
Journey to Bled: A Serene Day of Wishes and Wonders

21 de jun. de 2024 · 13m 16s
Journey to Bled: A Serene Day of Wishes and Wonders

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 19s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Journey to Bled: A Serene Day of Wishes and Wonders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nepozabno sončno jutro...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Journey to Bled: A Serene Day of Wishes and Wonders
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nepozabno sončno jutro je obsijalo Bled.
En: An unforgettable sunny morning dawned over Bled.

Sl: Reka je sijala, nebo je bilo jasno modro.
En: The river glimmered, and the sky was clear blue.

Sl: Matej, Ana in Luka so stali na robu jezera in občudovali lepoto okoli sebe.
En: Matej, Ana, and Luka stood at the edge of the lake, marveling at the beauty around them.

Sl: Matej je predlagal: "Gremo na otok!
En: Matej suggested, "Let's go to the island!"

Sl: " Ana je navdušeno prikimala.
En: Ana nodded enthusiastically.

Sl: Luka je samo nasmejal, ker je vedel, kako zelo si Ana želi videti cerkev na otoku.
En: Luka just smiled, knowing how much Ana wanted to see the church on the island.

Sl: Najeli so čoln.
En: They rented a boat.

Sl: "Pazi, Luka," je rekla Ana, "ne daj nam pasti v vodo!
En: "Be careful, Luka," Ana said, "don't let us fall into the water!"

Sl: " Luka je veslal smeje.
En: Laughing, Luka started rowing.

Sl: Matej je pomagal, Ana pa je držala kamero in snemala lepote okoli njih.
En: Matej helped, while Ana held the camera, filming the surrounding beauty.

Sl: Ko so končno prispeli do otoka, je Matej privezal čoln.
En: When they finally reached the island, Matej tied up the boat.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta skočila ven.
En: Ana and Luka jumped out.

Sl: "Gremo takoj do cerkve," je rekla Ana in povlekla Luka za roko.
En: "Let's go straight to the church," Ana said, pulling Luka by the hand.

Sl: Stopnišče proti cerkvi je bilo dolgo, ampak Ana ni bila utrujena.
En: The staircase to the church was long, but Ana was not tired.

Sl: Smehljala se je.
En: She smiled.

Sl: "Kako lepo," je rekla, ko so prišli na vrh.
En: "How beautiful," she said when they reached the top.

Sl: V cerkvi je bila tišina.
En: Inside the church, there was silence.

Sl: Ljudje so stali in se molili.
En: People stood and prayed.

Sl: Ana je spoštljivo stopila naprej, Luka in Matej pa sta jo spremljala.
En: Ana respectfully stepped forward, followed by Luka and Matej.

Sl: Nato so se odločili zapreti oči in si zaželeti eno željo.
En: Then they decided to close their eyes and each make a wish.

Sl: Ko so zapustili cerkev, je Ana pogledala Mateja in Luka z zvezdami v očeh.
En: As they left the church, Ana looked at Matej and Luka with stars in her eyes.

Sl: "To je bil najboljši izlet," je dejala.
En: "This was the best trip," she said.

Sl: Matej in Luka sta se strinjala in se objela.
En: Matej and Luka agreed and hugged.

Sl: Sedli so nazaj v čoln.
En: They sat back in the boat.

Sl: Tokrat je veslala Ana.
En: This time, Ana rowed.

Sl: "Naslednjič pa gremo še na grad," je rekla s smehom.
En: "Next time, we'll go to the castle," she said with a laugh.

Sl: "Dogovorjeno," sta hkrati odgovorila Matej in Luka.
En: "Agreed," Matej and Luka replied simultaneously.

Sl: Bled je zasijal v popoldanskem soncu.
En: Bled glistened in the afternoon sun.

Sl: Trije prijatelji so se vračali iz nepozabnega izleta.
En: The three friends returned from an unforgettable trip.

Sl: S srci polnimi veselja so vedeli, da se bodo še vrnili.
En: With hearts full of joy, they knew they would return again.

Sl: Zadovoljni in srečni so končali dan.
En: Content and happy, they ended their day.

Sl: Nič ni bilo lepšega kot skupni čas in lepi spomini na Bled.
En: There was nothing better than shared time and beautiful memories of Bled.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unforgettable: nepozabno
  • dawned: obsijalo
  • glimmered: sijala
  • marveling: občudovali
  • enthusiastically: navdušeno
  • rented: najeli
  • be careful: pazi
  • filming: snemala
  • surrounding: okoli
  • tied up: privezal
  • jumped out: skočila ven
  • staircase: stopnišče
  • reached: prispeli
  • top: vrh
  • silence: tišina
  • respectfully: spoštljivo
  • make a wish: zaželeti željo
  • stars: zvezde
  • trip: izlet
  • agreed: strinjala
  • hugged: objela
  • castle: grad
  • simultaneously: hkrati
  • glistened: zasijal
  • afternoon: popoldanskem
  • returned: vrača
  • joy: veselja
  • content: zadovoljni
  • shared time: skupni čas
  • heart: srce
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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