Market Magic: A Day of Sales and Serendipity at Bratislava Castle
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Market Magic: A Day of Sales and Serendipity at Bratislava Castle
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Market Magic: A Day of Sales and Serendipity at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Bolo to...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Bolo to jedno krásne ráno.
En: It was a beautiful morning.
Sk: Vzduch voňal po jari.
En: The air smelled like spring.
Sk: Bratislavský hrad sa zdal byť ešte majestátnejší ako inokedy.
En: The Bratislava Castle seemed even more majestic than usual.
Sk: Anna sa prebudila skoro.
En: Anna woke up early.
Sk: Čakal ju dôležitý deň.
En: An important day awaited her.
Sk: Anna mala malý stánek na tradičným trhu.
En: Anna had a small stand at the traditional market.
Sk: Každú sobotu predávala ručne robené šperky.
En: Every Saturday, she sold handmade jewelry.
Sk: Tento týždeň bol špeciálny.
En: This week was special.
Sk: Bude veľký festival.
En: There would be a big festival.
Sk: Očakávalo sa veľa ľudí.
En: A lot of people were expected.
Sk: Anna si obliekla krásne šaty.
En: Anna put on a beautiful dress.
Sk: Na krku mala svoj najobľúbenejší náhrdelník.
En: Around her neck, she wore her favorite necklace.
Sk: Šla dolu ulicou k hradu.
En: She walked down the street toward the castle.
Sk: Cítila nervozitu a radosť zároveň.
En: She felt nervous and excited at the same time.
Sk: Trh sa konal vo dvore hradu.
En: The market took place in the castle courtyard.
Sk: Vzduch bol plný zvukov a vôni.
En: The air was filled with sounds and smells.
Sk: Predavači otvárali stánky, deti behali a hrali sa.
En: Vendors were opening their stands, children were running and playing.
Sk: Anna našla svoje miesto a začala vykladať šperky.
En: Anna found her spot and began setting out her jewelry.
Sk: Prišiel prvý zákazník.
En: The first customer arrived.
Sk: Mladá žena sa zaujímala o náušnice.
En: A young woman was interested in the earrings.
Sk: Anna jej pomáhala vybrať tie správne.
En: Anna helped her pick out the right ones.
Sk: Po chvíli žena odišla spokojná.
En: After a while, the woman left satisfied.
Sk: Celý deň bol plný zážitkov.
En: The whole day was full of experiences.
Sk: Rôzni ľudia prichádzali a odchádzali.
En: Different people came and went.
Sk: Anna predala veľa šperkov.
En: Anna sold a lot of jewelry.
Sk: Ale to nebolo všetko.
En: But that was not all.
Sk: Stretla starého priateľa.
En: She met an old friend.
Sk: Marek, starý priateľ z jej detstva, prišiel pozrieť trh.
En: Marek, an old friend from her childhood, came to see the market.
Sk: Anna a Marek sa nevideli veľa rokov.
En: Anna and Marek hadn't seen each other in many years.
Sk: Obaja mali radosť, že sa opäť stretli.
En: Both were delighted to meet again.
Sk: Rozprávali sa dlho.
En: They talked for a long time.
Sk: Keď sa deň blížil ku koncu, Anna si uvedomila, že sa naučila niečo nové.
En: As the day drew to a close, Anna realized she had learned something new.
Sk: Trh nebol len o predaji šperkov.
En: The market was not just about selling jewelry.
Sk: Bol to čas na stretávanie sa s ľuďmi.
En: It was a time for meeting people.
Sk: Bol to čas na spomienky a nové priateľstvá.
En: It was a time for memories and new friendships.
Sk: Anna si zbalila svoj stánek.
En: Anna packed up her stand.
Sk: S úsmevom sa pozerala na hrad.
En: With a smile, she looked at the castle.
Sk: Ten deň bol úspešný.
En: The day had been successful.
Sk: Slnko zapadalo nad Bratislavským hradom.
En: The sun was setting over Bratislava Castle.
Sk: Bol to krásny koniec krásneho dňa.
En: It was a beautiful end to a beautiful day.
Vocabulary Words:
- majestic: majestátnejší
- handmade: ručne robené
- courtyard: dvor
- vendor: predavač
- experience: zážitok
- childhood: detstvo
- jewelry: šperky
- necklace: náhrdelník
- festival: festival
- satisfied: spokojný
- important: dôležitý
- spot: miesto
- earrings: náušnice
- successful: úspešný
- memories: spomienky
- friendship: priateľstvo
- to pack up: zabalit
- to meet: stretávať
- realize: uvedomiť
- smile: úsmev
- expected: očakávalo
- nervous: nervozitu
- delighted: rád
- market: trh
- to take place: konať sa
- to awaken: prebudila
- beautiful: krásne
- to dress: obliknúť
- stand: stánek
- to sell: predávať
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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