Lost in the Bamboo Grove: A Qixi Festival Adventure

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Lost in the Bamboo Grove: A Qixi Festival Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Lost in the Bamboo Grove: A Qixi Festival Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lost-in-the-bamboo-grove-a-qixi-festival-adventure/ Story Transcript: Zh: 竹林深处,夏季阳光透过绿意盎然的竹叶,斑驳地洒在地上。 En: Deep...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 竹林深处,夏季阳光透过绿意盎然的竹叶,斑驳地洒在地上。
En: Deep in the bamboo grove, the summer sunlight filtered through the lush green leaves, casting mottled shadows on the ground.
Zh: 在这样一个宁静的早晨,校车载着一群充满活力的高中生驶入这片天然的生态环境。
En: On such a tranquil morning, a school bus carried a group of energetic high school students into this natural ecological environment.
Zh: 今天是一个特别的日子,既是七夕节,也是小龙、梅芬和露莉参加生态学远足的日子。
En: Today was a special day; it was both Qixi Festival and the day Xiaolong, Meifen, and Luli participated in an ecology hike.
Zh: 小龙坐在车上,心中充满期待。
En: Sitting on the bus, Xiaolong was filled with anticipation.
Zh: 他喜欢植物,每次都有新的发现。
En: He loved plants and always discovered something new.
Zh: 他希望在这次旅途中,能让梅芬看到他的博学。
En: He hoped that on this trip, he could impress Meifen with his knowledge.
Zh: 梅芬坐在他的前排座位,她安静地看着窗外的美景,心中盘算着用什么样的笔触去描绘竹林。
En: Meifen sat in the row in front of him, quietly gazing at the beautiful scenery outside the window, pondering how she might capture the bamboo grove with her brushstrokes.
Zh: 露莉则在旁边,微笑着打趣小龙的心思。
En: Luli sat beside her, smiling and teasing Xiaolong about his thoughts.
Zh: 车停了,大家下车走入竹林。
En: When the bus stopped, everyone got off and entered the bamboo grove.
Zh: 竹子高大威严,叶子在微风中发出沙沙声。
En: The bamboo stood tall and majestic, and the leaves rustled in the breeze.
Zh: 小龙领着小组,特别兴奋。
En: Xiaolong led the group, especially excited.
Zh: 他兴奋地讲述竹子的分类和生长习性,希望梅芬会因此对他另眼相看。
En: He eagerly shared information about the classification and growth habits of bamboo, hoping Meifen would see him in a new light.
Zh: “小龙,你真的很懂这些植物啊。”露莉笑着说,眼中带着一点点揶揄的味道。
En: “Xiaolong, you really know a lot about these plants,” Luli said with a teasing glint in her eyes.
Zh: 随着小组的深入,小龙的好奇心越发强烈。
En: As the group ventured deeper, Xiaolong’s curiosity grew.
Zh: 他注意到了一条鲜有人走的小路,不禁想去探险。
En: He noticed a rarely trodden path and couldn’t resist exploring.
Zh: “走这边,我们会更快看到稀有植物。”他对组员们说。
En: “If we go this way, we’ll get to see rare plants faster,” he told the group.
Zh: 大家都犹豫,但小龙已经率先踏入那条小路。
En: Everyone hesitated, but Xiaolong had already stepped onto the path.
Zh: 竹林越来越密,小龙走着走着,发现周围的竹子似乎都长得一样。
En: The bamboo grove became denser, and as Xiaolong walked on, the bamboo around him seemed all alike.
Zh: “糟糕,我迷路了。”他想。
En: “Oh no, I’m lost,” he thought.
Zh: 然而,他并不想在大家面前丢脸,于是继续向前走,心里想着一定会找到出路的。
En: Still, he didn’t want to lose face in front of everyone and continued, determined to find a way out.
Zh: 终于,他在一个小山坡上停下,眼前出现了一种他从未见过的开花兰花,那种兰花盛开着,色彩鲜艳,芬芳四溢。
En: Finally, he stopped at a small hill and saw an orchid he had never seen before, blooming brilliantly with vibrant colors and a fragrant aroma.
Zh: 小龙心中的激动难以用语言表达。
En: Xiaolong was so thrilled that words couldn’t express it.
Zh: 他立刻拿出笔记本记录。
En: He immediately took out his notebook to record his find.
Zh: “我要把这个花展示给大家看,尤其是梅芬。”他暗自想到。
En: “I have to show this flower to everyone, especially Meifen,” he thought to himself.
Zh: 然而时间已晚,他知道不能久留。
En: However, it was getting late, and he knew he couldn’t stay long.
Zh: 犹豫之下,他决定先回去再带大队人马来。
En: With some hesitation, he decided to return and bring the group back later.
Zh: 小龙试图原路返回,却发现越走越不对劲。
En: Xiaolong tried to retrace his steps, but the more he walked, the more lost he felt.
Zh: 他在树影间徘徊,最后终于意识到需要帮助。
En: As he wandered through the shadows, he finally realized he needed help.
Zh: 露莉不知何时出现,笑着对小龙说:“我就在你附近,我知道怎么回去。”
En: Luli appeared out of nowhere, smiling as she said to Xiaolong, “I was nearby. I know the way back.”
Zh: 在露莉的带领下,两人一路小跑,终于回到了大部队。
En: With Luli leading the way, the two jogged their way back to the main group.
Zh: 梅芬看到他们,露出松了一口气的微笑。
En: Meifen saw them and let out a relieved smile.
Zh: 小龙喘着气把发现稀有兰花的事告诉大家。
En: Gasping for breath, Xiaolong shared the discovery of the rare orchid with everyone.
Zh: 梅芬听得入神,她的眼神中满是惊喜。
En: Meifen listened intently, her eyes filled with delight.
Zh: “你能带我去看看吗?我想画下来。”她问。
En: “Can you take me to see it? I’d like to paint it,” she asked.
Zh: 当晚,营地篝火旁,小龙将自己的笔记本递给梅芬。
En: That evening, by the campfire, Xiaolong handed his notebook to Meifen.
Zh: 两人坐在火光映照的竹林边,谈论着植物和艺术。
En: The two sat on the edge of the bamboo grove illuminated by the firelight, discussing plants and art.
Zh: 露莉在一旁轻轻唱起了一首七夕节的歌谣,竹叶沙沙作响,似乎都在庆祝这个难忘的夜晚。
En: Luli softly sang a Qixi Festival ballad nearby, the rustling bamboo leaves seeming to celebrate this unforgettable evening.
Zh: 这次旅行给小龙带来了自信,也让他明白了团队合作的重要。
En: This trip brought Xiaolong confidence and taught him the importance of teamwork.
Zh: 而梅芬开始关注小龙,不再只是简单的同学关系。
En: And Meifen began to notice Xiaolong, seeing him as more than just a classmate.
Zh: 七夕节的竹林,他们心中的悸动和温暖,在星空下轻轻地荡漾。
En: In the bamboo grove on Qixi Festival, their feelings and warmth gently rippled under the starry sky.
Vocabulary Words:
- grove: 树林
- filtered: 透过
- mottled: 斑驳
- tranquil: 宁静
- anticipation: 期待
- gazing: 凝视
- breeze: 微风
- ventured: 冒险
- trodden: 踩踏过的
- hesitated: 犹豫
- majestic: 威严
- curiosity: 好奇心
- alike: 相似
- orchid: 兰花
- fragrant: 芬芳的
- hesitation: 犹豫
- retraced: 返回
- gasping: 喘息
- intently: 专注地
- delight: 欣喜
- campfire: 篝火
- illuminated: 照亮的
- ballad: 歌谣
- confidence: 自信
- teamwork: 团队合作
- pondering: 沉思
- brushstrokes: 笔触
- teasing: 取笑
- glint: 闪光
- rippling: 荡漾
Autor | FluentFiction.org |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Página web | www.fluentfiction.org |
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