
Hiccups in the Boardroom: A Heartwarming Tale

6 de dic. de 2023 · 15m 50s
Hiccups in the Boardroom: A Heartwarming Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 4s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hiccups in the Boardroom: A Heartwarming Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V sončnem jutru sredi Ljubljane se...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hiccups in the Boardroom: A Heartwarming Tale
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V sončnem jutru sredi Ljubljane se naše zgodba začne.
En: On a sunny morning in the middle of Ljubljana, our story begins.

Sl: Mesto se prebuja, ptički čivkajo in plavajoči oblački nežno plapolajo čez nebo.
En: The city is waking up, birds are chirping, and drifting clouds gently flutter across the sky.

Sl: V središču mesta, v visoki stekleni stavbi, je Miha že sedel na pomembnem poslovnem sestanku.
En: In the city center, in a tall glass building, Miha was already sitting in an important business meeting.

Sl: Miha, sicer zelo resen in zbran mladenič, je danes čutil nekaj nelagodnosti.
En: Miha, a very serious and focused young man, was feeling somewhat uneasy today.

Sl: V sobi je bilo tiho, vsi so pozorno poslušali.
En: The room was quiet, everyone was listening attentively.

Sl: Miha je imel pomembno predstavitev.
En: Miha had an important presentation.

Sl: Naenkrat, brez opozorila, se mu je zgodilo nekaj nepričakovanega: zgrabilo ga je kolcanje.
En: Suddenly, without warning, something unexpected happened to him: he started hiccuping.

Sl: "Hik!
En: "Hic!

Sl: Hik!
En: Hic!"

Sl: " se je slišalo po prostoru.
En: echoed through the room.

Sl: Na začetku so bili vsi v prostoru presenečeni, a kmalu je naraščajoč smeh napolnil zrak.
En: At first, everyone in the room was surprised, but soon, growing laughter filled the air.

Sl: Miha, ki ni mogel nehati kolcati, je postal rdeč kot paradižnik.
En: Miha, unable to stop hiccuping, turned as red as a tomato.

Sl: Ana, Mihova dobra prijateljica in sodelavka, je opazovala kaos.
En: Ana, Miha's good friend and colleague, observed the chaos.

Sl: Vedela je, da mora hitro ukrepati.
En: She knew she had to act quickly.

Sl: Ana je skočila na noge in s hitrimi koraki prišla do Mihovega sedeža.
En: Ana jumped to her feet and swiftly walked over to Miha's seat.

Sl: "Dihni globoko," je rekla z mirnim glasom, toda Miha je le kolcnil še močneje.
En: "Take deep breaths," she said in a calm voice, but Miha just hiccuped even more.

Sl: Medtem se je Luka, najstarejši in najbolj izkušeni član ekipe, rahlo nasmehnil.
En: Meanwhile, Luka, the oldest and most experienced member of the team, smiled slightly.

Sl: Vedno je imel kakšen trik v rokavu.
En: He always had a trick up his sleeve.

Sl: Luka je nenadoma vstal in rekel: "Predlagam kratek odmor, da se Miha lahko malo umiri.
En: Luka suddenly stood up and said, "I suggest a short break so Miha can calm down a bit."

Sl: "Vsi so se strinjali, in odmor je bil dobrodošla priložnost.
En: Everyone agreed, and the break was a welcome opportunity.

Sl: Medtem ko so se drugi odpravili po kavo in svež zrak, je Luka potiho pristopil do Mihove mize s kozarcem vode.
En: While the others went for coffee and fresh air, Luka quietly approached Miha's table with a glass of water.

Sl: "Pij počasi," je svetoval.
En: "Drink slowly," he advised.

Sl: Miha je vodo pil počasi, poskušal se umiriti, in kot čudež, po nekaj požirkih je kolcanje pojenjalo.
En: Miha drank the water slowly, trying to calm himself, and miraculously, after a few sips, the hiccuping subsided.

Sl: Vrnitev v sobo po odmoru je bila kot nov začetek.
En: Returning to the room after the break felt like a fresh start.

Sl: Miha je nadaljeval s svojo predstavitvijo, tokrat brez presenečenj.
En: Miha continued with his presentation, this time without any surprises.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta mu namenila podporne nasmeške.
En: Ana and Luka offered him encouraging smiles.

Sl: Sestanek je tekel gladko in vsi so bili zadovoljni z izidom projekta.
En: The meeting proceeded smoothly, and everyone was pleased with the outcome of the project.

Sl: Smeh in kolcanje sta postala šala dneva, a tudi dokaz, da celo v najbolj resnih trenutkih lahko človeškost prinese svetlobo in povezanost.
En: The laughter and hiccuping became the joke of the day, but also proof that even in the most serious moments, humanity can bring light and connection.

Sl: Na koncu dneva so Miha, Ana in Luka skupaj sedeli ob reki Ljubljanici in delili še več smejalnih trenutkov.
En: At the end of the day, Miha, Ana, and Luka sat together by the Ljubljanica river sharing more laughter-filled moments.

Sl: Miha se je zahvalil obema za pomoč in prijaznost, Luka pa je dodal: "Včasih je najboljše zdravilo za poslovni stres preprosto dober star kolcanje.
En: Miha thanked them both for their help and kindness, and Luka added, "Sometimes the best remedy for business stress is simply a good old hiccup."

Sl: "In tako se zgodba konča v srcu Ljubljane, pod milim soncem, ki je pošiljalo svoje zadnje pozdrave čez mehko modro nebo, med tremi prijatelji, ki so se nasmejali še enemu nepričakovanemu obratu v življenju.
En: And so the story ends in the heart of Ljubljana, beneath the gentle sun bidding its last farewells across the soft blue sky, among three friends who laughed at another unexpected turn in life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sončno
  • middle: sredi
  • waking up: prebujanje
  • chirping: čivkanje
  • drifting: plavajoči
  • flutter: plapolanje
  • glass building: steklena stavba
  • important: pomemben
  • meeting: sestanek
  • serious: resen
  • uneasy: nelagodnost
  • quiet: tiho
  • listening: poslušanje
  • presentation: predstavitev
  • unexpected: nepričakovan
  • hiccuping: kolcanje
  • surprised: presenečeni
  • laughter: smeh
  • air: zrak
  • stop: nehati
  • tomato: paradižnik
  • good friend: dober prijatelj
  • colleague: sodelavec
  • chaos: kaos
  • quickly: hitro
  • jumped: skočil
  • calm voice: miren glas
  • breath: dih
  • break: odmor
  • calm down: umiriti se
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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