Mix-Up & Mirth at Lake Bled

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Mix-Up & Mirth at Lake Bled
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mix-Up & Mirth at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mix-up-mirth-at-lake-bled/ Story Transcript: Sl: Nebesa so bila azurno modra, ko se...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Nebesa so bila azurno modra, ko se je Ana nekega jasnega poletnega dne odločila, da se bo odpravila na Blejsko jezero.
En: The sky was a clear azure blue as Ana decided to head to Lake Bled on a sunny summer day.
Sl: S seboj je vzela staro platneno torbo, ki ji je bila tako pri srcu, v njej pa je bilo zmečkano brisačo, steklenico vode in vijolične kopalke, ki jih je kupila prejšnjo sezono.
En: She took with her an old canvas bag that she cherished, which held a crumpled towel, a water bottle, and purple swimsuit she had bought the previous season.
Sl: Medtem je na drugem koncu jezera Luka, ki se je prepotil od jutranjega teka okoli jezera, prav tako razgrnil svojo brisačo in si oddahnil ob obali.
En: Meanwhile, on the other side of the lake, Luka, who had just finished his morning run around the lake, also laid out his towel and relaxed by the shore.
Sl: V torbi je imel modre plavalne hlače, ki so bile kot nalašč za osvežitev v jezerski vodi.
En: In his bag, he had blue swimming trunks, perfect for a refreshing dip in the lake.
Sl: Ana se je pogumno spustila do vode in zaplavala.
En: Ana bravely waded into the water and started swimming.
Sl: Valovi so jo nežno nosili, sonce pa ji je grelo hrbtno stran.
En: The waves gently carried her, while the sun warmed her back.
Sl: Po dolgem in sproščujočem plavanju se je vrnila na obalo in odkrila, da njena torba ni tam, kjer jo je pustila.
En: After a long and relaxing swim, she returned to the shore and discovered that her bag was not where she had left it.
Sl: Panika se ji je prikradla v misli, a nato je zagledala zmešnjavo med platnenimi vrečkami in takoj je mislila, da je našla svojo.
En: Panic crept into her mind, but then she spotted a mix-up among the canvas bags and immediately thought she had found hers.
Sl: Brez oklevanja je segla vanjo, a namesto vijoličnih kopalk je izvlekla Lukujeve modre plavalne hlače.
En: Without hesitation, she reached into the bag, only to pull out Luka's blue swimming trunks instead of her purple swimsuit.
Sl: Luka, ki se je pravkar vrnil iz vode, je obstal v nedoumenju, saj je v Aninih rokah zagledal svoje hlače.
En: Luka, who had just come out of the water, stood in bewilderment as he saw his trunks in Ana's hands.
Sl: V tistem trenutku je obema postalo jasno, da je prišlo do zabavne pomote.
En: At that moment, it became clear to both of them that a funny mistake had occurred.
Sl: "Oprosti, mislila sem, da je to moja torba," je rekla Ana z rahlim nasmeškom, ko je vrnila Lukujeve hlače.
En: "Sorry, I thought that was my bag," Ana said with a slight smile as she returned Luka's trunks.
Sl: Luka se je nasmejal in odgovoril, "Ni problema, lahko se zgodi.
En: Luka laughed and replied, "No problem, it happens.
Sl: Morda morava naslednjič izbrati bolj opazne torbe.
En: Maybe we should choose more distinct bags next time."
Sl: "Da bi popravila napako, je Ana Luki ponudila pijačo na bližnjem kiosku, kjer sta se v senci dreves nasmejala njuni zmešnjavi.
En: To make up for the mix-up, Ana offered Luka a drink at a nearby kiosk, where they laughed at their confusion in the shade of the trees.
Sl: S tem se je med njima spletla prijateljska vez in prav zaradi nezgode sta ob Blejskem jezeru našla nekoga, ki ga lahko imenujeta prijatelj.
En: A friendly bond formed between them, and it was because of this mishap at Lake Bled that they found someone they could now call a friend.
Sl: Zgodba se je končala z izmenjavo telefonskih številk in obljubo, da se naslednjikrat na jezeru zagotovo ne bosta zgrešila.
En: The story ended with an exchange of phone numbers and a promise that they definitely wouldn't miss each other at the lake next time.
Vocabulary Words:
- azure: azurno modra
- canvas: platneno
- cherished: pri srcu
- crumpled: zmečkano
- bewilderment: nedoumenje
- distinct: opazne
- mishap: nezgoda
- exchange: izmenjava
- promised: obljubo
- refreshing: osvežitev
- waded: spustila
- valleys: dolgem
- wavescarried: valovi
- not miss: zgrešila
- mysterious: skrivnostna
- dip: osvežitev
- panicked: prestrašila
- can call: imenujeta
- panicky: paniko
- confusion: zmešnjavo
- clumsily: nerodno
- bond: veče
- decided: odločila
- apologize: opravičila
- laughter: smeh
- reachable: dostopno
- mix-up: zmešnjava
- return: vrnila
- moments: trenutki
Autor | FluentFiction.org |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Página web | www.fluentfiction.org |
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