Season 3 Episode 97 Monkey Island in SC and Shrimp Baiting 101

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Season 3 Episode 97 Monkey Island in SC and Shrimp Baiting 101
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Fall is in the air.......this is definitely true here in South Carolina as shrimp baiting season has begun on September 13th. This is a tradition that most watermen live for...
mostra másas well as Capt Chris Regan of Carolina Hook and Fly Outfitters. These two were recently fishing an event on The Southern Redfish Cup down in the Beaurfort, S.C. area, They were both unaware of Morgan(Monkey) Island that is located in the barrier islands along the coastal region of Beaufort. This island has a colony of free-ranging Rhesus monkeys that were placed there in the 70's and now contain over 4000 in the colony. There are many that are not aware of this island and it's inhabitants, just as Capt. Chris and Capt. Jason. You can imagine the surprise and the stories that this produces when they start shaking trees and running to the beach to say hello or to warn you. We hope you enjoy the show and please be sure to like, share and subscribe to our show. We appreciate every download and hope everyone is out chasing fins. fur, or feathers!
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