
Savannah Serendipity: A Day at the Market That Changed Lives

7 de jul. de 2024 · 17m 48s
Savannah Serendipity: A Day at the Market That Changed Lives

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Savannah Serendipity: A Day at the Market That Changed Lives Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Marek, Katarína a...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Savannah Serendipity: A Day at the Market That Changed Lives
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Marek, Katarína a Lucie sa stretli v historickej štvrti Savannah.
En: Marek, Katarína, and Lucie met in the historic district of Savannah.

Sk: Bola teplá letná sobota.
En: It was a warm summer Saturday.

Sk: Vzduch bol plný vône čerstvej zeleniny a miestneho jedla.
En: The air was filled with the scent of fresh vegetables and local cuisine.

Sk: Všetci traja mali svoje ciele, ktoré chceli splniť na miestnom poľnohospodárskom trhu.
En: All three had their goals they wanted to achieve at the local farmer's market.

Sk: Marek bol umelec.
En: Marek was an artist.

Sk: Hľadal inšpiráciu.
En: He was looking for inspiration.

Sk: Prechádzal sa medzi stánkami a hľadal niečo, čo by v ňom prebudilo jeho kreatívnu energiu.
En: He walked among the stalls, searching for something that would spark his creative energy.

Sk: Katarína bola zaneprázdnená obchodná žena.
En: Katarína was a busy businesswoman.

Sk: Potrebovala kúpiť čerstvé potraviny na večierok, ktorý organizovala v ten večer.
En: She needed to buy fresh groceries for a party she was hosting that evening.

Sk: Jej telefón neustále zvonil a ona bola pod tlakom.
En: Her phone constantly rang, and she was under pressure.

Sk: Lucie bola turistka z inej krajiny.
En: Lucie was a tourist from another country.

Sk: Chcela spoznať miestnu kultúru a nájsť dokonalý suvenír.
En: She wanted to experience the local culture and find the perfect souvenir.

Sk: "Sníva sa mi alebo je tu naozaj tak veľa ľudí?
En: "Am I dreaming, or are there really so many people here?"

Sk: " povedal Marek, keď sa predieral davom.
En: said Marek as he made his way through the crowd.

Sk: Nenašiel nič, čo by ho inšpirovalo.
En: He hadn't found anything inspiring yet.

Sk: Katarína stála pri stánku s ovocím a zeleninou, so svojím mobilným telefónom v ruke.
En: Katarína stood at a fruit and vegetable stall, her mobile phone in hand.

Sk: Hovorila so svojím kolegom a snažila sa dokončiť nákup.
En: She was talking to a colleague, trying to finish her shopping.

Sk: "Nemôžem teraz hovoriť, potrebujem nakúpiť," povedala a položila telefón.
En: "I can't talk now, I need to shop," she said and hung up the phone.

Sk: Lucie stála trochu bokom a obzerala si stánky.
En: Lucie stood a bit off to the side, looking at the stalls.

Sk: Bolo pre ňu ťažké komunikovať kvôli jazykovej bariére.
En: It was hard for her to communicate because of the language barrier.

Sk: Snažila sa nájsť niečo, čo by bolo jedinečné a reprezentovalo miestnu kultúru.
En: She was trying to find something unique that represented the local culture.

Sk: Všimla si stánok s ručne vyrábanými šperkami.
En: She noticed a stall with handmade jewelry.

Sk: Rozhodla sa, že to musí skúsiť.
En: She decided she had to give it a try.

Sk: Marek sa rozhodol vydať sa do menej preplnenej časti trhu.
En: Marek decided to head to a less crowded part of the market.

Sk: Podišiel k stánku, kde stála staršia žena s jemným úsmevom.
En: He approached a stall manned by an older woman with a gentle smile.

Sk: Na jej stánku boli nádherné ručne vyrábané predmety.
En: Her stall had beautiful handmade items.

Sk: Marek cítil, že našiel, čo hľadal.
En: Marek felt he had found what he was looking for.

Sk: "Toto je presne to, čo potrebujem," povedal si potichu.
En: "This is exactly what I need," he said quietly to himself.

Sk: Katarína, napriek svojmu stresu, nakoniec našla všetky potrebné ingrediencie.
En: Despite her stress, Katarína finally found all the necessary ingredients.

Sk: V posledných minútach pred zatvorením trhu si konečne mohla vydýchnuť.
En: In the last moments before the market closed, she could finally take a deep breath.

Sk: "Dokázala som to," povedala s úsmevom na tvári.
En: "I did it," she said with a smile on her face.

Sk: Lucie sa usmiala na predavačku šperkov.
En: Lucie smiled at the jewelry vendor.

Sk: "Chcela by som kúpiť toto," povedala a ukázala na krásny náramok.
En: "I would like to buy this," she said, pointing to a beautiful bracelet.

Sk: Predavačka rozumela a s úsmevom jej náramok predala.
En: The vendor understood and sold her the bracelet with a smile.

Sk: Lucie bola šťastná, že sa jej podarilo niečo kúpiť aj napriek jazykovej bariére.
En: Lucie was happy that she had managed to buy something despite the language barrier.

Sk: Marek sa vrátil do svojho ateliéru s novými nápadmi.
En: Marek returned to his studio with new ideas.

Sk: Cítil sa plný kreatívnej energie.
En: He felt full of creative energy.

Sk: Katarína usporiadala skvelý večierok a uvedomila si, že môže efektívne balansovať medzi prácou a osobným životom.
En: Katarína hosted a great party and realized she could effectively balance work and personal life.

Sk: Lucie odišla z trhu s úžasným suvenírom a novým sebavedomím pri navigácii v cudzej kultúre.
En: Lucie left the market with a wonderful souvenir and newfound confidence in navigating a foreign culture.

Sk: Historická štvrť Savannah sa postupne vyprázdnila.
En: The historic district of Savannah gradually emptied.

Sk: Tri rôzne osudy sa stretli na jednom mieste.
En: Three different fates intersected at one place.

Sk: Každý z nich našiel to, čo hľadal, a niečo viac.
En: Each of them found what they were looking for and something more.

Sk: Marek našiel inšpiráciu, Katarína našla rovnováhu a Lucie našla odvahu.
En: Marek found inspiration, Katarína found balance, and Lucie found courage.

Sk: Leto pokračovalo a histórie sa znova písali na rušných uliciach Savannah.
En: Summer continued, and stories were being rewritten on the bustling streets of Savannah.

Vocabulary Words:
  • historic: historickej
  • district: štvrti
  • scent: vône
  • vegetables: zeleniny
  • cuisine: jedla
  • goals: ciele
  • achieve: splniť
  • farmer's market: poľnohospodárskom trhu
  • artist: umelec
  • inspiration: inšpiráciu
  • creative energy: kreatívnu energiu
  • businesswoman: obchodná žena
  • groceries: potraviny
  • constantly: neustále
  • pressure: tlakom
  • tourist: turistka
  • experience: spoznať
  • souvenir: suvenír
  • dreaming: sníva
  • crowd: davom
  • colleague: kolegom
  • barrier: bariére
  • unique: jedinečné
  • handmade jewelry: ručne vyrábanými šperkami
  • approached: podišiel
  • gentle: jemným
  • smile: úsmevom
  • ingredients: ingrediencie
  • bracelet: náramok
  • newfound: novým
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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