
Lost Heirloom, Found Soul: Andrej's Melody at Lake Bled

17 de jul. de 2024 · 17m 47s
Lost Heirloom, Found Soul: Andrej's Melody at Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Heirloom, Found Soul: Andrej's Melody at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Mladenič Andrej je stal...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Heirloom, Found Soul: Andrej's Melody at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Mladenič Andrej je stal ob robu jezera Bled, njegov obraz skrbi.
En: Young man Andrej stood at the edge of Lake Bled, his face filled with worry.

Sl: Toplo poletno sonce je sijalo in festival je bil v polnem zamahu.
En: The warm summer sun was shining, and the festival was in full swing.

Sl: Andrej je bil kljub gneči in vrvežu osamljen.
En: Despite the crowd and the hustle and bustle, Andrej felt lonely.

Sl: Njegova babica mu je pred letom dni podarila čaroben medaljon.
En: A year ago, his grandmother had given him a magical medallion.

Sl: Bil je družinska dragocenost, ki ga ni nikoli smel izgubiti.
En: It was a family heirloom that he was never supposed to lose.

Sl: Danes je pa prav ta medaljon izginil.
En: But today, that very medallion had disappeared.

Sl: "Kam je lahko šel?" je vprašal sam sebe, ko se je ozrl okoli.
En: "Where could it have gone?" he asked himself as he looked around.

Sl: Stojnice so bile polne ljudi.
En: The stalls were full of people.

Sl: Otroci so tekali naokrog, smeh je napolnjeval zrak.
En: Children were running around, laughter filled the air.

Sl: Andrej je bil programer iz Ljubljane, umirjen in zamišljen po naravi.
En: Andrej was a programmer from Ljubljana, calm and thoughtful by nature.

Sl: Njegovo pravo skrito darilo pa je bilo igranje violine.
En: His true hidden talent, however, was playing the violin.

Sl: Tokrat pa mu je ta talent malo pomagal.
En: But this talent did little to help him now.

Sl: Najprej je razmišljal, da bi se vrnil k stojnicam in iskal po pešpoteh, kjer je hodil.
En: At first, he thought about going back to the stalls and searching along the walking paths where he had been.

Sl: Potem se je odločil poiskati nasvet v izgubljenih in najdenih predmetih.
En: Then he decided to seek advice at the lost and found.

Sl: Z upanjem je stopil proti stojnici.
En: With hope, he approached the stall.

Sl: "Ste morda našli moj medaljon?" je vprašal prijazno gospo za pultom.
En: "Have you perhaps found my medallion?" he asked the kind lady at the counter.

Sl: "Gospod, žal nismo nič takega našli," je dejala z žalostjo.
En: "Sir, unfortunately, we haven't found anything like that," she said sadly.

Sl: Andrej je obupan nadaljeval iskanje.
En: Desperate, Andrej continued his search.

Sl: Medtem je ura neizprosno tikala.
En: Meanwhile, time was ticking relentlessly.

Sl: Množica je postajala večja, njegov medaljon pa se je zdel še bolj nedosegljiv.
En: The crowd was growing larger, and his medallion seemed even more out of reach.

Sl: Nenadoma je zagledal deklico na robu odra.
En: Suddenly, he spotted a girl at the edge of a stage.

Sl: V rokah je držala njegov medaljon.
En: She was holding his medallion in her hands.

Sl: Andrejov srce je zaigralo; vedel je, da je to njegova priložnost.
En: Andrej's heart jumped; he knew this was his chance.

Sl: Približal se je deklici.
En: He approached the girl.

Sl: "Je ta medaljon tvoj?" je vprašal prijazno.
En: "Is that medallion yours?" he asked kindly.

Sl: Deklica je zmedeno pogledala in tesno držala medaljon.
En: The girl looked confused and held the medallion tightly.

Sl: Sprva je kazalo, da ga ne bo dala nazaj.
En: At first, it seemed she wouldn't give it back.

Sl: Andrej se je spomnil svoje violine.
En: Andrej remembered his violin.

Sl: Poiskal je violinistke, ki je igrala ob stojnici, in jo prosil za dovoljenje, da igra.
En: He found a violinist playing by a stall and asked for permission to play.

Sl: Zvok violine je prekril festival.
En: The sound of the violin spread over the festival.

Sl: Andrej je igral čudovit komad, melodija je bila mehka in ganljiva.
En: Andrej played a beautiful piece, the melody was soft and moving.

Sl: Deklica je očarano poslušala.
En: The girl listened, enchanted.

Sl: Ko je Andrej končal, je videla solze v njenih očeh.
En: When Andrej finished, he saw tears in her eyes.

Sl: Posedla se je k njemu in mu vrnila medaljon.
En: She sat down next to him and returned the medallion.

Sl: "Tega lani mi je babica podarila," je rekel Andrej z mehkim glasom.
En: "My grandmother gave me this last year," Andrej said softly.

Sl: Deklica je prikimala in odšla nazaj k staršem.
En: The girl nodded and went back to her parents.

Sl: Andrej je zdaj v rokah trdo stiskal medaljon.
En: Andrej now held the medallion tightly in his hands.

Sl: Nasmehnil se je sam sebi.
En: He smiled to himself.

Sl: Njegova glasba je našla pot do deklicinega srca in mu povrnila družinsko dragocenost.
En: His music had found its way to the girl's heart and restored his family heirloom.

Sl: Med hojo po jezeru je začutil, kako njegova samozavest raste.
En: As he walked by the lake, he felt his confidence grow.

Sl: Množica ljudi mu ni več predstavljala težav.
En: The crowd of people no longer troubled him.

Sl: Andrej je spoznal moč svoje glasbe in kako je lahko povezala ljudi.
En: Andrej realized the power of his music and how it could connect people.

Sl: Ko je sonce zahajalo, je Andrej stal ob vodi, srečen.
En: As the sun was setting, Andrej stood by the water, happy.

Sl: Medaljon je bil znova njegov, njegovo srce pa je bilo polno topline in ponosa.
En: The medallion was his again, and his heart was full of warmth and pride.

Sl: Festival se je še naprej odvijal okoli njega, toda ta trenutek je pripadal samo njemu.
En: The festival continued around him, but this moment belonged to him alone.

Sl: Zaključil je svoj dan z mislijo, da ni nikoli prepozno odkriti nove plati sebe.
En: He ended his day with the thought that it's never too late to discover a new side of oneself.

Vocabulary Words:
  • worry: skrbi
  • hustle: vrvež
  • lonely: osamljen
  • heirloom: dragocenost
  • disappeared: izginil
  • crowd: množica
  • paths: pešpoteh
  • seek: poiskati
  • advice: nasvet
  • lost and found: izgubljenih in najdenih predmetov
  • counter: pultom
  • desperate: obupan
  • relentlessly: neizprosno
  • out of reach: nedosegljiv
  • confused: zmedeno
  • enchanted: očarano
  • confidence: samozavest
  • troubled: predstavljala težav
  • connect: povezala
  • warmth: toplina
  • pride: ponos
  • continue: odvijal
  • crowded: gneči
  • relentlessly: neizprosno
  • enchanted: očarano
  • desperate: obupan
  • stalls: stojnice
  • approached: približal
  • tickling: tikala
  • apologetically: z žalostjo
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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