
Laughter at Prešeren Square: A Wet Adventure

11 de feb. de 2024 · 14m 23s
Laughter at Prešeren Square: A Wet Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 34s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laughter at Prešeren Square: A Wet Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Pod modrim nebom je Ljubljana žarela...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laughter at Prešeren Square: A Wet Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Pod modrim nebom je Ljubljana žarela v toplih barvah popoldanskega sonca.
En: Under the blue sky, Ljubljana was glowing in the warm colors of the afternoon sun.

Sl: Luka je hodil po mestu, razmišljal o svojih načrtih in ni opazil, kako hitro so minile ure.
En: Luka walked through the city, thinking about his plans and not noticing how quickly the hours passed.

Sl: Maja, njegova najboljša prijateljica, ga je že čakala na Prešernovem trgu, mešajoč se med turisti in mimoidočimi.
En: His best friend Maja was already waiting for him at Prešeren Square, blending in among the tourists and passersby.

Sl: Ko je Luka končno prispel, je bil presenečen, kako živo je bilo mestno jedro.
En: When Luka finally arrived, he was surprised at how lively the city center was.

Sl: Med sprehodom po tlakovanih ulicah niso mogli ustaviti nasmehov ob pogledu na živahna ulična predstavljanja in barvite stojnice.
En: As they walked along the cobblestone streets, they couldn't help but smile at the lively street performances and colorful stalls.

Sl: Maja je ves čas pripovedovala zanimive zgodbe o zgodovini starih zgradb in skrivnostih, ki jih skrivajo njihovi zidovi.
En: Maja kept sharing interesting stories about the history of old buildings and the secrets hidden within their walls.

Sl: Kar naenkrat je Luka občutil hladen pršec na obrazu.
En: Suddenly, Luka felt a cold mist on his face.

Sl: Nekaj korakov naprej je ugotovil, zakaj.
En: A few steps forward, he realized why.

Sl: Med smehom in klepetom z Majo ni opazil velikega vodnjaka sredi trga.
En: Amidst laughter and chatter with Maja, he hadn't noticed the large fountain in the middle of the square.

Sl: Preden je lahko kaj naredil, je s polno nogo stopil v vodnjak.
En: Before he could do anything, he stepped into the fountain with a full foot.

Sl: Voda je brizgnila in ga premočila od glave do pet.
En: Water splashed and soaked him from head to toe.

Sl: Maja se ni mogla zadržati.
En: Maja couldn't hold back her laughter.

Sl: Začela je glasno hihitati, saj je Luka, popolnoma premočen, stal tam osupel in nepremičen.
En: Seeing Luka, completely drenched, standing there stunned and motionless, she burst into loud giggles.

Sl: Luka se je počutil nerodno in malo jezno na samega sebe, ampak ko je videl Majo tako veselo, se ni mogel upreti in se je začel smejati tudi sam.
En: Luka felt awkward and a little annoyed with himself, but when he saw Maja so happy, he couldn't resist and started laughing himself.

Sl: Ljudje okrog njiju so se obrnili, privabljeni s smehom, in kmalu so se nekateri nasmehnili ob pogledu na Lukovo nesrečo.
En: People around them turned, drawn by the laughter, and soon some of them smiled at the sight of Luka's mishap.

Sl: V mestu, kjer je bilo toliko zanimivih stvari za videti, je bil premočen fant, ki se je šalil na lasten račun, prava atrakcija.
En: In a city with so many interesting things to see, a wet boy joking about himself became a true attraction.

Sl: "Včasih," je Maja rekla, ko se je smeh polegel, "moramo narediti nekaj nepričakovanega, da resnično občutimo mesto.
En: "Sometimes," Maja said, when the laughter subsided, "we have to do something unexpected to truly experience the city."

Sl: "S temi besedami sta nadaljevala svoj obhod po mestu, Luka v mokrih oblačilih, a s toplim nasmehom na obrazu.
En: With these words, they continued their tour of the city, Luka in wet clothes but with a warm smile on his face.

Sl: In prav tisti dan je spoznal, da malo sramote ni nič v primerjavi s smehom in veseljem, ki si ga deli z dobrim prijateljem.
En: And on that very day, he realized that a little embarrassment was nothing compared to the laughter and joy shared with a good friend.

Sl: Od tistega dne dalje, ko sta se sprehajala mimo tega vodnjaka, sta se vedno nasmejala in spomnila na dan, ko je Luka nevede zaplesal v vodi.
En: From that day on, whenever they walked past that fountain, they always smiled and remembered the day when Luka unwittingly danced in the water.

Sl: To je postalo njuna posebna skrivnost, nekakšen simbol njune prijateljske vezi, ki ju je nasmejal vsakič, ko sta skupaj prečkala Prešernov trg.
En: It became their special secret, a kind of symbol of their friendship bond, which made them smile every time they crossed Prešeren Square together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Under: Pod
  • blue: modrim
  • sky: nebom
  • glowing: žarela
  • warm: toplih
  • colors: barvah
  • afternoon: popoldanskega
  • sun: sonca
  • walked: hodil
  • thinking: razmišljal
  • plans: načrtih
  • noticing: ni opazil
  • hours: ure
  • hardly: mešajoč
  • best: najboljša
  • friend: prijateljica
  • already: že
  • waiting: čakala
  • blending: mešajoč
  • among: med
  • tourists: turisti
  • passersby: mimoidočimi
  • lively: živo
  • city: mestno
  • center: jedro
  • cobblestone: tlakovanih
  • streets: ulicah
  • couldn't: niso mogli
  • help: ustaviti
  • smile: nasmehov
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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