
Hope Amid Hospital Walls: A Father's Strength

29 de ago. de 2024 · 15m 21s
Hope Amid Hospital Walls: A Father's Strength

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 51s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hope Amid Hospital Walls: A Father's Strength Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Lukáš sedel v rohu pestrej herne...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hope Amid Hospital Walls: A Father's Strength
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Lukáš sedel v rohu pestrej herne Bratislavskej nemocnice.
En: Lukáš sat in the corner of the colorful playroom in the Bratislava hospital.

Sk: Vonku bolo letné teplé počasie, ale Lukáš cítil iba chladné napätie.
En: Outside, the weather was warm and summery, yet Lukáš felt only a cold tension.

Sk: S rodinou sem chodievali často, keď deti vo svojom okolí podliehali chorobe.
En: He and his family often visited when children in their surroundings fell ill.

Sk: Dnes tu však bol s ich malou dcérkou, lebo Zuzana, jeho manželka, bola na operácii.
En: Today, however, he was there with their little daughter because Zuzana, his wife, was undergoing surgery.

Sk: Herňa bola miestom, kde sa snažil odpútať pozornosť zo zlých myšlienok.
En: The playroom was a place where he tried to distract himself from negative thoughts.

Sk: Bolo to farbisté útočisko v nemocnici s bielymi chladnými stenami.
En: It was a vibrant refuge in a hospital with cold, white walls.

Sk: Okolie rozveseľovali deti i hračky, ktoré rozptyľovali malé myšlienky na veľké veci.
En: The surrounding children and toys brightened the area and distracted from big thoughts.

Sk: Lukáš sa snažil dievčatko zaujať, hovoril jej príbehy a skladal puzzle.
En: Lukáš tried to engage his daughter by telling stories and assembling puzzles.

Sk: „Tatko, kedy príde mamička?“ opýtala sa malá dcérka, pozerajúc sa nevinnými očami obklopená hračkami.
En: "Daddy, when will mommy come?" the little daughter asked, looking with innocent eyes surrounded by toys.

Sk: Jej nevinnosť mala takú silu, že prenikala Lukášovou maskou pokoja a dočasne ho dostávala do stavu skutočného pokoja.
En: Her innocence had such power that it pierced through Lukáš's calm facade, temporarily bringing him to a state of true peace.

Sk: „Čoskoro, miláčik,“ odpovedal nežne s jemným úsmevom na tvári.
En: "Soon, sweetheart," he replied gently, with a soft smile on his face.

Sk: Musel sa usmievať, aj keď vnútro mu to kázalo inak.
En: He had to smile, even though his insides felt otherwise.

Sk: Sám mal veľa obáv.
En: He had many worries himself.

Sk: Bojoval s nimi každý okamih, prstami jemne prehádzujúc stavebnicu.
En: He battled them every moment, gently sifting through the building blocks with his fingers.

Sk: V tom momente mu zazvonil telefón.
En: At that moment, his phone rang.

Sk: Bol to doktor.
En: It was the doctor.

Sk: Srdce mu tuho bilo ako zvon.
En: His heart pounded like a bell.

Sk: Zdravě se pousmál k dcérke, aby ju nevyľakal, a telefón zdvihol.
En: He smiled reassuringly at his daughter, so as not to frighten her, and answered the phone.

Sk: S každým slovom doktora sa jeho napätie rozplývalo.
En: With every word from the doctor, his tension melted away.

Sk: Lukáš pevne zatvoril oči a počúval každé slovo doktora s oddychujúcim dychom.
En: Lukáš tightly closed his eyes and listened to every word from the doctor with a calming breath.

Sk: Operácia bola úspešná.
En: The surgery had been successful.

Sk: Odložil telefón s veľkou úľavou.
En: He put down the phone with great relief.

Sk: Jeho srdce sa naplnilo šťastím.
En: His heart filled with happiness.

Sk: Kľakol si k dcérke a objal ju pevne.
En: He knelt beside his daughter and hugged her tightly.

Sk: Pociťoval veľkú radostnú úľavu.
En: He felt a great joyous relief.

Sk: „Mamička je v poriadku. Bude všetko v poriadku,“ povedal ticho.
En: "Mommy is fine. Everything is going to be okay," he said quietly.

Sk: Dcérkine oči sa rozjasnili a ona sa veselo usmiala.
En: His daughter's eyes brightened, and she smiled happily.

Sk: Lukáš si uvedomil, že aj ked si sám sebe priznal tú slabosť v srdci, pre svoje dievča bol stále tým silným a stabilným tatkom.
En: Lukáš realized that even though he admitted his own weakness in his heart, for his girl, he was still that strong and stable daddy.

Sk: Vo chvíľach slabosti našiel silu a balans, naučil sa, že je dôležité nádej nielen držať, ale aj odovzdávať.
En: In moments of weakness, he found strength and balance, learning that it's important not only to hold onto hope but to pass it on as well.

Sk: V ten deň letná žiara za oknami presiahla do jeho srdca.
En: That day, the summer glow from outside seeped into his heart.

Sk: Nemocnica zrazu nebola chladná, ale miestom, kde sa šíril smiech a svetlo jeho milovanej dcéry.
En: The hospital was suddenly not cold but a place filled with laughter and the light of his beloved daughter.

Sk: Lukáš vedel, že s každou búrkou prichádza aj dúha.
En: Lukáš knew that with every storm comes a rainbow.

Sk: A oni túto búrku prekonali spolu.
En: And they had weathered this storm together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • corner: rohu
  • playroom: herne
  • tension: napätie
  • surroundings: okolí
  • ill: chorobe
  • distract: odpútať
  • vibrant: farbisté
  • refuge: útočisko
  • engage: zaujať
  • innocent: nevinnými
  • facade: maskou
  • power: silu
  • calm: pokoja
  • gently: nežne
  • battled: bojoval
  • building blocks: stavebnicu
  • reassuringly: zdravě
  • tension: napätie
  • relief: úľava
  • joyous: radostnú
  • weakness: slabosť
  • balance: balans
  • seeped: presiahla
  • beloved: milovanej
  • storm: búrkou
  • rainbow: dúha
  • successful: úspešná
  • knelt: kľakol
  • hugged: objal
  • summery: letné
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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