
Lars in Copenhagen: A Hilarious Misadventure on the Bike Lane

23 de nov. de 2023 · 16m 24s
Lars in Copenhagen: A Hilarious Misadventure on the Bike Lane

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Lars in Copenhagen: A Hilarious Misadventure on the Bike Lane Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Da: Lars var en...

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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Lars in Copenhagen: A Hilarious Misadventure on the Bike Lane
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Story Transcript:

Da: Lars var en ung mand i København.
En: Lars was a young man in Copenhagen.

Da: Han boede i et lille hus nær havnen.
En: He lived in a small house near the harbor.

Da: Af natur var han meget glad og venlig.
En: By nature, he was very happy and kind.

Da: Men selv de mest glade mennesker kan have dårlige dage.
En: But even the happiest people can have bad days.

Da: Dette er historien om en sådan dag for Lars.
En: This is the story of one such day for Lars.

Da: Solopgangen var smukke, pink og orange farver, der mixede på himmelen.
En: The sunrise was beautiful, with pink and orange colors mixing in the sky.

Da: Lars trak sine sko på og begav sig ud af døren.
En: Lars put on his shoes and headed out the door.

Da: Han skulle til møde i centrum.
En: He had a meeting in the city center.

Da: Han besluttede sig for at gå istedet for at tage bussen.
En: He decided to walk instead of taking the bus.

Da: Han elskede at gå rundt i de hyggelige gader i København.
En: He loved wandering around the cozy streets of Copenhagen.

Da: På rykindenom tog han en forkert drejning.
En: On his way, he took a wrong turn.

Da: Uafvidende gik han ud på cykelstien.
En: Unaware, he walked onto the bike lane.

Da: Stien var snorlige og bred.
En: The lane was straight and wide.

Da: Lars troede naivt, det var en fodgængersti.
En: Naively, Lars thought it was a pedestrian path.

Da: Lige ved siden af flød trafikken let på vejen, det var endnu tidlig morgen.
En: Right next to it, traffic flowed smoothly on the road, it was still early morning.

Da: Pludselig mærkede Lars et sus bag sig.
En: Suddenly, Lars felt a rush behind him.

Da: En cykelist kom farende ned ad cykelstien.
En: A cyclist came speeding down the bike lane.

Da: Cyklisten måtte brage i bremserne for ikke at ramme Lars.
En: The cyclist had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting Lars.

Da: Med en vred mine svingede cyklisten rundt om ham.
En: With an angry expression, the cyclist swerved around him.

Da: Efter nogle sekunder anede Lars uråd.
En: After a few seconds, Lars sensed something was wrong.

Da: Snart var det ikke kun én cyklist.
En: Soon it wasn't just one cyclist.

Da: Det blev til flere.
En: It became more and more.

Da: Sommetider undveg de ham lige ved det yderste.
En: Sometimes they narrowly avoided him.

Da: Andre gange råbte de ad ham.
En: Other times they shouted at him.

Da: Lars fik det varmt.
En: Lars started feeling hot.

Da: De så vrede ud.
En: They looked angry.

Da: Alle var på vej til arbejde, og Lars stod i vejen.
En: Everyone was rushing to work, and Lars was in the way.

Da: Han kom på underlige ideer for at undgå dem.
En: He came up with strange ideas to avoid them.

Da: Han løb ind mellem træerne.
En: He ran among the trees.

Da: Han prøvede at vifte med armene.
En: He tried waving his arms.

Da: Lars løb frem og tilbage.
En: Lars ran back and forth.

Da: Intet hjalp.
En: Nothing helped.

Da: Cyklisterne var vrede.
En: The cyclists were furious.

Da: De ringede med deres klokker voldsomt.
En: They rang their bells aggressively.

Da: Det var som at være en tørresnor i en cykelstorm.
En: It was like being a clothesline in a bicycle storm.

Da: Til sidst forstod Lars det.
En: Finally, Lars understood.

Da: Han kiggede ned.
En: He looked down.

Da: Han så de hvide linjer.
En: He saw the white lines.

Da: Det var en cykelsti, ikke en fodgængersti.
En: It was a bike lane, not a pedestrian path.

Da: Han var på det forkerte sted.
En: He was in the wrong place.

Da: Han blev flov og forlod stien hurtigt.
En: He felt embarrassed and quickly left the lane.

Da: Cyklisterne var lettet.
En: The cyclists were relieved.

Da: De fortsatte stille og roligt.
En: They continued on peacefully.

Da: Lars trak vejret dybt.
En: Lars took a deep breath.

Da: Han kiggede på sit armbåndsur.
En: He looked at his wristwatch.

Da: Han var sent på den.
En: He was running late.

Da: Hurtigt fandt han den rigtige vej og skyndte sig afsted.
En: Quickly, he found the right way and hurried off.

Da: Han nåede lige til mødet.
En: He barely made it to the meeting.

Da: Han sad efter mødet og tænkte på sin fejl.
En: After the meeting, he sat there thinking about his mistake.

Da: Han var flov, men han grinede også.
En: He felt embarrassed, but he also laughed.

Da: Det var en mærkelig situation.
En: It was a strange situation.

Da: Han besluttede at være mere opmærksom næste gang.
En: He decided to be more attentive next time.

Da: Lars gåture i København var altid fyldt med eventyr.
En: Lars' walks in Copenhagen were always filled with adventure.

Da: Denne dag var ingen undtagelse.
En: This day was no exception.

Da: Han grinnde af sig selv.
En: He laughed at himself.

Da: Nu kunne han fortælle en historie om den dag, han forvekslede en cykelsti med en fodgængersti.
En: Now, he could tell a story about the day he mistook a bike lane for a pedestrian path.

Da: Det ville blive en god historie.
En: It would be a good story.

Da: Han besluttede at komme i god tid næste gang, så han kunne spise morgenmad i ro og mag.
En: He decided to arrive early next time, so he could have a leisurely breakfast.

Da: Det var en sædvanlig dag for Lars i København.
En: It was a typical day for Lars in Copenhagen.

Da: Han sov godt den nat, træt og glad.
En: He slept well that night, tired and happy.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Lars: Lars
  • Copenhagen: København
  • young: ung
  • man: mand
  • house: hus
  • harbor: havn
  • happy: glad
  • kind: venlig
  • bad: dårlige
  • days: dage
  • story: historie
  • sunrise: solopgangen
  • colors: farver
  • mixing: mixede
  • sky: himmelen
  • shoes: sko
  • door: døren
  • meeting: mødet
  • city center: centrum
  • walk: gå
  • bus: bus
  • wandering: gå rundt
  • cozy: hyggelige
  • streets: gader
  • wrong turn: forkert drejning
  • unaware: uvidende
  • bike lane: cykelstien
  • straight: snorlige
  • wide: bred
  • naively: naivt
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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