
Market Mayhem: A Tale of Mixed-Up Baskets

20 de nov. de 2023 · 17m 51s
Market Mayhem: A Tale of Mixed-Up Baskets

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Market Mayhem: A Tale of Mixed-Up Baskets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di suatu pagi yang cerah, pasar...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Market Mayhem: A Tale of Mixed-Up Baskets
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di suatu pagi yang cerah, pasar tradisional di desa ramai dikunjungi para pembeli dan penjual.
En: On a bright morning, the traditional market in the village was bustling with buyers and sellers.

Id: Di tengah-tengah keramaian itu, Made dan Budi berjalan sambil tertawa, menikmati suasana pasar sambil mencari bahan makanan yang segar untuk dibawa pulang.
En: Amidst the crowd, Made and Budi walked and laughed, enjoying the market atmosphere while looking for fresh ingredients to bring home.

Id: Made, dengan langkah gembira, melihat-lihat sayuran hijau yang segar sementara Budi mencari buah-buahan yang manis.
En: With cheerful steps, Made looked at the fresh green vegetables, while Budi searched for sweet fruits.

Id: Kedua sahabat ini punya tugas masing-masing, Made bertanggung jawab atas sayuran dan Budi atas buah-buahannya.
En: The two friends had their own tasks, with Made in charge of the vegetables and Budi in charge of the fruits.

Id: Sambil berjalan, Made melihat beberapa keranjang cantik yang dijual di sebuah toko kecil.
En: While walking, Made noticed some beautiful baskets being sold in a small shop.

Id: Dia sangat tertarik dan tanpa pikir panjang, dia meletakkan keranjang sayurannya di samping keranjang-keranjang yang dijual untuk lebih dekat melihat keranjang yang bagus itu.
En: He was very interested and without much thought, he placed his basket of vegetables next to the baskets being sold to have a closer look at the nice basket.

Id: Beberapa menit kemudian, Budi sudah selesai memilih buah-buahan.
En: A few minutes later, Budi finished selecting the fruits.

Id: Dia mencari Made yang tadi berjanji akan menunggu di dekat toko sayur.
En: He looked for Made, who had promised to wait near the vegetable shop.

Id: Budi melihat Made di toko lain dan memanggilnya.
En: Budi saw Made at another shop and called out to him.

Id: Made yang terburu-buru kembali ke tempat keranjangnya tadi, tanpa sadar mengambil keranjang yang salah.
En: Made, in a hurry, returned to the place of his basket, unknowingly taking the wrong basket.

Id: Dengan ringan kaki, Made dan Budi melanjutkan jalan mereka, mengobrol dan tertawa sampai mereka sampai di rumah.
En: Light-footed, Made and Budi continued their walk, chatting and laughing until they reached home.

Id: Mereka pun mulai mengeluarkan belanjaan mereka dari keranjang.
En: They started taking out their purchases from the basket.

Id: Tiba-tiba Made terkejut.
En: Suddenly, Made was shocked.

Id: Keranjangnya tidak berisi sayuran segar, tetapi penuh dengan pakaian dalam!
En: His basket did not contain fresh vegetables, but was full of underwear!

Id: Muka Made merah padam,
En: Made's face turned crimson.

Id: Ini pasti bukan keranjang kita, Budi!" Katanya.
En: "This is definitely not our basket, Budi!" he said.

Id: Budi, yang juga terkejut, tidak tahu harus tertawa atau marah.
En: Budi, also surprised, didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.

Id: Bagaimana ini? Kita harus kembali ke pasar dan mencari keranjang sayuran kita," usul Budi.
En: "How is this possible? We have to go back to the market and look for our vegetable basket," suggested Budi.

Id: Mereka pun bergegas kembali ke pasar, mencari-cari penjual yang mungkin saja telah mengambil keranjang mereka.
En: They hurried back to the market, searching for sellers who might have taken their basket.

Id: Di pasar, Made dan Budi bertanya ke setiap toko, namun tidak ada yang melihat keranjang mereka.
En: At the market, Made and Budi asked at every shop, but no one had seen their basket.

Id: Akhirnya, mereka sampai di toko tempat Made tertarik dengan keranjang cantik tadi.
En: Finally, they arrived at the shop where Made had been interested in the beautiful basket.

Id: Oh, keranjang ini?" tanya penjual sambil tersenyum.
En: "Oh, this basket?" asked the seller with a smile.

Id: Tadi ada ibu yang kaget melihat keranjangnya berisi sayuran, dia pikir dia salah ambil."
En: "Earlier, a lady was surprised to see vegetables in her basket; she thought she had taken the wrong one."

Id: Kemudian, penjual itu menunjuk seorang ibu yang sedang berdiri tidak jauh dari sana, dengan keranjang sayuran di tangannya yang terlihat bingung.
En: Then, the seller pointed to a lady standing not far away, holding a basket of vegetables and looking confused.

Id: Made dan Budi mendekati ibu tersebut dan menjelaskan kekeliruan yang terjadi.
En: Made and Budi approached the lady and explained the mix-up that had occurred.

Id: Ibu itu tertawa dan dengan senang hati menukar kembali keranjang mereka.
En: The lady laughed and happily exchanged their baskets.

Id: Made dan Budi pun merasa lega dan mengucapkan terima kasih sambil tertawa kecil.
En: Made and Budi felt relieved and thanked her with a small laugh.

Id: Pelajaran yang mereka ambil hari itu: selalu perhatikan barang yang kamu bawa di pasar yang ramai.
En: The lesson they learned that day: always pay attention to the items you bring in a busy market.

Id: Maka, dengan keranjang yang sudah benar di tangan, kedua sahabat itu pulang ke rumah dengan hati ceria, siap untuk memasak makanan lezat dari sayuran dan buah-buahan yang sudah dengan susah payah mereka beli.
En: So, with the correct basket in hand, the two friends returned home with cheerful hearts, ready to cook delicious food from the vegetables and fruits they had struggled to buy.

Id: Dari kejadian itu, Made dan Budi menjadi lebih hati-hati dan cermat dalam setiap langkah yang mereka ambil di masa yang akan datang.
En: From that experience, Made and Budi became more careful and cautious in every step they took in the future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bright: cerah
  • traditional: tradisional
  • market: pasar
  • village: desa
  • bustling: ramai
  • buyers: pembeli
  • sellers: penjual
  • crowd: keramaian
  • laughed: tertawa
  • enjoying: menikmati
  • atmosphere: suasana
  • fresh: segar
  • ingredients: bahan makanan
  • cheerful: gembira
  • vegetables: sayuran
  • searched: mencari
  • fruits: buah-buahan
  • interested: tertarik
  • beautiful: cantik
  • shop: toko
  • basket: keranjang
  • selected: memilih
  • finished: selesai
  • promised: berjanji
  • wait: menunggu
  • hurry: terburu-buru
  • taking: mengambil
  • wrong: salah
  • relieved: lega
  • lesson: pelajaran
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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