Lost in Barcelona: An Unforgettable Journey of Discovery

28 de nov. de 2023 · 15m
Lost in Barcelona: An Unforgettable Journey of Discovery

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in Barcelona: An Unforgettable Journey of Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lost-in-barcelona-an-unforgettable-journey-of-discovery/ Story Transcript: Ca: A sobre d'un dic de...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in Barcelona: An Unforgettable Journey of Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Ca: A sobre d'un dic de pedra, sota l'ombra refrescant d'un enorme plataner, s'hi assegut Jordi. Ell, al costat de les seves inseparables amistats, Marta i Carles, observaven la fervent activitat de la ciutat. Eren a Barcelona, un lloc tan ampli com divers. La ciutat bategava amb vida, amb el bullici constant de la gent, amb l'olor de les parades de menjar i el soroll dels venedors de souvenirs cridant als passants. Els tres amics es van dirigir cap al carrer principal, un enjardinat passeig ple de locals i turistes.
En: On a bench made of stone, under the refreshing shade of a enormous plane tree, sat Jordi. He, alongside his inseparable friends, Marta and Carles, observed the fervent activity of the city. They were in Barcelona, a place as spacious as it is diverse. The city pulsated with life, with the constant bustle of people, with the smell of food stalls and the noise of souvenir vendors calling out to passersby. The three friends headed towards the main street, a landscaped promenade full of shops and tourists.

Ca: Eren novells en aquesta gran ciutat. Jordi, amb el mapa a les mans, no aconseguia orientar-se entre els sinuosos carrers de l'antiga ciutat. Carles, a la seva dreta, s'esforçava per comprendre l'enigma que era Barcelona observant l'horitzó. I Marta, la més decidida dels tres, els va agafar de les mans i els va arrossegar cap a un costat.
En: They were newcomers to this big city. Jordi, with the map in his hands, couldn't manage to orient himself amidst the winding streets of the old city. Carles, on his right, struggled to comprehend the enigma that Barcelona was while looking at the horizon. And Marta, the most determined of the three, took them by the hands and led them in one direction.

Ca: Així, com tres blancs ratolins dins un complex laberint, es van perdre. Però quina delectació fou perdre's! Van trobar racons insospitats, carrerons florits amagats del gran públic, pintoresques botigues d'antiguitats i simpàtics cafès de barri. Fins que, captivats per la música llunyana que els arribava com una agradable brisa d'estiu, van acabar en un animat carrer ple de gent.
En: Like three lost mice in a complex labyrinth, they got lost. But what a delight it was to be lost! They found unsuspected corners, hidden flower-filled alleyways, quaint antique shops, and charming neighborhood cafes. Until, captivated by the distant music that reached them like a pleasant summer breeze, they ended up in a busy street full of people.

Ca: Allà, dins del cúmul de persones, una actuació de carrer estava tenint lloc. Artistes de tota casta, dansaires, mags, malabaristes, omplien l'espai amb la seva energia. I de sobte, quasi sense adonar-se'n, Marta veié com la van invitar a ballar, seguita de Jordi i Carles. Amb el rostre envermellit però rient, van acabar ballant al mig de la plaça, per a la seva sorpresa i delit.
En: There, within the crowd, a street performance was taking place. Artists of all kinds, dancers, magicians, jugglers, filled the space with their energy. And suddenly, almost without realizing it, Marta saw that she was being invited to dance, followed by Jordi and Carles. With flushed faces but laughing, they ended up dancing in the middle of the square, to their surprise and delight.

Ca: Cada pas de dansa, cada gir, els portava més a prop de l'euforia del moment, de l'essència mateixa de Barcelona. La ciutat, en aquell moment, no era més que l'escenari de la seva felicitat. Les rialles del públic, els aplaudiments al final de l'actuació, l'abraçada de grup tan necessària... tot conformava una imatge detinguda en el temps, una fotografia perfecta.
En: Every dance step, every turn, brought them closer to the euphoria of the moment, to the very essence of Barcelona. The city, in that moment, was nothing more than the stage for their happiness. The laughter of the audience, the applause at the end of the performance, the much-needed group hug... it all formed an image frozen in time, a perfect photograph.

Ca: Amb les galtes encara colorades i els cors rient a batzegades, els tres amics van acabar aquell dia amb una gran somriure. Havien arribat com uns desconeguts a una ciutat immensa, s'havien perdut en els seus carrers, s'havien trobat a si mateixos. I finalment, van acabar sent part d'un espectacle inoblidable. Aquella Barcelona vibrante, alegre, ha quedat gravada en ells per sempre.
En: With still reddened cheeks and hearts overflowing with laughter, the three friends ended that day with a big smile. They had arrived as strangers to an immense city, they had gotten lost in its streets, they had found themselves. And finally, they ended up becoming part of an unforgettable show. That vibrant, joyful Barcelona has been etched in them forever.

Ca: Van aprendre que per vegades, el destí no es troba en un mapa, sinó en els llocs on ens perd. Allà on menys ho esperes, on la sorpresa i la diversió et fan riure de felicitat. Aquell dia, Jordi, Marta i Carles no només van navegar pels animats carrers de Barcelona; aquell dia, van navegar a través de la vida mateixa. I, al final, no hi ha millor aventura que aquesta.
En: They learned that sometimes, destiny is not found on a map, but in the places where we get lost. In the least expected moments, where surprises and fun make you laugh with happiness. That day, Jordi, Marta, and Carles didn't just navigate the lively streets of Barcelona; that day, they navigated through life itself. And in the end, there is no better adventure than that.

Vocabulary Words:
  • They were newcomers to this big city.: Eren novells en aquesta gran ciutat.
  • But what a delight it was to be lost!: Però quina delectació fou perdre's!
  • With still reddened cheeks and hearts overflowing with laughter: the three friends ended that day with
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