Lunchbox Swap: A Tale of Pickles & Curry
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Lunchbox Swap: A Tale of Pickles & Curry
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lunchbox Swap: A Tale of Pickles & Curry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekje v pisarnah ljubljanske stolpnice,...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Nekje v pisarnah ljubljanske stolpnice, kjer se okna bleščijo kot diamanti pod soncem, je Maja pravkar končala dopoldansko delo.
En: Somewhere in the offices of a Ljubljana skyscraper, where the windows glisten like diamonds in the sun, Maja has just finished her morning work.
Sl: S seboj je prinesla domače vložene kumarice, saj so bile njena najljubša malica.
En: She brought with her some homemade pickles, as they were her favorite snack.
Sl: V zraku je že dišalo po kavi in segretem kosilu, saj se je bližal čas za odmor.
En: The air already smelled of coffee and warm lunch as it was nearing break time.
Sl: Maja je pospravila svinčnike in zapiske ter zavila proti skupni kuhinji, kjer so že klepetali sodelavci.
En: Maja put away her pencils and notes and headed towards the common kitchen, where colleagues were already chatting.
Sl: Med njimi je bil tudi Peter z značilnim rdečim nahrbtnikom na ramenih.
En: Among them was Peter with his distinctive red backpack.
Sl: Delil je zgodbe o svojem vikendu in se smejal, ko je postavil svojo kosilnico na mizo.
En: He was sharing stories about his weekend and laughed as he placed his lawnmower on the table.
Sl: Maja je to opazila le bežno, saj je svojo kosilnico postavila poleg in pričela z odmorom.
En: Maja noticed this only fleetingly, as she put her lunchbox beside his and started her break.
Sl: Med smehom in pogovorom sta Maja in Peter nehote zamenjala svoji škatli za kosilo.
En: In the midst of laughter and conversation, Maja and Peter inadvertently switched their lunchboxes.
Sl: Ko je Maja odprla škatlo, da bi vzela kumarico, se ji je namesto zelenih krhljev očem ponudil pogled na rdečo, pikantno karijevo omako, ki je z bliskom prebudila njene brbončice.
En: When Maja opened the box to take a pickle, instead of the green slices, she was met with a view of red, spicy curry sauce, which instantly awakened her taste buds.
Sl: "O, če ni to Petrina kosilnica," je uzrla in naenkrat obsedela v tišini.
En: "Oh, isn't this Peter's lunchbox," she observed and suddenly fell silent.
Sl: Peter, ki je medtem odprl svojo škatlo, je osupnil nad kozarcem vloženih kumaric.
En: Meanwhile, Peter opened his box and was astonished to find a jar of pickled cucumbers.
Sl: "Kaj pa je to?
En: "What is this?"
Sl: " je izustil zmedeno.
En: he exclaimed, puzzled.
Sl: "To niso moje pekoče začimbe!
En: "These are not my spicy seasonings!"
Sl: "Oba sta se ozrla drug k drugemu, njihovi obrazni izrazi pa so povedali vse.
En: They both glanced at each other, their facial expressions telling everything.
Sl: V sobi se je razlegel val smeha.
En: A wave of laughter filled the room.
Sl: Maja je pokazala na svojo škatlo in skupaj so ugotovili, kaj se je zgodilo.
En: Maja pointed to her box and together they figured out what had happened.
Sl: Maja je Peterju ponudila poskusiti kumarico, in čeprav ni ljubitelj vloženih zelenjav, je ljubeznivo sprejel.
En: Maja offered Peter to try a pickle, and even though he wasn't a fan of pickled vegetables, he graciously accepted.
Sl: Kmalu je bila kuhinja polna smeha in novih okusov.
En: Soon the kitchen was filled with laughter and new flavors.
Sl: Maja, ki nikoli ni jedla pikantnih jedi, je presenečeno ugotovila, da ji Petervov kari prav dobro tekne, Peter pa je po novem izkusil radost hrustljavih kumaric.
En: Maja, who had never eaten spicy dishes, was surprised to find that she quite liked Peter's curry, while Peter experienced the joy of crispy pickles for the first time.
Sl: Za konec sta se spraševala, če bosta morda naslednjič namerno zamenjala kosila, da bi ponovno doživela takšno pustolovščino okusov.
En: In the end, they wondered if they should intentionally swap lunches next time, to once again experience such a taste adventure.
Sl: In če naključje ni dovolj, sta sklenila, da bosta naslednjo sredo zamenjala recepte in se pripravila na novo, še bolj razburljivo izkušnjo.
En: And if chance wasn't enough, they decided that the next Wednesday they would swap recipes and prepare for a new, even more thrilling experience.
Sl: V pisarni se je še dolgo govorilo o "dnevu zamenjanih kosilnic" in o tem, kako majhne zmešnjave lahko v življenje prinesejo toliko veselja in novih odkritij.
En: In the office, there was much talk about the "day of swapped lunchboxes" and how small mix-ups can bring so much joy and new discoveries into life.
Sl: Maja in Peter pa sta od tega dne naprej postala boljša prijatelja, združena z ljubeznijo do hrane in do odprtih src za nove izkušnje.
En: From that day on, Maja and Peter became better friends, united by their love for food and open hearts for new experiences.
Vocabulary Words:
- offices: pisarne
- Ljubljana: Ljubljana
- skyscraper: stolpnica
- windows: okna
- glisten: bleščijo
- diamonds: diamanti
- sun: sonce
- finished: končala
- morning: dopoldanski
- homemade: domače
- pickles: vložene kumarice
- favorite: najljubša
- snack: malica
- smelled: dišalo
- coffee: kava
- warm: segretem
- lunch: kosilo
- nearing: bližal
- break time: čas za odmor
- pencils: svinčniki
- notes: zapiski
- headed: zavila
- common: skupna
- kitchen: kuhinja
- colleagues: sodelavci
- chatting: klepetali
- sharing: delil
- stories: zgodbe
- weekend: vikend
- laughed: smejal
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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