Navigating Barcelona's Narrow Streets: A Thrilling Adventure of Segways and Skates

17 de dic. de 2023 · 14m 25s
Navigating Barcelona's Narrow Streets: A Thrilling Adventure of Segways and Skates

01 · Main Story

10m 38s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 44s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Navigating Barcelona's Narrow Streets: A Thrilling Adventure of Segways and Skates Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Sota el...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Navigating Barcelona's Narrow Streets: A Thrilling Adventure of Segways and Skates
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Sota el cel daurat de Barcelona, Jordi sentia l'adrenalina en cada part del seu cos.
En: Under the golden sky of Barcelona, Jordi felt the adrenaline rushing through his body.

Ca: Estava dret sobre el seu segway flambant nou, l'arròs del dinar encara a la panxa, i la Plaça de Sant Jaume just al davant.
En: He stood on his brand new Segway, still full from lunch, with Plaça de Sant Jaume right in front of him.

Ca: Podia escoltar el zumzeig constant de les converses a la terrassa del restaurant del costat i els nens jugant a la distància.
En: He could hear the constant buzz of conversations on the terrace of the restaurant next to him and children playing in the distance.

Ca: Però totes aquelles eren distractions.
En: But all of those were distractions.

Ca: La seva única missió en aquell moment era navegar pels carrers estrets de la ciutat, una aventura que l'havia cridat desde feia molt temps.
En: His only mission in that moment was to navigate the narrow streets of the city, an adventure that had been calling to him for a long time.

Ca: Al costat seu, Marta tenia una expressió seriament pensativa al rostre.
En: Beside him, Marta had a seriously thoughtful expression on her face.

Ca: Amb patins als peus, observava el seu company amb una mica de preocupació.
En: With roller skates on her feet, she watched her companion with a bit of worry.

Ca: Però també sabia que Jordi estava decidit.
En: But she also knew that Jordi was determined.

Ca: Així que, amb un sospir compartit, es van posar en marxa.
En: So, with a shared sigh, they set off.

Ca: Jordi era com una fletxa disparada mentre corria pels carrers estrets.
En: Jordi was like a shot arrow as he raced through the narrow streets.

Ca: Cada gir i cada curva es convertien en un repte.
En: Every turn and curve became a challenge.

Ca: Havia aconseguit esquivar un parell de gats escandolosos, desviar-se de les obres d'un carrer, i sobretot, no atropellar a cap vianant.
En: He managed to avoid a couple of noisy cats, swerve around roadworks, and most importantly, not run over any pedestrians.

Ca: Però el més difícil era Marta, que s'estava quedant enrere a causa dels seus patins que no podien anar tan ràpid com el segway de Jordi.
En: But the hardest part was Marta, who was falling behind because her skates couldn't go as fast as Jordi's Segway.

Ca: "¡Espere'm, Jordi!
En: "Wait for me, Jordi!"

Ca: " Podia sentir les seves crides, però no podia deixar de somriure.
En: He could hear her calls, but he couldn't stop smiling.

Ca: La llibertat de navegar pels carrers era massa embriagadora.
En: The freedom of navigating the streets was too intoxicating.

Ca: No va ser fins que Marta va caure que la realitat va fer acte de presència.
En: It wasn't until Marta fell that reality set in.

Ca: Jordi es va girar just a temps per veure-la caure al terra.
En: Jordi turned just in time to see her hit the ground.

Ca: El seu cor es va aturar.
En: His heart stopped.

Ca: De sobte, Barcelona ja no era una ciutat d'aventura, sinó una jungla perillosa.
En: Suddenly, Barcelona wasn't an adventure city anymore, but a dangerous jungle.

Ca: Amb nerviosisme, Jordi va acudir al costat de Marta, ajudant-la a aixecar-se.
En: Anxiously, Jordi rushed to Marta's side, helping her up.

Ca: Ella estava una mica sacsejada, però amb un somriure valent, va aixecar el dit gros i va declarar: "Estic bé.
En: She was a bit shaken, but with a brave smile, she lifted her thumb and declared, "I'm okay."

Ca: "Aquell dia, Jordi va aprendre que les aventures no són res sense algú amb qui compartir-les, especialment quan aquesta persona està intentant seguir el teu ritme en patins.
En: That day, Jordi learned that adventures are nothing without someone to share them with, especially when that person is trying to keep up with your pace on skates.

Ca: Aquesta simple sortida va consolidar la seva amistat de forma inesperada, deixant una petjada imborrable en les seves vides connectades per carrers estrets i el so del segway i els patins fent eco a la ciutat de Barcelona.
En: This simple outing unexpectedly solidified their friendship, leaving an indelible mark on their lives connected by narrow streets and the sound of the Segway and skates echoing through the city of Barcelona.

Ca: Així que, al final, amb Marta dreta sobre els seus patins escarransits i Jordi sobre el seu segway densament rallat, van tornar cap a casa, riures més forts, el cel daurat donant pas a la nit estrellada.
En: So, in the end, with Marta standing on her worn-out skates and Jordi on his heavily scratched Segway, they headed back home, laughter louder, the golden sky giving way to a starry night.

Ca: I per a ells, Barcelona semblava més brillant que mai.
En: And for them, Barcelona seemed brighter than ever.

Vocabulary Words:
  • English: Catalan
  • Under: Sota
  • golden: daurat
  • sky: cel
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • felt: sentia
  • adrenaline: adrenalina
  • rushing: corrent
  • through: a través de
  • his: seu
  • body: cos
  • stood: estava dret
  • brand new: flambant nou
  • Segway: segway
  • still: encara
  • full: ple
  • from: de
  • lunch: dinar
  • Plaça de Sant Jaume: Plaça de Sant Jaume
  • right: just
  • in front of: al davant de
  • him: d'ell
  • could hear: podia escoltar
  • constant: constant
  • buzz: zumzeig
  • of: de
  • conversations: converses
  • on: a la
  • terrace: terrassa
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