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As October begins, and we contemplate ministry this fall/winter, we are still faced with the difficulties of living during this pandemic in a very devasive political climate. For many church...
mostra másWhile being out talking with youth leaders, many are struggling with similar roadblocks. Here are just a few:
It is difficult to know who is even a part of the youth group.
Volunteers are gone or those around do not want to give of their time anymore
Feeling weary and tired. Being creative and finding new ways to reach teens is exhausting
There has not been a break in 18 months
Do we meet face to face? Outside or inside? Wear masks or not? Social distance at youth group?
What does the future look like for youth ministry?
We address these questions and give some thoughtful advice in this podcast.
Autor | Kaye Wolfinger |
Organización | Kaye Wolfinger |
Página web | - |
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