nastop
  • princesses: princesah
  • spin: zavrteli
  • eyes: oči
  • tale: pravljice
  • food: hrano
  • fragrance: dišalo
  • praised: pohvalili
  • heritage: dediščina
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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