ITEST Webinar Principles of Change with Dr. Kristina Olsen, OCDS (November 4, 2023)

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ITEST Webinar Principles of Change with Dr. Kristina Olsen, OCDS (November 4, 2023)
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In this webinar, D. Kristina Olsen, OCDS, talks about Principles of Change: Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite Reform and Insights from Change Management (November 4, 2023) Dr. Olsen's book draws from...
mostra másDr. Olsen's book draws from organizational change management principles to examine Teresa of Avila’s 16th-century reform of the Carmelite Order. During the last twenty years of her life, Teresa addressed the problems she saw in the Carmelite monasteries of her day, including ineffective administration, overcrowding, and laxity in spiritual practices. By returning to the original purpose and written Rule of the Carmelite founders, Teresa launched a reform of the Carmelite Order using principles similar to those used in change management and information technology (IT) adoption today. This book examines her reform in light of change management theory and practice, in order to shed light on what made her reform successful and how we might apply her approach to the management of change in spiritual and secular organizations today.
Principles of Change by Kristina R. Olsen | En Route Books and Media
Autor | WCAT Radio |
Organización | WCAT Radio |
Página web | - |
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