
Pigeon Pratfall: A Morning of Mirth

16 de ene. de 2024 · 14m 12s
Pigeon Pratfall: A Morning of Mirth

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 48s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Pigeon Pratfall: A Morning of Mirth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivan je hodao prema...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Pigeon Pratfall: A Morning of Mirth
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivan je hodao prema omiljenom kafiću u samom srcu Zagreba.
En: On a sunny morning, Ivan walked toward his favorite café in the heart of Zagreb.

Hr: Svi su voljeli taj kafić jer je imao najbolju kavu u gradu.
En: Everyone loved this café because it had the best coffee in the city.

Hr: Ivan je uvijek dolazio tamo s dvoje svojih prijatelja, Anom i Markom.
En: Ivan always went there with two of his friends, Ana and Marko.

Hr: Zrak je bio svjež, a trg je već bio pun ljudi koji su užurbano kretali prema svojim obavezama.
En: The air was fresh, and the square was already crowded with people hurrying off to their duties.

Hr: Ivan je žurio jer je zakasnio na dogovor s prijateljima.
En: Ivan was in a hurry because he was running late to meet his friends.

Hr: Držao je mobitel u jednoj ruci i tipkao poruku Ani da će doći za pet minuta.
En: He held his phone in one hand, typing a message to Ana that he would be there in five minutes.

Hr: Kada je stigao do kafića, ugledao je Anu i Marka kako sjede za stolom vani na terasi i uživaju u prvom gutljaju kave.
En: When he arrived at the café, he spotted Ana and Marko sitting at a table outside on the terrace, enjoying their first sips of coffee.

Hr: Usmjeren prema njima, nije primijetio goluba koji se brzo kretao po tlu tražeći mrvice.
En: Focused on them, he didn't notice a pigeon quickly moving on the ground searching for crumbs.

Hr: Ivan je krenuo prema stolu, a onda je nastao kaos.
En: Ivan headed toward the table, and then chaos ensued.

Hr: Spotaknuo se o goluba i njegova svježe kupljena kava formirala je lokvu oko njega dok je padala zajedno s Ivanom.
En: He tripped over the pigeon, and his freshly-bought coffee formed a puddle around him as he fell.

Hr: Ana i Marko nisu mogli sakriti svoju reakciju i prasnuli su u glasan smijeh.
En: Ana and Marko couldn't hide their reaction and burst into loud laughter.

Hr: "Oprosti, Ivan, nije smiješno... Ali jest!" rekla je Ana kroz smijeh.
En: "Sorry, Ivan, it's not funny... but it is!" Ana said through laughter.

Hr: Marko se pridružio, iako je pokušavao biti ozbiljan. "Baš si kao u crtiću!"
En: Marko joined in, trying to be serious. "You're just like in a cartoon!"

Hr: Ivan se brzo podigao osjećajući toplinu prolivene kave na svojoj košulji.
En: Ivan quickly got up, feeling the warmth of spilled coffee on his shirt.

Hr: Bio je zbunjen, ali nije mogao ostati ljut kada je vidio koliko se Ana i Marko smiju.
En: He was bewildered, but he couldn't stay mad when he saw how much Ana and Marko were laughing.

Hr: Njegovo raspoloženje se promijenilo i on je počeo smijati se svojoj nespretnosti.
En: His mood shifted, and he began to laugh at his clumsiness.

Hr: Osoblje kafića odmah je došlo s krpama i ponudili su novu kavu, ne naplativši mu ovu prvotnu.
En: The café staff immediately came with cloths and offered him a new coffee, not charging him for the first one.

Hr: Ivan je uzvratio zahvalnim smiješkom i sjeo za stol s prijateljima. Poslije se dan pretvorio u ono što će uvijek pamtiti kao nezaboravno jutro puno smijeha.
En: Ivan returned a grateful smile and sat at the table with his friends. The day turned into a morning full of laughter that he would always remember.

Hr: Dok su sati prolazili, njih troje su razgovarali, šalili se i raspravljali o svojim planovima i snovima.
En: As the hours passed, the three of them talked, joked, and discussed their plans and dreams.

Hr: Prijateljstvo koje su dijelili bilo je puno topline, kao i sunce koje ih je grijalo na lijepom zagrebačkom trgu.
En: The friendship they shared was full of warmth, just like the sun that warmed them in the beautiful Zagreb square.

Hr: Na kraju, Ivan je shvatio da su upravo takvi trenuci puni smijeha i bliskosti prava vrijednost života.
En: In the end, Ivan realized that moments like these, full of laughter and closeness, were the true value of life.

Hr: Iako ga je golub teško skratio u koračanju, ovo jutro Ivan je pronašao nešto puno važnije - radost u malim, neplaniranim trenucima života.
En: Although the pigeon had set him back in his steps, this morning Ivan found something much more important -- joy in the small, unplanned moments of life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: jutro
  • café: kafić
  • heart: srce
  • city: grad
  • friends: prijatelji
  • air: zrak
  • square: trg
  • hurry: žuriti
  • duties: obaveze
  • late: zakasniti
  • message: poruka
  • table: stol
  • enjoy: uživati
  • sips: gutljaji
  • focused: usmjeren
  • pigeon: golub
  • quickly: brzo
  • moving: kretanje
  • crumbs: mrvice
  • chaos: kaos
  • tripped: spotaknuo se
  • fall: pasti
  • laughter: smijeh
  • clumsiness: nespretnost
  • staff: osoblje
  • cloths: krpe
  • immediately: odmah
  • charged: naplatiti
  • grateful: zahvalan
  • laughter: smijeh
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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