Lost in Dubrovnik: An Unforgettable Journey of Chance
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Lost in Dubrovnik: An Unforgettable Journey of Chance
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost in Dubrovnik: An Unforgettable Journey of Chance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lost-in-dubrovnik-an-unforgettable-journey-of-chance/ Story Transcript: Hr: Pod vedrim ljetnim nebom, Dubrovnik...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Pod vedrim ljetnim nebom, Dubrovnik je sjajio poput dragulja.
En: Under the clear summer sky, Dubrovnik shimmered like a gem.
Hr: Njegove uske ulice bile su poput labirinta iz bajke.
En: Its narrow streets were like a fairy tale labyrinth.
Hr: Ivan i Marija, među mnoštvom turista, pratili su svog vodiča.
En: Among the crowd of tourists, Ivan and Marija followed their guide.
Hr: No, kako to ponekad biva, usred šarenih kioska i kamenih zidova, izgubili su se u masi.
En: But, as sometimes happens, amidst the colorful kiosks and stone walls, they lost themselves in the throng.
Hr: "Ivane, nije tako strašno," rekla je Marija s osmijehom.
En: "Ivan, it's not that terrible," Marija said with a smile.
Hr: "Samo malo smo skrenuli.
En: "We just took a little detour."
Hr: "Ivanu, koji je inače volio sve imati pod kontrolom, srce je brže kucalo.
En: Ivan, who usually liked to have everything under control, felt his heart race.
Hr: "Moramo natrag, Marija.
En: "We need to get back, Marija.
Hr: Propuštamo cijeli plan!
En: We're missing the whole itinerary!"
Hr: "Ali Marija, slobodnog duha, imala je drugačiji pogled na stvari.
En: But Marija, being free-spirited, had a different perspective.
Hr: "Ovo je naša prilika da vidimo nešto posebno.
En: "This is our chance to see something special.
Hr: Idemo istražiti!
En: Let's explore!"
Hr: " predloži ona, očiju sjajeći od uzbuđenja.
En: she suggested, her eyes shining with excitement.
Hr: Iako nevoljko, Ivan je popustio.
En: Reluctantly, Ivan gave in.
Hr: Nisu imali izbora osim da pokušaju novi put.
En: They had no choice but to try a new path.
Hr: Ubrzo su stupili u mali trg, skriven od turista.
En: Soon they stumbled upon a small square, hidden from the tourists.
Hr: Ondje su zatekli lokalni festival.
En: There, they found a local festival.
Hr: Glazba je ispunjavala zrak, a miris slatkih delicija mamio ih je bliže.
En: Music filled the air, and the smell of sweet treats tempted them closer.
Hr: Ivan je, na Marijino iznenađenje, počeo uživati.
En: To Marija's surprise, Ivan began to enjoy himself.
Hr: Zaboravio je na raspored.
En: He forgot about the schedule.
Hr: "Ovo nikada ne bismo vidjeli s grupom", priznao je.
En: "We would never have seen this with the group," he admitted.
Hr: Marija se nasmijala.
En: Marija laughed.
Hr: "Uvijek govorim da je najbolje pustiti planove da samo izblijede.
En: "I always say it's best to let plans just fade away."
Hr: "Kad je festival završio, i dalje su morali naći put natrag.
En: When the festival ended, they still had to find their way back.
Hr: Naišli su na starca, koji im je ljubazno pokazao kartu.
En: An elderly man came across them and kindly showed them a map.
Hr: "Samo naprijed, djeco," rekao im je.
En: "Just ahead, children," he told them.
Hr: "Vaša grupa nije daleko.
En: "Your group isn't far."
Hr: "Na kraju, uz pomoć mape i susretljivog mještanina, ponovno su se pridružili grupi.
En: In the end, with the help of the map and the helpful local, they rejoined the group.
Hr: Ivan, pomalo iscrpljen, ali zadovoljan, rekao je: "Možda se i spontano može uživati.
En: Ivan, somewhat exhausted but satisfied, said, "Maybe you can enjoy things spontaneously after all."
Hr: "Marija ga je prijateljski gurnula.
En: Marija gave him a friendly nudge.
Hr: "Vidjet ćeš, ponekad je najbolje improvizirati.
En: "You'll see, sometimes it's best to improvise."
Hr: "Tog dana, Ivan je naučio vrijednost spontanosti, dok je Marija shvatila važnost razumijevanja Ivanovih briga.
En: That day, Ivan learned the value of spontaneity, while Marija understood the importance of appreciating Ivan's concerns.
Hr: Ljetni dan u Dubrovniku nastavio se smijehom i novim pričama, bogatijima od svih planiranih avantura.
En: The summer day in Dubrovnik continued with laughter and new stories, richer than any planned adventures.
Vocabulary Words:
- shimmered: sjajio
- narrow: uske
- labyrinth: labirinta
- amidst: usred
- throng: masi
- detour: skrenuli
- itinerary: plan
- free-spirited: slobodnog duha
- perspective: pogled
- spontaneously: spontano
- improvise: improvizirati
- exhausted: iscrpljen
- spontaneity: spontanosti
- appreciating: razumijevanja
- elderly: starca
- crowd: mnoštvom
- concerns: briga
- festival: festival
- tempted: mamio
- schedule: raspored
- fade: izblijede
- guide: vodiča
- hidden: skriven
- sweet treats: slatkih delicija
- freedom: sloboda
- labyrinth: labirinta
- overcome: prevladati
- adventure: avantura
- opportunity: prilika
- map: karta
Autor | FluentFiction.org |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Página web | www.fluentfiction.org |
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