
Hidden Gems: Friendship & Finds at Ban Jelačić Market

13 de jul. de 2024 · 16m 43s
Hidden Gems: Friendship & Finds at Ban Jelačić Market

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 11s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Hidden Gems: Friendship & Finds at Ban Jelačić Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ljetno sunce sjalo je...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Hidden Gems: Friendship & Finds at Ban Jelačić Market
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Ljetno sunce sjalo je nad Trgom bana Jelačića.
En: The summer sun shone over Ban Jelačić Square.

Hr: Tržnica je već bila puna ljudi.
En: The market was already full of people.

Hr: Marko, Ana i Ivana kretali su se kroz gužvu, s različitim ciljevima na umu.
En: Marko, Ana, and Ivana moved through the crowd, each with different goals in mind.

Hr: Marko je imao svoj fotoaparat spreman.
En: Marko had his camera ready.

Hr: Htio je uloviti trenutke živopisnog života na tržnici.
En: He wanted to capture the vibrant life at the market.

Hr: Ana, koja je nedavno otvorila butik, tražila je jedinstvene lokalne proizvode.
En: Ana, who recently opened a boutique, was looking for unique local products.

Hr: Ivana, iskusna vodička, volela je dijeliti svoj grad s obitelji i prijateljima.
En: Ivana, an experienced guide, loved sharing her city with family and friends.

Hr: “Pogledaj ove rajčice!
En: "Look at these tomatoes!"

Hr: ” uzviknu Ana, pokazujući na šareni štand prepun svježeg povrća.
En: exclaimed Ana, pointing to a colorful stand full of fresh vegetables.

Hr: “Moram ih slikati,” odgovori Marko, već podešavajući objektiv.
En: “I have to take a picture,” replied Marko, already adjusting the lens.

Hr: Ali kad je stisnuo okidač, starica s dvije vreće povrća prešla je ispred njegova kadra.
En: But as he pressed the shutter, an elderly woman with two bags of vegetables walked in front of his frame.

Hr: Marko je uzdahnuo.
En: Marko sighed.

Hr: "Ne brini," nasmiješila se Ivana, "bit će još prilika.
En: "Don't worry," Ivana smiled, "there will be more opportunities."

Hr: " Hodali su dalje, Ana je okom tražila nešto posebno.
En: They continued walking, Ana's eyes searching for something special.

Hr: Našla je staru baku s ručno rađenom keramikom.
En: She found an old lady with handmade ceramics.

Hr: "Koliko koštaju ove šalice?
En: "How much are these cups?"

Hr: " upita Ana.
En: Ana asked.

Hr: Baka je navela cijenu.
En: The lady named a price.

Hr: Ana je pokušala cijenkati, ali drugi kupac je ponudio više i uzeo šalice.
En: Ana tried to haggle, but another customer offered more and took the cups.

Hr: “Izgubili smo,” uzdahnula je Ana.
En: "We missed out," sighed Ana.

Hr: “Nema veze, pronaći ćemo nešto bolje,” tješila ju je Ivana.
En: "Never mind, we'll find something better," Ivana comforted her.

Hr: Marko je pronašao miran kutak i krenuo snimati.
En: Marko found a quiet corner and started shooting.

Hr: Uhvatilo ga je osjećaj sreće dok je gledao prolaznike i šarene štandove.
En: He felt a sense of happiness as he watched the passersby and colorful stalls.

Hr: “Ovo je savršeno,” prošaptao je dok je slikao djecu kako se smiju i starice kako razgovaraju.
En: "This is perfect," he whispered while photographing children laughing and elderly women chatting.

Hr: Ana je tada primijetila maleni štand sa prelijepim, ručno rađenim broševima.
En: Ana then noticed a small stand with beautiful, handmade brooches.

Hr: Bili su baš ono što je tražila za svoj butik.
En: They were just what she was looking for for her boutique.

Hr: I cijena je bila povoljna.
En: And the price was reasonable.

Hr: “Imamo sreće!
En: "We're in luck!"

Hr: ” rekla je s osmijehom dok je plaćala.
En: she said with a smile as she paid.

Hr: Posjet tržnici trajao je nekoliko sati.
En: The visit to the market lasted several hours.

Hr: Na kraju, svi su bili umorni, ali zadovoljni.
En: In the end, they were all tired but satisfied.

Hr: “Odlično smo prošli,” rekla je Ivana.
En: "We did great," said Ivana.

Hr: “Slažem se,” pristala je Ana.
En: "I agree," Ana concurred.

Hr: “I ja.
En: “Me too.

Hr: Napravio sam savršenu fotografiju,” rekao je Marko.
En: I took the perfect photo,” said Marko.

Hr: Sjeli su na terasu obližnjeg kafića i naručili kavu.
En: They sat on the terrace of a nearby café and ordered coffee.

Hr: Smijali su se i pričali o dnevnim avanturama.
En: They laughed and talked about the day's adventures.

Hr: Marko je shvatio da može spojiti strast prema fotografiji i pomagati prijateljima.
En: Marko realized that he could combine his passion for photography with helping his friends.

Hr: Ana je stekla samopouzdanje u cijenkanju na tržnici, a Ivana je osjetila dublju povezanost s gradom dijeleći svoje znanje i ljubav prema Zagrebu.
En: Ana gained confidence in haggling at the market, and Ivana felt a deeper connection to the city by sharing her knowledge and love for Zagreb.

Hr: Topli vjetar puhao je kroz njihov stol dok su ispijali kavu.
En: A warm breeze blew through their table as they sipped their coffee.

Hr: Kroz smijeh i priču shvatili su da je taj dan bio više od obične kupovine.
En: Through laughter and conversation, they realized that the day had been more than just ordinary shopping.

Hr: Bio je to dan prijateljstva, potpore i zajedničkih uspjeha.
En: It was a day of friendship, support, and shared successes.

Hr: Trg bana Jelačića ostao je iza njih, ali uspomene i fotografije ostale su s njima zauvijek.
En: Ban Jelačić Square remained behind them, but the memories and photographs stayed with them forever.

Vocabulary Words:
  • summer: ljetno
  • square: trg
  • crowd: gužva
  • camera: fotoaparat
  • vibrant: živopisnog
  • boutique: butik
  • guide: vodička
  • tomatoes: rajčice
  • shutter: okidač
  • elderly: starica
  • opportunities: prilika
  • ceramics: keramikom
  • cups: šalice
  • haggle: cijenkati
  • missed out: izgubili
  • comforted: tješila
  • quiet corner: miran kutak
  • shooting: snimati
  • passersby: prolaznike
  • stalls: štandove
  • brooches: broševima
  • reasonable: povoljna
  • terrace: terasu
  • adventures: avanturama
  • breeze: vjetar
  • sipped: ispijali
  • laughter: smijeh
  • conversation: priču
  • memories: uspomene
  • support: potpore
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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